Melhed/Agyrian Acedemy/Terriad/Age of Shadow/Timeline
< Melhed
Age of Shadow Timeline
Dawn of the Age (12-2019)
- Nerta the Weaver leaves the Roof of the World and journeys to Mhed city.
- The Tyranny of Vordul Sanguinis is founded in Wudenkin city by the Kingdom of Thalmarkin.
- Tournament of Ancients in Fronepu city hosted by the Kingdom ofAr Agyr
- Departure of Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin & ascension of King Zatar Zartirri to the Thalmarkin throne
- Unification of the Kingdom of Irondale
- Unification War between the Kingdom of Thalmarkin vs. the Kingdom of Irondale & the Democracy of Nothoi
- Departure of King Zatar Zartirri of Thalmarkin & ascension of King Anyte Luitolf to the throne of Thalmarkin
- Border crisis between the Kingdom of Thalmarkin & the Tyranny of Vordul Sanguinis during the Unification War leading to the loss of Vozzessdor city for Thalmarkin
- Pilgrimage of the Theocracy of Obia'Syela from Rines city in the deep south to Keffa city in the north west.
- The Tyranny of Vordul Sanguinis refuses the pilgrims passage and loots Keffa city.
- Pilgrimage War between the Theocracy of Obia'Syela vs. the Tyranny of Vordul Sanguinis over the pilgrimage
- The Kingdom of Shattered Vales comes to the defense of the Theocracy of Obia'Syela vs. the Tyranny of Vordul Sanguinis.
- Assassination of Queen Anyte Luitolf of Thalmarkin nearly results in her death.
- Death of Tyrant Xlair Silverblade of Vordul Sanguinis defending his capitol Wudenkin city by Jecht Tideweaver of the Monarchy of Shattered Vales
- Tournament in Iato city hosted by the Kingdom of Shattered Vales to commemorate the end of the Pilgrimage War
- Departure of King Ehrich Weiss of Shattered Vales & ascension of Jecht Tideweaver.
- Departure of Queen Anyte Luitolf of Thalmarkin & ascension of Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin.
- Twilight Rebellion in the Kingdom of Irondale against King Tiberius Paxwax lead by Ryosuke Guile reforms the realm into the Republic of Irondale.
- The Dread Necromancer of Alluran begins his assault on the human nations after biding his time in the Sunken Kingdom.
- The Summoning begins in Keffa city as the Theocracy of Obia'Syela attempts to create a magic tutor. The interference of multiple realms sees much bloodshed and the tutor stolen by the Kingdom of Shattered Vales
Morning of the Age (10-2020)
- The Old Gods temple is restored in Agyr by Mielba Cordenata
- Abdication of Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin & ascension of King Dancer Rea
- Bloodless Rebellion in Vordul Sanguinis against Eriol Blackdagger by Godfry Greybrook reforming the realm into a theocracy.
- In an effort to destroy the legions of the Sunken Kingdom, Ruler Alice Schwarzherzig of the Republic of Irondale opens a Portal in Baqua to the Shadowland. The undead are banished and a pack of Blood Daimons are unleashed to the sounds of sea shanties.
- Nyx Harte the Bloodless Duke of Wudenkin is threatened by the new government of the Theocracy of Vordul Sanguinis and so switches allegiance to the Democracy of Nothoi taking the entire government & capitol.
- The Dread Necromancer of the Sunken Kingdom leads his armies to destroy the Kingdom of Lux Nova claiming the deep south for the undead.
- Term ends for Tryan Arylon of the Democracy of Nothoi and the election of Ranulf Godfrey.
- Internal struggles over the soul of the Theocracy of Obia'Syela sees Sarosi MacArbin step down as Theocrat to make way for _____. Templar Vahanian Blint and Inquisitor Yxevarii Auru'in duel to the death to decide the fate of the realm but as both survive nothing is definitive.
- The Dread Necromancer of the Sunken Kingdom destroys the last temple of the Vordulism ending the faith as an organized sect. This leaves the Theocracy of Vordul Sanguinis without a faith.
- A man claiming to be Xlair Silverblade reborn attempts to overthrow the reformed government of Vordul Sanguinis. The civil war sees the Duke of Wudenkin join the Kingdom of Ar Agyr and a combined army by the Kingdom of Thalmarkin and Theocracy of Obia'Syela drive the cultists to the Democracy of Nothoi.
- Expulsion of the former Vordulism cultists sees Wudenkin city returned to the Theocracy of Vordul Sanguinis and the new Church of the Forlorn transforms the land into the Theocracy of Reven.
- The undead legions banished by Alice Schwarzherzig of the Republic of Irondale return to Grehk city through a new portal. The rift bolsters the Dread Necromancer and the armies of the Sunken Kingdom continue to sweep through the human realms of the south forcing an exodus of the Kingdom of Shattered Vales to the cursed city of Wudenkin.
- Aeravon Velaryon of the Kingdom of Ar Agyr had spoken disparagingly about King Dancer Rea of the Kingdom of Thalmarkin leading to a war of honour with limited engagement and no looting. Despite a bold attack on the capitol, Thalmarkin lost the war and had to formally apologize to Aeravon. Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine also formally apologized for the dishonourable conduct of her countrymen during the war.
- Ryosuke Guile becomes ruler of the Republic of Irondale after Aleksandr de la Salle steps down.
- Justin Foote becomes Ruler of the Theocracy of Obia'Syela.
- Gems are discovered in the Talgaz Desert.
- Unable to claim the cursed city of Wudenkin the Kingdom of Shattered Vales employ magic to transport their army to the city of Gethsemene. Reaching an accord with Republic of Irondale, the refugees found a new home for themselves in the far north, away from their ancestral lands. For his part in placing the portal stones, Tyler who would become known as 'Trice-Blessed' is rewarded with the Thrice-Blessed Shield.
- Tyler Thrice-Blessed begins his quest to gain the blessing of each of the major faiths in the land: The Metal Gods of Daishi, the Old Gods of Beluaterra & the Heralds of Obeah. The Metal Gods of Daishi bless the shield with flame.
- King Dancer Rea of Thalmarkin steps down (01-11-21) but before a new king can be elected Clyde Wilde proclaims himself king by force.
- The Republic of Irondale & Theocracy of Reven come to blows over the region of Tor. After a series of clashes, Irondale claims victory and the region.
- The Theocracy of Reven & Kingdom of Thalmarkin come to blows over the actions of Vidkunn Thane against the Reven people.
- King Clyde Wilde steps down to the election of Queen Eowyn Doesire to the throne of Thalmarkin.
- Tyler Thrice-Blessed faces the wolf guardian of the Seeping Giant in single combat to gain the second blessing of the Old Gods.
- The Theocracy of Obia'Syela swears fealty to Republic of Irondale ending their independence.
- Ruler Impi Wolfvern of the Theocracy of Reven steps down to the election of Hendrick Armsworth. (2022-01-13)
- Nerta the Weaver, Tyler Thrice-Blessed, Rin the Rabbit, & Soren, Count of Seven Rivers, defeat Blackjaw the Beast.
- The Kingdom of Shattered Vales declares war on the Theocracy of Reven over the region of Kell & the antagonism of Thúraya Montgomery.
- The Sunken Kingdom destroys the forces of the Kingdom of Ar Agyr & Democracy of Nothoi in the Slaughter of Xinjin before laying siege to the city of Creasur.
- The 2nd expedition to the Vault of Silantin by Nerta the Weaver, Impi Wolfvern, Éowyn Doesire & Clyde Wildeleads in the the Cursed City of Wudenkin leads to the Pool of Black Whispers.
- The war between the Theocracy of Reven & Kingdom of Shattered Vales over Kell & Thúraya Montgomery ends with a Shattered Vales victory.
- Ruler Hendricks Armsworth steps down from the throne of Reven at the prompting to the High Priest Impi Wolfvern to be replaced with Ichabod Poe.
- The city of Creasur falls to the tide of the Sunken Kingdom. Through the sacrifice of Tyler Thrice-Blessed, a barrier is forged north of the city, baring the forces of the Dread Necromancer from pressing north. Thus ends the tale of Tyler Thirce-Blessed: Blessed once by the Metal Gods of Daishi, once by the Old Gods of Beluaterra, and once by Death itself. (2022-02-28)
- The Festival of Lights takes place in Agyr. (2022-03-20)
- Ruler Ehrich Weisz of Shattered Vales steps down to the election of Jecht Tideweaver.
- Ruler Icabod Poe of The Theocracy of Reven steps down be replaced with Ham Hormondson.
- Ruler Ham Hormondson of the Theocracy of Reven steps down be replaced with Felixous Contéfigardo proclaims himself ruler by force.
- Felixous Contéfigardo reforms Reven into a Republic and steps down to be replaced by Diorto Winmon.
- The armies of the Republic of Irondale & Kingdom of Shattered Vales are destroyed in Fianik by the Sunken Kingdom in the twin battles that came to be known as the Shattering of Iron. This initial clash in the Zettermain Campaign led to the capture of both Ruler Ryosuke of Irondale and the serious injury of King Jecht. (2022-05-16)
- Queen Eowyn Doesire of Thalmarkin steps down to the return of Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue.
- The Zettermain Campaign claims more human lives along with the twin heroes of Arjan de Zueww, General of Shattered Vales & Kethan D'Espana of Irondale.
- Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin and Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine of Ar Agyr sign an alliance.
- Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin declares war on King Jecht Tideweaver of Shattered Vales over the annexation of Rolbury. The Abdication War quickly expands to include Ar Agyr & Irondale.
- Agreement of judicial clemency by Katalynfae Dragul of Shattered Vales.
- Magical assault on Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine of Ar Agyr by unknown agents of the Shattered Vales results in an extended stay in the hospital and a debate around the throne.
- The Execution of Ahmadkin Imad Khader of Thalmarkin by Katalynfae Dragul of Shattered Vales triggering the Legalism v Moralism Crisis
- Return of Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine to the throne of Ar Agyr.
- An agent of the Dread Necromancer of the Sunken Kingdom successfully activates a portal in Gor Ault unleashing the Scrollsong as a means to circumvent the barrier in the south.
- Banker Ngatno Adiyanto of Reven was forced to step down amidst protest.
- The chaotic energies unleashed by the Scrollsong leave Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine wounded.
- Grante Le Monteon of Irondale steps down to the election of Aleksandr De La Salle.
- Assassination of Judge Athena Leather of Thalmarkin sees fails to remove her from office.
- Forces of the Sunken Kingdom slip past the barrier and capture the regions of Tindle & Eykfar from the Democracy of Nothoi
- Execution of Aelanta Peregrine of Shattered Vales by Athena Leather of Thalmarkin continues the Legalism v Moralism Crisis
- Abdication of Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine from the throne of Ar Agyr and the ascension of King Rowan Hawk (2022-09-05)
- Execution of Quincy Stormreaver of Shattered Vales by Athena Leather of Thalmarkin continues the Legalism v Moralism Crisis
- Abdication of Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue from the throne of Thalmarkin and the return of Queen Eowyn Doesire (2022-10-08)
- Ceasefire is signed ending the Abdication War. (2022-10-12)
- Agents of the Sunken Kingdom open a portal in Ieara/Bisana(?) allowing a legion of the the Sunken Kingdom to terrorize Ar Agyr.
- The Massacre of Bisana sees a combined force of humanity destroyed by the Sunken Kingdom. (2023-02-17)