Da Hadez Family/Haron
The House Da Hadez originates in the realm of Darka on the continent of Atamara.
Haron Da Hadez
At the tender age of four Haron's father, Hathis Da Hadez a Darkan politician of great influence but little fame, sent him to live in his mansion in the capital city Azzal.
He was schooled in literature, art and history then later in commerce, trade, law and politics. In time he came to run his father's business interests in Azzal and help facilitate his political desires.
The nobility of Azzal were more sophisticated, wily and competitive than in many of the rural duchys and so Haron did not rise as far or as quickly as his warrior brother Luthor did in Eurotan. He did gain considerable influence, though, and wealth and found that his more humble place in the hierarchy of nobility provided a mantle of obscurity that served him well, allowing him to concentrate on business and political intrigue outside of the unwelcome scrutiny and scheming (and the associated risks) prevalent in the higher social circles.
He married the daughter of a minor noble family that had fallen on hard times since the civil war between North and South Darka. His wife, Amelia, bore him two daughters and a son whom he loved dearly but could spare scant time with due to the pressures that managing his father's business and political dealings. Even so he cherished them and was concerned when he recognised a wild streak developing in his eldest daughter, Janna. Though he gently attempted to calm her spirit and prepare her for a noblewoman's life he knew in his heart that it was too little too late and was not surprised when she was forced to flee Darka after a certain scandal.
Determined not to make the same mistake with his youngest son, Karion, and daughter, Faria, he ensured that at the earliest opportunity they were sent to the best tutors and schools to learn the ways of a knight and a lady respectively. He assumed, astutely, that those paid so well to impart wisdom and knowledge would likely do it far better than he could.
Haron Da Hadez, though well into his fifties, continues to run his businesses in Azzal and watches his children's progress with great interest.