Covenant Family
The Covenant Family
Originating from the region of Brive in Perdan, the Covenants have spread to other parts of the world.
On Atamara
- Foul Covenant, Warrior and former Baron of Cori (in Exile). Currently a knight of Eston.
- Triock Covenant, Warrior, Knight of Tertul in Darka
On Dwilight
- Trell Covenant, Warrior, Knight of Farrowfield in Caerwyn
- Unbeliver, Former count of Tor in Heen, died fighting Daimons.
- Bannor, Knight of Seggelin, was last seen bravely spreading the word of Tor, in Toren on the South East Isle and has not been heard from in some time
- Nom Covenant - Lost at sea, presumed dead, Hero and Royal Treasurer of Falasan.