Arrakis Family

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House Arakiss

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House of Arakiss.jpg
Family Crest
Home Region
Home World

The House Arakiss comes from the glorius city of Calis. City located in the south-western shores of Atamara, second oldest continent, is a part of the Cagilan Empire. It's a family of the warriors line whose blood is hot and swords sharp, and their honor never allows them to break the bonds of humanity.

The House and its nobility dates from the days that scholars don't remember and the time that wasn't sung by the bards. In those ancient times on a continent forgotten by both men and the beasts, a man rose from the peasants and declared himself a king. He was a barbarian known by the name of Monachus Arakiss, and from him originates the renowned family today.

It is not known how the family made their way to the world known islands, and the history of only one of the heiress can be traced in the white world, while the faith of the others is unknown. The only heir of the Arakiss legacy found himself on the sandy shores of a huge continent. As he later found out, this continent was known as Atamara. And so it came known to the world of men that the noble Arakiss family exists, and from Svarog Arakiss begins the noble line of the new age and a new rise of the proud nobility.

Svarog had four sons: Asterion - the oldest and the most restless one, Reginauld - the first to held his family banner in a public world, Boreal - the just, and Saguar - the youngest one. History also remembers Mythos Arakiss, the non-legitimate son who sailed as far away as possible from Atamara, and Orinn and Fiur Arakiss, who are Reginauld's nephews. Every member of the family has so far chosen the way of the warrior, and finds himself more happy on the battlefield than anywhere else.

Boreal Arrakis was the most renowned member of the family who was also the first to aspire to the rank of royalty among all the other family members. He was a man that reminded of Monachus like no other, and as such his descendants carried the same just and grandeur characteristics. Only one of his heirs is familiar nowadays although some claim that he had more than one child. His heir was Lord Dagobert, although the unconfirmed rumors say that on the night when Boreals wife Fiona gave birth to Dagobert the twins were born and not just one child. It was unknown if that was true or where the other heir is, if it existed.

Active Family Members

Asterion - Duke of Grehk, Riombara, Beluaterra.
Mythos - Pontifex Maximus of Ibladesh, Ibladesh, East Continent.
Dagobert - Knight of Barad Lacirith, Eston, Atamara.
Alexanderos - knight of Rettleville, Ordenstaat on Dwilight.

Deceased and Vanished

Reginauld - former Viscount of Rauxod in Cagilan Empire on Atamara.
Saguar - former Count of Ffangor in Old Grehk on Beluaterra.
Orinn - former knight of Lyton in Minas Ithil on Atamara.
Boreal - former King of Niselur, former Duke of Darfix, Niselur, Dwilight.
Fiur - former knight of Menedor, Falasan, Atamara.

Family Fame


FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 0th Day
Mythos: Ibladesh
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 10th Day
Boreal: Niselur
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 100th Day
Boreal: Niselur
FB General.png
Mythos: Ibladesh
FB Duke.png
Boreal: Darfix
FB Lord.png
Asterion: Lastfell
Sum: 10 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000
Sum: 6 points

FB Army Sponsor.png
Army Sponsor
Boreal: Paladins of the Silver Temple
FB Investment.png
Family Investment
Mythos: Tota
Sum: 2 points

FB Placeholder.png
Sum: 0 points

FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
Sum: At least 1 point

FB Unknown.png
1 pt, 2008-10-26
FB Unknown.png
1 pt, 2009-08-29
FB Unknown.png
1 pt, 2009-08-29
Sum: At most 3 points

Total: 22 points

  • Received 2 fame points on the same day. Really don't know for what so they are under the "Unknown".