Da Hadez Family/Karion
The House Da Hadez originates in the realm of Darka on the continent of Atamara.
Karion Da Hadez
Karion Da Hadez, eldest son of the modestly wealthy merchant and trader Haron Da Hadez, was born and raised in Darka. He was extensively schooled in the noble arts in his youth and spent the early years of his adulthood amassing his own fortune trading fine weapons and armor and building a network of contacts among the lower echelons of the local nobility.
Eventually he had enough gold and contacts to be able to embark on his true goal and started formal training as a knight.
He travelled widely to be schooled by private tutors. In Darka he learned the arts of swordsmanship and command as well as the duties and responsibilities of a knight. In Talerium he studied history, archery and religion. Finally he travelled to Eston to learn horsemanship and jousting.
Karion had intended to join Darka's army when his training was complete, perhaps joining his cousin Severn in the home guard. However, his education in foreign lands had broadened his outlook and he now felt uneasy about Darka's mercenary nature. Feeling that there was more to nobility than the search for gold and power he started to search for another realm in which to start his career as a knight. Eventually he realised that, given his home's mercenary nature, any realm on Atamarra may become an enemy of Darka and did not relish the thought of having his loyalties divided between any new home and his family home. After careful deliberation he finally decided to emigrate to the East Continent.
During a long, uncomfortable but uneventful voyage Karion spent his time talking to the few fellow passengers and the ship's captain about the East Continent. On the advice of the captain he eventually decided to settle in the republic of Sirion.
Shortly after his arrival Karion swore fealty as a knight of Csopa where he established humble farming estates and was assigned to the Army of Sirion and formed a small cavalry unit he initially named 'The Iron Hooves'.
Within days of his arrival Karion tasted his first real combat joining a cavalry charge at the head of a Sirion attack which broke Fontan's attempted takeover of Dale. Many brutal front-line battles followed. Karion became known for his odd custom of having veterans of more than one major battle paint the leg-armour of both themselves and their steeds in blood-red paint up to the knees. This was said to symbolise the seas of blood that he and his men were willing to wade through to victory. This unconventional marking soon led to the unit being referred to by the rank and file as 'The Red Shanks', a name that Karion and his men eventually adopted.
The fall of the region of Csopa required Karion to find another liege and he had soon settled into his new role as a knight of Sirion City.
The courage and ability shown by Karion and his 'Red Shanks' on the battlefield soon stared to draw the admiration and attention of others. Many displaced or retired soldiers sought them out and volunteered to fight with them, enlarging their numbers far beyond that which a relatively young and inexperienced noble would usually be expected to command. The younger soldiers thrived on the older men's experience, determination and pride. The Red Shanks were soon invited to join Sirion's elite army 'The Red Dragons' by General Ryu Hinamoto. Karion served diligently and was soon promoted to Vice-Marshal of that army.
Karion was slain on the battlefield leading a cavalry charge in defense of Sirion's takeover of Braga.