Kandurell Family

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A rough portrayal of the Kandurell shield

Active Nobility


Dren Kandurell is the last survivor of the three original brothers. He's a tall, haggard looking viking, his height disguising any weight gained from the excessive beer drinking phases that he occasionally goes through. Somewhat naive, Dren tends to become fanatically devoted to certain causes, then extremely depressed when they fail.

Brief History:

  • Arrived in Ethiala
  • Marshal of the Elite Knighthood of Ethiala
  • Baron of Lantzas
  • Followed Duke Dieter de Blanc of Lasop to secede to form Kamador
  • General of Kamador
  • Was ousted from Lantzas by the peasants
  • Joined Arcaea
  • Became a priest of MAE
  • Appointed High Priest of MAE

Euran Yetisbane

Euran is Dren's cousin. He's a massive mean looking raider, covered in scars and missing half an ear. His eye colours don't match, and he has a pair of lungs to rival a Yeti. Which, by the way, he proudly proclaims that he has killed by wearing a Yeti skin. Confident, somewhat ruthless and possessing a sizable capacity for cunning, Euran is not a man you would want to meet in a dark alley. He can be relatively loyal, and rewards his vassals for their services, but does not suffer foolish lieges.

Brief History:


Macal is, or rather was, another cousin of Dren's, before an overambitious bard/scribe that had served the family for years killed him and stole his name. This new 'Macal' promptly fled to Dwilight, in an effort to escape notice. He's somewhat scrawny, but also a decent actor; years of servitude have given him plenty of opportunity to study a noble's bearing. He now acts more noble than most nobles.

Brief History:

Deceased Nobility

Gommun Kandurell - Venturing out from Norland to Eston, Gommun is the least Viking of the Vikings. He prefers the concept of chivalry to that of plunder, and is the more reliable brother. He has somewhat unnerving eyes, which seem to stare in an off putting fashion.

Killed by a swift sudden, and mysterious disease.

Hroppa Kandurell - The eldest of the Kandurelli brothers, and perhaps the truest incarnation of their fighting spirit. His one embarrassment is his height - Hroppa stands well below most Vikings. This doesn't seem to reduce his fighting abilities however; as he says, "The enemy reach all the way to the ground!"

Died of the same illness as Gommun. Possibly a hereditary disease?

Other Family Members