Vur Hagin

From BattleMaster Wiki

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Region Details
Continent Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "continent" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Region Type Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set."Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set." is not in the list (City, Townsland, Stronghold, Rural, Mountains, Woodland, Badlands) of allowed values for the "Is regiontype" property.
Geographic Area Error: no local variable "area" has been set.
Population Error: no local variable "population" has been set."Error: no local variable "population" has been set." is not a number.
Economy Error: no local variable "economy" has been set.
Realm Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.Property "Part of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "realm" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

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Neofronen-icon.pngThe city of Vur HaginNeofronen-icon.png

Formally known as the city of breeze, as every morning, the populous of the city would feel a cool wind gently caressing thy skin because of its location. Situated and built eastern to the wonderful lake Beluas. The source that made it possible for the expansion and survival of the peasantry and nobles alike.

After the Fall of Fronen during the Third Invasion of Beluaterra, this one by the Daimons, Vur Hagin was claimed by the Daimon Realm Netherworld. Vur Hagin has been reclaimed for humankind by the realm of Avalon. It's first Duchess, by popular vote, was Lady Gwenn Vando, then Baroness of Norjke.

Dukes/Duchess (since the time of the third invasion)

First Duchess Gwenn Vando

Second Duke Cyrus Hyrhion

Third Duke Glenn Hyrhion


At first, Vur Hagin was nothing but a small village. Chaos and violence reigned as many barbaric tribes rampaged, looted and terrorised the innocent villagers. Until a valorous noble by the name of Vurtuos Haginaut rallied and trained the coward peasants into brave soldiers. He started building small fortifications on the village and it eventually turned into a Townsland. After many moons, he vanquished the savages and brought peace and prosperity to the village. Thus, the name of the village is now called Vur Hagin. Sadly, little is known of this man and from where he came from, but his deeds has and will forever be carved in its peoples heart. As time flew by, it slowly and steadily grew bigger and turned into a City as trade were more common by the construction of caravans and naval ships, among those naval ships are the Blue Gem that was built to explore the lake and later on to trade, but now it remains in the port waiting for the occasion to crown the Doge. Many goods from surrounding villages, townsland and cities would come and trade in Vur Hagin. Making it the central point for traders and man that has a sweet tooth for trying to negotiate good deals. Thus making the city prosper.

The duchy of Vur Hagin

The duchy of the capital of Fronen consists of all of its surrounding regions. The Ale producing Qrelgian, the hard working Xhahgusian, the lively Marpiian and the fisherman Jylian. Which mean, Qrelg, Xhahgus, Marpii and Jyl.

Main Dish

The typical meal that the Fronenites from Vur Hagin eat are the fish. Its local call it “the red coast”, for they all flunk in groups all around near the coast. By which it gives a wine like color to the surface of the water. Luckily, these fish are only found close to the city of Vur Hagin, making it a source of food and trade for other realms.


The Merchant Quarter is located to the North close to the port. Saving the trouble for those arriving from naval ships to settle their stands quickly and not too far. This is where the marketplace, trader supplies, taverns and with many stands that the merchant establish each early morning are. The Military Quarter is located to the West. That is where the recruitment centers, cart builders, blacksmiths and all that concerns military needs are situated. The Central Square is located in the Central as the name mentions. There, it is where the house of high nobles and lesser nobles are. Also, this is where the castle of the Duke is located. A little to the south of it, are just recently sculpt statues of the four heroes that died defending Fronen before its untimely demise. They are sir Weland O'Neil, sir Perrin Goldeneyes, sir Cloud Soulja and lady Gracehana Stien. Close to the Dukes castle, to its east is located a Great Temple of the National Religion. The Eastern and Southern Quarter are where all the houses of the rich bourgeois reside All of the Quarters are reunited by the Main Road. Outside are the houses of all the peasants that still live by farming the land. Providing a little food to the many mouths to feed in the city.