Dalian culture is unique among the other Easterner cultures in being much more syncretic. Contrary to the other Easterners, the Dalians consider themselves successors instead of conquerors of their Dwili progenitors. As such Dalians have always shown a peculiar interest to the history of their lands, resulting in extensive libraries and complex family trees. This synrectic attitude proved a curse as the lack of xenophobia made the Dalians an easy prey to the more outspoken Morekians.
The Dalian culture has seen the following realms:
Even in prehistoric times Springdale was a mixture of Gunthor Dalians, Fellish Fallans and eastern Niselurians. As such, the Springdalians have always had an open culture and were supportive of the Easterners who came to rule them. Despite their mellow nature, Springdalians are formidable fighters and care strongly about chivalry.
After the Virovene rebellion, Springdale was the first of the original four realms to fall. Nevertheless, their culture lived on when Morek fell to the conservative Xinhai and the Springdalians regained independence as the Libero Empire. This realm survived longer, but met its demise by the Morek Empire when it joined the rebels against Sanguis Astroism during the First Continental War.
With the help of Luria Nova, the Springdalians regained once more their independence in the form of Antiqualia. However, this realm was also destroyed when Arnor rejoined the side of the Morekians.
After the destruction of Springdale, many Dalians sought refuge outside Morek to restore their empire. This resulted in Summerdale on Northnastrond. The realm saw a large influx of Nifelians.
A clash with the Libero Empire about who was the true successor of Springdale was a fatal decision for the realm, but would see the Dalians united once more.
The Duchy of Muspelheim became estranged from the Empire of Springdale due to becoming Astroist. There were also separatist forces due to investigations in the rich history of the region. As such the emperor sought to enforce unity by getting rid of the Duke. The Duchy saw itself forced to secede and named itself Virovene after the ancient kingdom. The realm succeeded in becoming independent with the help of Astroist Morek.
The Virovenese would, however, succumb to Summerdale, after which they founded a successor state in Storms Keep: Thulsoma. But the creation of Asylon would lure the nobility to the west, after which Thulsoma became a Saxon state.
The secession of Virovene cause the Duchy of Aegir to be cut of from the rest of the realm. The duchy went its own course and became the Raivan Empire, thus surviving the collapse of Springdale. The Raivan Empire would play a crucial role in the creation of Corsanctum and thus influence the Astrumese.
The Raivan Empire would meet its end when during the Astromancy War the realm found itself on the wrong side of history. However, the Raivans would continue to play an important role in Dwilight when Allison Kabrinski would be granted the former lands of Caerwyn, resulting in Kabrinskia en the Farronite Republic. Also the Morek Empire would live out its final days on Raivan lands. And finally, the last of the Dalian nobles, Katrina Dragul, was Raivan and played a key role in the Lupa Lapu War.
Everguard was the first colony established after the original four. Due to the syncretic nature of Dalian culture, Everguardians blended extremely well with the local Saxon culture and likewise saw much influence of Torenites. However, like the other Dalian realms, Everguard, too, would meet an early end.