Fronen/Old Fronen

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Icon19.png The Nation

Fronen is a Realm on the continent of Beluaterra. A Realm for the strong and the mighty.

After the latest invasion of Undead and Monsters on the Beluaterran Continent Fronen was burned to the ground. Well at least not totally erased from the world. A mighty force of Troop Leaders managed to defend the Capital of Fronen, Fronepu, against all odds.

From this stronghold Fronen expanded and was able to get back the control of almost every region it owned before the rise of the evil within an amazingly short period of time.
Learn more about Fronen History
Or read the Face of Fronen

Icon19.png Structure

Fronen is a Feudal republic Consisting out of Three major Duchies:
The Duchy of Fronepu, The Duchy of Mhed and The Duchy of Vur Hagin.
The Lords of each Duchy form the The House of Lords, which is the ruling Council of the Republic, These Lords represent the Nobility of Fronen. The Republic is build on The Constitution of the Feudal Republic of Fronen, no one is above the constitution, The Grand Justicar of Fronen and the Prime Minister are it's representatives.

Fronen is also known for it's Mighty Military force.
It withstood many enemies and fought to defend Allies far away from here. The Fronen Military is Divided in Three Armies Each Sponsored by one individual Duchy of the Republic. The Armies are devised under:
The Main Army, The Lightning Army, The Homeland Security.

The Republic of Fronen
Location of Fronen
Continent / Island Beluaterra
Capital Fronepu
Largest City Mhed
Government System Republic

Grego Nosferatus
Tiridius the Guardian
Alexius DeSyrr
Thorough Vale

Region Numbers 17 (2nd)
Population 166049 (4th)
Players 34 nobles (10th)
Last Statistics Update July 27, 2007
Duchies and Regions of Fronen - September 1007
Duchy of Fronepu Icon19.png

Tepmona | Seven Rivers | Marpii | Cori | Stempleto | Qual

Duchy of Vur Hagin VHduchyBannericon.png

Qrelg | Jyl | Vale | Xhahgus | Sheja

Duchy of Mhed MhedFlagicon.PNG

Trottie | Bisana | Ieara

Duchy of Wudenkin Wudenkinflagicon.png

None at Present

Imperial Lands


Icon19.png New Members Notice

Greetings Lord/Lady, Welcome to Fronen.
Some things you should know:

  • We are a Republican Feudal Society, the Lords of the realm, including your Fronen lord form what we call The House of Lords.
    The House of Lords is the Senate or the Parliament or in most Kingdoms "The Council" of the Realm.
    All important political Decisions are made here.
    When you have questions suggestions or ideas, please drop them at the House of Lords Message group.
    Your Liege is thus directly responsible for your questions to be heard.
  • Everyone in the realm should be member of one of our three armies explained on the General Bulletin.
  • Everyone should be aligned to a Lord to Receive taxes and join an army, thus this is also necessary.
  • Protect the lesser and defend your brothers, do not let them down.

    Enjoy your Stay!

Fallen Hero's of Fronen


The Fallen Warriors of the Republic

    • Fallen in the War of Humanity, the Third Invasion.
  • Perrin GoldenEyes from the Stien Family, Fallen in the Battle of Marpii on the 25th of September in the year 1007 against the Daimon Dreadlord Reflecting, Perrin served Fronen as both Banker and Lord of Qual, he will for ever be remembered as a True Hero of The Republic and the whole of Humanity.
  • Gracahana from the Burson Family, Surpised by a large incoming army of Daimons, unable to fully defend her self she fought on thill the end a true example of Heroism, dedication and Loyalty. Gracehana was one of the Avalonian imigrants after the rebelion led by former Chancelor Galvin, also an imigrant from Avalon.

Icon19.png Diplomatic Relations of Fronen

The Avalon and Fronen Peace Treaty

Realm Relationship Reasoning
Ashborn Peace We are at peace with Ashborn and we suport them in there conflict against Sint, possible better relations for the future.
Avalon Alliance Our former enemies, now they've become one of our strongest allies. We have mutual goals and a strong bond between Avalon and Fronen exists, madny Avalonian nobles joined Fronen after the war was over.
Caras Galadhon Peace We Distrust them, and disrespect them, they are claiming lands from our Riombaran brothers in a desperate time of weakness which is totaly unacceptable.
Enweil Neutral Enweil is Fronen's most powerful enemy; we've been at war on multiple occasions. However, we've raised relations to Peace for the duration of the continent-wide invasion. Enweil is honourable and respected, though not liked for it's new friends, Enweilw as once a powerful ally in the past.
Heen Peace We have uneasy relations with Heen, we distrust the CCA, and Martanas ways of national porpaganda.
Irombrozia Peace Irombozia was formed out of a Riombaran city. They are traitors of Riombara and therefore, enemies of Fronen. For the duration of the continent-wide invasion though, we are at peace.
Khthon Alliance We've joined together in an Aliance to fight the non-human factions. Plus, Khthon was originally founded by a Fronenian so there are historic ties between our nations.

Kthon is a well respected realm in Fronen.

Kingdom of Alluran Peace Allies of Riombara, enemies of Luz de Bia and Enweil. They are members of the ECA, though there has never been an official signing of the Aliance, former Prime Minister Cedric distrusted the realm, though Rumoured is that Grego and Distorted, the founder of KoA are in good realtions.
Luz de Bia Peace Peace due to the invasion. All the same, they declared war on Riombara and haven't made much progress in peace talks. They also helped CG invade Alluran. Fronen greatly opposes Luz de Bia's consistent belligerence towards Fronen's allies.
Neo Grehk Alliance A new realm located in Vozzesdor Suceeded by Gias Kay, a former High Marshal of Old Grehk and friend of Prime Minster Grego.

We are in good relations with them for they have proven to be able to Defend a considerable part of the Lake area around The Duchy of Vur Hagin, maybe the most important geological location for the Republic of Fronen.

Melhed Alliance Fronen has amiable relations with Melhed. Our alliance is even stronger now as our armies plan to fight the demonic hordes together besides that Prime Minister Aldo and Prime Minister Grego are good friends of each other and exchange weekly letters.
Mesh Peace We're at peace. But we suport there stance towards Vlaanderen, Sint and Heen during the Invasion.
Old Grehk Alliance Fellow ECA members and Long time ally, OG has considerbly shrinked in size and nobles, and there resptec status in Fronen has shrinked with it, but we still higly admire the once great Kingdom of Old Grekh.
Plergoth Alliance We're in an Lliance, we never took side in there civil war against Vlaanderen untill recently.
Fwuvoghor Neutral Fwuvoghor is a constant thorn in Fronen's side. They used to be part of the ECA, and relations were good under Prime Ministers Dirrik and Widfara, but since Retravic seized power things have gotten worse and worse. They've a marriage alliance with Irombrozia, they made war with Avalon and Riombara. They betrayed our alliance, refused us free passage through their territory. Because of this, Fronen's been at war with Fwuvoghor for a while and has even occupied their capital and only city a few times. At the moment, we're neutral to them, this is only because of the invasion. Unlike Enweil, Fwuvoghor isn't considered an honourable enemy, just an enemy.
Riombara Federation Fronen's greatest ally. We've been friends for ages. Fronen helped rebuild Riombara after the last invasion, and we've aided them in various wars. Our relations with them couldn't be better. Riombara is a member of the ECA. Riombara has just agreed to raise relations to Federation in areferendum making our ties as a brothership even stronger.
Sint Neutral Sint is considered enemy of Humanity and quite hated in Fronen for there actions against Old Grekh and Ashborn by claiming some of there (former) lands.

Sint is controled by a huge winged daimon called Hastur, they worship the beats as there god.

Thalmarkin Alliance Thalmarkin is a member of the ECA and have sent small military detachments to help with he wars in the South. we are grateful for their support.
Valentia Peace We are dirstustful towards Valentia, and we believe they have not proven them selfs as a worthy realm of warriors, they're rather a bunch of uncontroled religious zealots.
Vlaanderen Peace We're at peace, but they're apointment of Arcane the dreadlord has been reacted upon as highly dishonourable.

Besides that, they also housed former Fronen Traitors, which is even more unacceptable.