
From BattleMaster Wiki
Exiled Trinity
Deep Darkness
East Islands
Farming, Fishing

Ardmore is a rural county on the southeastern coast of Beluaterra in the realm of Obia'Syela. The county borders the city of Grehk, the townsland of Rueffilo and the counties of Rii and Glongin. It is connected by bridge to the townsland of Avengmil on the southern islands.

Districts of Ardmore

AL Bel Ardmore.png

1 - Scattered fishing villages along the northern coast and an area of plains inland. Near the center of the district sits a small farming village, Acombria.

2 - Obeah's Path, a cobblestone road that runs through the county in order to connect the Twin Cities with Grehk.

3 - The fishing village of Torentore, second largest fishing village in Ardmore, sits in the center of the coastline.

4 - Northern Farmlands of Turington

5 - Village of Turington, second largest village in Ardmore.

6 - Southern Farmlands of Turington.

7 - Large plains with a dirt road from Obeah's Path to the county of Rii

8 - Small village of Jangston that sits along a dirt road from Obeah's Path to Malangton

9 - Open plains on border with the city Grehk. In this district bandits are known to ambush trade caravans along Obeah's Path as they enter/leave the city.

10 - Mostly open plains but some farm lands centered around a tiny village Ygol, a dirt road leading from Malangton to region Glongin runs through this district.

11 - Many hills and large rocks cover this district, home to local tribesmen known as The Illgati that ambush travelers along the dirt road from Malangton to Rueffilo.

12 - Malangton, largest village in Ardmore, seat of the Viscount is traditionally here.

13 - Northern Farmlands of Malangton

14 - Western Farmlands of Malangton

15 - Southern Farmlands of Malangton

16 - Eastern Farmlands of Malangton

17 - Plains with a trail from Malangton to Rii, a popular inn called the Malang Rose sits along the trail.

18 - In the center of the district sits the small village of Kunigstil and it's surrounding farmlands.

19 - Open plains with trails to Kunigstil, Bockinton, and Rii

20 - Small village of Bockinton and it's surrounding farmlands

21 - The largest Fishing village of Ardmore, Obsia, sits at apex of Obsian Bay

22 - Open coast line with occasional huts of fishermen.

23 - Fields of Dread, a vast and flat land full of bandits, the area is dangerous and typically avoided.

25 - Cliffs of Wiltin, large cliff on the coast.

26 - Fishing Village Toku, third largest fishing village in the region, sits in the shadow of Cliffs of Wilton.



The name of the county probably comes from the word ardoris, an ancient name given to the purple sage plant that grows along the coastal cliffs. Winds blowing from the southern islands create a unique microclimate that is perfectly suited to the Ardmore sage but hard to replicate, making the plant nearly impossible to cultivate anywhere else. For a time Ardmore sage was highly prized at the banquet tables of wealthy western nobles and merchants traveled for hundreds of miles to trade gold for the herb ounce for ounce. However, in modern times it has largely fallen out of fashion and the market has disappeared.

In legend

Ardmore was the historic landing site of Fallon the Seaborn, hero of the epic poem Fallon and Mycealla. The exact site of Fallon's Rock is disputed among local residents, with several coastal fishing villages each claiming that their local landmark is the legendary one.


Near the border to Glongin a traveler may find a weathered stone stele. It is topped by a gruesome, silvered, horned skull. Once near enough to read the description the traveler notices that this skull is larger than that of any animal native to these lands. The description reads:

'In June 1012, during the fifth invasion, a Riombaran army did halt and destroy both the army and the mortal form of Midnight of the South - destroyer of three cities, slaughterer of tens of thousands. We were the last defense of the southlands - and before us thousands of warriors went into the shade to halt him. On this day, hope again was born for the south by those who held the line.

Duke Evander of Athol - to strike the first blow

Knight Frederic d'Arricarrère - to strike the second blow

Count Folcard of Cjelegy - to strike the final blow

For the Storm of the South and its Fallen: Marshal Thorwald Brynjulvson and General Sassan d'Serrai'


In the days of Riombara, the people of Ardmore were followers of The Church of Qyrvagg. The region was home to the Amekanun Temple of Qyrvagg.

Currently the people of Ardmore are followers of the Heralds of Obeah. Ardmore currently has a primitive temple to this religion.

Family Homes

Unique Items Discovered

Timeline of unique items discovered in the region: