The Face of Fronen/Edition:7
Price: Free, though donations are accepted ----- Printed In Fronepu, Mhed, and Vur Hagin ----- Editor: Alexius DeSyrr and Cloud Soulja----- June '07 |
Daimon Resistance
This morning, Fronen's armies successfully routed a force of the Netherworld's army. A detachment of cavalry-like daimons, led by Dreadlord Ethereal traveled eastward through Fronen's mountains in Qual only to face opposition in Tepmona. A force of about 4600 CS faced a large Fronenian contingent estimated at 13000 CS. interestingly, even though a Fronenian leader had a unique item it still was not enough to raise morale completely.
Facing so many Daimons with just one unique item, the defenders suffer a small morale penalty.
Despite this, led by Duke Tiridius of Fronepu and Coutness Minerva of Trottie Fronenian forces were victorious. Like our first battle with the monsters, let this be a signal, that the Republic of Fronen does not allow beastly things to enter without permission.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 29, 1007
Undead Alliance
By a vote of 18-12, the Republic of Fronen has agreed to an alliance with its age-old enemy the undead and their leader the Necromancer. There were no abstentions and 10 votes were not cast.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 29, 1007
Daimon Invasion
Yesterday the Republic of Fronen had it's first encounter with the Daimons. A Regiment of Daimons led by the Dreadlord Ethereal crossed the border into the Fronenian mountain region of Qual. This is in sharp contrast to another daimon group seen further south that has the characteristics of mixed infantry. Fronenian troops rallied in Lloringel to face this mob, only to find that they were not heading south, but east to Tepmona. This has led many troop leaders to believe Ethereal's Demonic regiment plans to try to sack Mhed. This is of course, pure speculation.
Studies of a skirmish between Old Grehkian troops and this Horde shows that these particular demons have characteristics similar to that of human cavalry. Studies also show that when human troops face a Daimonic Dreadlord wearing a unique item they are struck with fear and morale degrades. We believe that should a human troop-leader wear a unique item the human forces will regain their courage, and not suffer the morale penalty. Hopefully, this knowledge will help Fronenian troops deal with the Daimonic enemy.
In other news, Fronen has made peace with the Necromancer's Servants, otherwise known as the undead in order to better protect itself from the Daimons, perceived to be a greater threat. Furthermore, Undead leader Hannibal has had extensive communications with Fronenian Prime Minister Grego recently.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 28, 1007
Daimons: The Netherworld Unleashed
As if the human nations of Beluaterra didn't have enough to worry about with monster hordes and undead legions, we now have to contend with a force known only as the netherworld. Two leaders, Invisible and Unspeakable (odd names, non?) have been seen in Haffemet, andIknopata respectively leading armies of daimons. Details are still sketchy. At this moment we don't definitively know why this new non-human faction is here, whether they want the same items as the other factions, or if they have any political differences with the other two factions.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 25, 1007
War in the South
After a tepid, short-lived peace int he wartorn Southern Peninsula, war again was sparked. This time, the the tiny city-state, Caras Galadhon, sent it's small army out of Eylmon to attack the Kingdom of Alluran. Luz de Bia joined CG shortly after. Riombara, a member of the ECA restarted its own wars to protect its ally. Now, in addition to the ever present threat of monsters and undead, the nations of the South now must face eachother.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 18, 1007
Early this morning startling political changes were made in Fronen. Our Prime Minister, who recently completely destroyed the body of Monster lord Kri'fahj is now looking for peaceful relations with the monsters. As of now, two monster lords are moving through Fronen. We've just begun meeting with Hulgord in the mountains of Qual, and we've been continually fighting Curled Mane in multiple Fronenian regions outside the capital. In the aftermath of another conflict between Curled Mane and Republican forces, Prime Minister Grego apologized for the mutilation of Kri'fahj's corpse saying
"I am very sorry for decapitating the head of your friend in Jyl. I hope your leader received it untouched. We simply do not let anyone, human or monster, pass without an invitation."
Shortly after, Curled Mane offered Fronen peace, stating
"It can be arranged that we have peaceful relations, so there would not be any unfortunate incidents if our people meet again."
The Prime Minister's initial reactions to this seem favorable although the peace has yet to be finalized. These are significant changes in Fronenian-Monster relations.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 13, 1007
Strained Relations, and more victory
Today Fronen-Avalon relations have been less than perfect. As most of our readers know, Fronen and Avalon were once enemies, then close allies and now are separating again, after hearing the Avalonians plan to work with the undead. After Enweil refused to leave Avalonian lands for the duration of the monster invasion, Avalon chose to enlist the help of zombies and skeletons to help defeat Enweil. While the Enweileans were successful routed at the Avalonian fortress of Zod, the bargain Avalon made has been looked down upon by the international community. Fronen's Prime Minister Grego has already declared that should Avalon continue their alliance with the Necromancer, and should the undead attack Fronen, then the Republic will assume Avalon has turned against us and our most amiable alliance shall be dissolved.
Whether that happens remains to be seen as Fronen has fought only monsters so far. On that note. Fronenian troops successfully defended Jyl yet again from monster assault. Last time, Grego and the Fronenian army mutilated Kri'fahk and his beast. Now, Curled Mane and another warband has come to take Kri'fahj's place. Although Fronen has defeated this new army in battle, it was not as decisive as the Kri'fahj battle was. The leader Curled Mane still lives relatively unharmed.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 11, 1007
Message to the Monsters
In the recent days, Fronen's House of War learned that monsters, originating in Thalmarkin has planned to head southwards through Old Grehk and into Fronen. In response, Fronenian troops gathered in Jyl. The region is protected by a river, crossable only at a single bridged point. The region is also defended by a motte and bailey. The Fronenian troops has significant wooden defenses for protection as well as heavy armor. At noon today, the monster horde crossed the bridge.
The archers and crossbowmen were given orders to fire at will, which they did. When the horde gathered at the gate, they were immediately met with all forms of weaponry and a firm defensive wall. The beasts were unable to break through Fronen's defenses. In the course of the battle, Kri'fahj, leader of the creatures was killed. We were unable to identify exactly what unit killed him as there were multiple arrow and sword wounds.
More interesting though is what happened after the battle. Grego, Prime Minister of the Republic of Fronen proceeded to mutilate the corpse. The head was removed, the bones separated and/or broken, and the flesh diced. He then dump the wreck remains into a sack, paid a messenger a hefty sum and ordered him to deliver the sack to the next monster lord he found. This sends the monsters a clear message, that they will find neither relics, nor friends, nor refuge in Fronen.
As a result of these events, morale is high among the nobility. Grego has been quoted as calling the battle "A great Victory for a Great nation." Cries of "Hail Fronen!" fill the air.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 8, 1007
Rebellion in Avalon
Dead Angel has started a rebellion in Avalon. At the time of an undead invasion, is this really the best time to be fighting and trying to install a new government?
- EDIT* It's the same government, its just that Galvin has gone mad and has tried to exile various noble or something like that. *ENDEDIT*
Written by Cloud Soulja on June 8, 1007
Irombro sacked
Today, the city of Irombro was sacked. Irombro, Headquaters of the Riombaran secessionists has been facing steady defeats to the Republic of Riombara. The de facto state is reduced only to the city of Irombro and the exclave, Cagamir. Now the secessionists are faced with a new threat, one that all of Beluaterra faces. Dominus, a servant of a being known only as the Necromancer, came in with 300 of the living dead storming through the city's palisade and its 425 guards. Torerro led the guardsmen in a valiant but fruitless attempt to fight the beasts. Regrettably for him, all 425 soldiers died, were wounded, or ran away from the fearsome creatures. Officially the fight was reported as indecisive, but in reality, this is a clear victory for the Necromancer.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 7, 1007
Monsters, and Zombies
The invasion begins: See the following informative documents on the subject.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 7, 1007
Political changes in Fronen
The Republic of Fronen has seen significant governmental changes in the past months. In the past election, all four council members have been replaced. First, Grego, the former Minister of Defense was elected Prime Minister with widespread support. Grego beat out his strongest competitor, the incumbent Prime Minister adras who did not campaign 56%-18% , but was electable. Shortly after his election, Grego appointed Trumpet, Count of Ieara as his successor for Defense Minister.
For Grand Justiciar, Fronen saw an incredibly close election. The author of this article chose not to run for a 6th month-long term for personal reasons, and supported Cloud, Baron of Cori for Grand Justiciar. Opponents supported Tiridius, Marshal of Fronen's Lightning. Evntually this election was won by a single vote. Cloud won 34% to 33%, gaining a small plurality of votes.
Finally, Apothes left the realm after an incredibly controversial decision. The realm was split in confidence for him. Perrin Goldeneyes won out and became Apothes' successor with about 45% of the vote. However, throughout his term many mistakes have been made including (but not limited to) mismanaged money, and food not getting to hungry peasants. As a result, a referendum on his support is being voted on.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on June 7, 1007