Common Mistakes

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Common Misspellings and Misuses of Words in BattleMaster

Created by Anaris 17:54, 3 January 2007 (CET)

Having been raised by an English professor, I tend to be a bit of a spelling/grammar nazi, and people constantly misusing or misspelling words and phrases grates on my nerves. If you don't care, or think that's stupid, feel free to find some other Wiki page to read; there are lots, and there's no need to flame this one.

Now that that's out of the way, there are 2 sections here: common terms and BattleMaster terms. The former are misspelled words, words mistaken for other words, common phrases with incorrect words or spellings in them, etc. The latter are BattleMaster-specific terms (mostly realm and region names) that are commonly misspelled.

The format is:

  • correct word/phrase: incorrect uses seen commonly
  • Feature Name: incorrect uses seen commonly

Contributors, please try to keep to alphabetical order. Any disputes over correctness should go to the Talk page and be resolved by reference to an authoritative source before they are changed here.

Common Terms

  • bureaucrat: burocrat, beaurocrat
  • cavalry: calvary, calvalry
    • "Calvary" is a name for the hill where Jesus was crucified; also known as Golgotha
  • depose: dispose
    • To dispose of someone is to get rid of them; to depose someone is to remove them from a position of power
  • loyalty: loyality
  • rogue: rouge
    • A rogue is someone without a realm; alternatively a thief or scoundrel. Rouge is the French word for "red", and a term for a kind of makeup.
  • secede: cede, succeed
    • To secede is to leave your realm, taking part of it with you. To succeed is to achieve one's goal, or to come after someone, as in being their successor. To cede territory is to give it to someone else.
  • secession: succession
    • Similarly, secession is the act of seceding. Succession is determining who the next King (or other hereditary position) will be.

BattleMaster Terms

Misused Terms

  • their: Possessive term, denotes ownership.
  • there: Usually denotes a place.
  • they're: Contraction of they are.
  • its: Possessive term.
  • it's: Contraction from it is or it has.
  • could've/would've/should've: Contractions from "could/would/should have"; often mistakenly typed as the phonetically similar "could/would/should of"
  • lose: The state of coming to be without something due to theft, accident, deliberate action. e.g.: "I will lose my region if that takeover succeeds!" Past tense: Lost. Synonyms: Misplace, forfeit.
  • loose: To free from restraint, be that a container, bondage, morals, etc. e.g.: "Loose your sword's bindings and brandish the blade of war!" Past tense: Loosed. Synonyms: Release, free.
  • paramount vs tantamount: Paramount means of utmost importance. X being tantamount to Y means X is basically the same as Y, or just as bad as it.