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Kings and Queens

Admired Rulers of Irombrar

1. Guthrieman I "the Magnificent" - August 9, 1003 to August 13, 1003(deposed during Rines/Irombrar realm merger, due to his resistance of the merger)

Sunrise Kings/Queens of Irombrozia

1. Marc I "the Eternal" - July 15, 1006 to August 6, 1006(assaulted)
2. Baiko I "the Beautiful" - August 6, 1006 to August 12, 1006(kidnapped)
3. Marc I "the Eternal" - August 12, 1006 to December 19, 1006(executed)
4. Hireshmont I "the Great" and Retravic I "the Northerner" - December 20, 1006 to April 7, 1007(deported) and January 1, 1006 to Present
5. Baiko I "the Beautiful" - April 8, 1007 to May 21, 1007 (stepped down due to illness)
6. Torrero I "the Thoughtful" - May 22, 1007 to May 23, 1007 (stepped down due to election error)
7. Renee I "the Swift" - May 23, 1007 to August 23, 1007(stepped down due to exhaustion with the post)
8. Hireshmont I "the Great" - August 24, 1007 to Present (with Retravic)

First Lances

1. Slomcha "the Bold" - July 23, 1006 to August 28, 1006(killed in battle)
2. Latronis "the Loyal" - August 28, 1006 to September 22, 1006(foreign leave)
3. Marc "the Eternal" - September 23, 1006 to September 29, 1006(stepped down)
4. Ascensia "the Wild" - September 29, 1006 to November 10, 1006(stepped down)
5. Hireshmont "the Great" - November 11, 1006 to December 22, 1006(stepped down)
6. Renee "the Swift" - December 22, 1006 to July 20, 1007(stepped down)
7. Hireshmont "the Great" - July 20, 1007 to August 18, 1007(stepped down due to failed Crusade)
8. Baiko "the Beautiful" - August 19, 1007 to March 18, 1008 (stepped down due to conflict of interests)
9. Scurtingbord "the Swift" - March 19, 1008 to May 15, 1008 (foreign leave)
10. Thyk "still pendng" - May 16, 1008 to Present

Royal Arbiters

1. Marc "the Eternal" - July 15, 1006 to August 6, 1006(assaulted)
2. Hireshmont "the Great" - August 6, 1006 to November 11, 1006(stepped down to become King)
3. Baiko "the Beautiful" - November 12, 1006 to April 8, 1007(stepped down to become Queen)
4. Envirgar "the Wealthy" - April 12, 1007 to May 15, 1007(abdicated and left the realm)
5. Fenrisulf "the Alowcan" - May 17, 1007 to Present(abdicated due to capture, then emigrated)
6. Torrero "the Thoughtful" - October 7, 1007 to October 10, 1007 (stepped down)
7. Kazm "the Humble"- October 11, 1007 to February 17, 1008 (assaulted)
8. Hireshmont "the Great"- February 17, 1008 to March 12, 1008 (stepped down)
9. Baiko "the Beautiful" - March 13, 1008 to Present

Royal Treasurers

1. Hireshmont "the Great" - July 22, 1006 to August 1, 1006(foreign leave/autopause)
2. Torrero "the Thoughtful" - August 1, 1006 to August 12, 1006(wounded)
3. Palance "the Reformer" - August 12, 1006 to September 22, 1006(foreign leave)
4. Marc "the Eternal" - September 23, 1006 to September 28, 1006(stepped down)
5. Kazm "the Humble" - September 28, 1006 to April 14, 1007(captured)
6. Destruidor/Alioth "the Worker" - April 16, 1007 to May 12, 1007(captured)
7. Hireshmont "the Great" - May 16, 1007 to June 9, 1007 (paused)
8. Destruidor/Alioth "the Worker" - June 9, 1007 to August 9, 1007(stepped down)
9. Hireshmont "the Great" - August 31, 1007 to October 2, 1007(stepped down)
10. Kazm "the Humble"- October 10, 1007 to February 17, 1008
11. Hireshmont "the Great"- February 17, 1008 to Present

Grand Dukes

1. Marc "the Eternal" - July 15, 1006 to August 6, 1006(assaulted)
2. Torrero "the Thoughtful" - August 12, 1006 to August 12, 1007 (captured in battle)
3. a void in "the Loyal" - August 16, 1007 to October 4, 1007 (committed suicide)
4. Destruidor/Alioth "the Worker" - October 10, 1007 to Present

Counts of Bolkenia

1. Gwinevere "the Capable" - September 26, 1006 to May 5, 1007 (deported)
2. a void in "the Loyal" - Unknown to Unknown(region captured)

Counts of Rii

1. Scurtingbord "the Swift" - (unsure) to (unsure) (Region lost)
2. Scurtingbord "the Swift" - February 4, 1007 to (unsure) (Region Lost)

Counts of Cagamir

1. Marc "the Eternal" - (unsure) to December 19, 1006 (executed)
2. Dionysus "the Brewer" - April 10, 1007 to November 1007 (pressured to leave realm)
3. Ascensia "the Flaming"- November 1007 to December 1007 (lost region)

Marquess of Ruefillo

1. Torrero "the Thoughtful"- January 1008 to Present

Viscounts of Glongin

1. Kazm "the Humble"- February 2, 1008 to March 1, 1008
2. Gwylan "the Fronenian" - March 2, 1008 to Present


  • Alliances:
Ceded Cities Alliance(CCA)- Heen, Kthon, Republic of Fwuvoghor, Vlaandaren, Neo Grehk
Alliance of Alluranian Suppression (on Hold)- Enweil, Luz de Bia
  • Enemies: All wars have been put on hold for the monster invasion.
The War of Irombrozian Secession(on Hold)- Irombrozia vs. Riombara
The Alluranism War(on Hold)- Irombrozia vs. Kingom of Alluran

Literature, Documents, and Institutions

Regions Making Up the Irombrozian Cultural Region

The "Irombrozian Cultural Region" are the regions east of the Eno River, and south of Ardmore or Avengmil. Sometimes Ardmore and/or Glongin are included, however, their proximity to Grehk, and their frequent use as a conduit for large armies and as major trade routes, have caused their culture to be largely different. The Five regions of the Irombrozian Cultural Region all share certain qualities. Their natural hub of trade is Irombro (though many Bolkenians do trade in Eno, especially with current Alluranian control of the region). Their dominant religion is Qyrvaggism (though Alluranism has a substantial following in Bolkenia). They are predominantly farmers, though the freemen (those not in serfdom) are frequently traders or horse-breeders and horse-traders. This area is internationally known for it's fabulous horses. Due to the size of the horse business, it is not unheard of for serfs to have horses, and for nobles to have a dozen or so. They are numerous and cheap here, while in many foreign lands they are expensive. The people in this area are also fiercely independent, showing a history of unwillingness to bend to any foreign authority. While Irombro itself has a substantial portion of the population, the area could be characterized as primarily agrarian. Even in Irombro, many of the people reside in the fields around the city, not the city itself, and within the city, gardens are a common sight. Irombro itself is a fiercely patriotic city, frequently having parades and celebrations to commemorate days in Irombrozia's history, or various Qyrvaggian holidays.

  • Irombro - our Capital, and home of many important shrines, commemorative monuments, and other things regarding the Kingdom of Irombrozia. currently belonging to Irombrozia
  • Bolkenia - One of the original regions of Irombrozia, an important cultural center for religion, agriculture, and the horse business. (Also home of the Founding Temple of Qyrvaggism) currently belonging to Kingdom of Alluran
  • Rii - Another region that borders our capital, has occasionally belonged to Irombrozia; currently belonging to Riombara
  • Rueffilo - A rich and strategically placed region which became Irombrozian during the Third Invasion; currently belonging to Irombrozia
  • Cagamir - Southern breadbasket region, a major center for the horse business.; currently belonging to Kingdom of Alluran
  • Glongin - Northernmost holding of Irombrozia, gotten during Third Invasion, current breadbasket; "currently belonging to Irombrozia

Note: This is not a list of Irombrozia's regions... these are regions which are part of the Irombrozian cultural area, an area largely populated by people of similar traditions, beliefs, and ways of life.


Realm Relationship Reasoning
Avalon Peace We are at peace with them. Historically, they have been an enemy, and their cooperation with the undead for a while was worrisome, but they seem to be getting better.
Bara'khur Peace The inheritor of the fallen tradition of Khthon, we know little of this realm, except that it fights daimons. We hope to form better relations with it in the future.
Enweil Alliance Once an enemy, then a friend. Enweil has always treated us with respect, and we hope to be able to continue that relationship.
Heen Alliance A great ally! One of the charter members of the (Note: Put a link to the CCA here) Ceded Cities Alliance! Shared religious ties also help.
Kingdom of Alluran Alliance Numerous political and religious squabbles have occurred between us in the past, but the invasion has brought us together for common survival, for a common cause.
Kingdom of Iato Peace We like seeing more city-states, but Iato is too distant in the troubled times of the invasion to be of much concern.
Melhed Neutral Not at war, not really concerned with each other... there is currently an attempt to foster good relations with Melhed.
Mesh Peace Far away, no real reason to fight with them.
Neo Grehk Alliance Loosely members of the CCA, we have good relations with them.
Old Grehk Peace They seem like good chaps.
Plergoth Peace Politics in Plergoth are... very confusing right now. As such, we have peace with them, a sort of distant peace.
Republic of Fwuvoghor Alliance Historically strong allies of Irombrozia. Despite numerous internal changes over the years, they are close friends of ours. Common ties of blood, heritage, and religion bind us to them.
Riombara Alliance Our mother-nation, who we wish wouldn't try to kill us all the time, but, instead, would let us live. Currently we have a thriving alliance with them due to cooperation and understanding fostered by the invasion.
Sint Peace Peace because we have no reason to fight each other.
Sint Colony Neutral We're waiting and seeing, so to speak.
Thalmarkin Peace Peace, largely because theya re so far away, there's no reason for us to have any animosity with them.
Vlaanderen War Once solid allies of ours, and valued CCA members, Vlaanderen has turned into a festering cesspool of daimonic ritual. We are at war with them.