York Journal/Issue 9

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MinasIthilFlag2.png The York Journal
Cost: 1 silver December 07 Editor(s): Relkin Sypher
The News
Tournaments and a wedding announced By Relkin Sypher December 13th '07

Several Tournaments have been announced. The first is one in Talerium by Prime Minister Captain Tezokian. Talerium has announced that there is no entry fee on this first tournament with first prize 150 gold and second prize 100 gold for each event. Since this tournament was announced on short notice, which will likely result in much smaller attendance.

The second tournament is to be held in Falasan to celebrate the newfound peace between Eston and Falasan. King Reilwin Merytis, who just recently assumed the throne, announced that the tournament would also celebrate the wedding of Lady Ilya Bluelake, Baroness of Nazia, and Lord Willem Tinsley, Marquis of Amdor. This second tournament is to have a prize of 1000g for the best swordfighter with 300g for the runner up.

A third tournament is also to be held in Talerium, this one to celebrate the fall of Abington.

With peace falling over much of the continent it would appear we could be headed towards a heavy season of tournaments. However with the war still continuing between Minas Ithil and Norland, it is expected that fewer nobles will be able to attend these events.

World News By Relkin Sypher December 10th '07

The Falasan-Eston war is officially over. A peace agreement has been signed and King Gucky has stepped down from the throne. Ash Sea Islands has taken Riverholm and the surrounding provinces while Caergoth and Suville appear to have taken the rest of the regions formerly of Abington. War between Falasan and Cagilan Empire seemed inevitable for a while but tensions appear to have cooled at the moment.

Here at home the Minas Ithil-Norland war continues. Conditions have turned bad for Norland, with Minas Ithil retaking Melmoor soon after Norlands takeover of the region. Elost has been also taken, though a more forceful approach was deemed necessary by the military. With the takeover of Melmoor, Norland gave rights to the region of Uforth to the Barony of Makar. Norland now controls only 8 regions.