Talk:Priest Game

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Revision as of 04:35, 23 September 2009 by Shwartzring (talk | contribs)

The class is available, but HIGHLY experimental--his warning was not to become a priest unless "you don't need that character anymore and don't mind if anything weird happens to him..."

As noted in the description, you must join a religion to become a priest. To the best of my knowledge, there are just 2: Tomism, with its shrine in Norland, and Originalism, with its shrine in Minas Ithil, both on Atamara. --Anaris 4 March 2006 01:59 (CET)

`cackles with glee and anticipation!` Olik 2 March 2006 16:58 (CET)

It should be quite interesting. No unit or para.. you must get something decent in exchange. -- Petterson
So does this means the class has been added officially, or will be added in the next day or so??? --Kag 2 March 2006 23:56 (CET)

Well when i tried to change class, it said i had to join a religon, so how do you found your own religon without joining another one?--Twinblade 2 March 2006 23:59 (CET)

What your honor and prestige? I'm curous. Perhaps a region lord has to found a temple first? --Kag 3 March 2006 01:21 (CET)

I'm gonna guess a region lord makes a temple, then priests come and "found a religion". Or a high-prestige priest does it. I hope the requirements arent TOO high... I've been waiting for this since I started BM... -dances in circles-Vellos 3 March 2006 01:50 (CET)

I have a character (Yunari to be exact) that has her own religion, and is becoming a region lord here in the next few days (AKA, about as long as she needs to change classes again to go from buro to priest). --Kag 3 March 2006 02:40 (CET)
The priest class isnt actually available yet, though. All the same... I cant WAIT for it to be ready! My characters are all involved in a religion that has a considerable amount of history behind it... we already have a guildhouse, which we refer to as a temple, lol Vellos 3 March 2006 03:12 (CET)
Why have a class page for a class that's not yet available? I think Tom probably added the class. He was testing it sometime back in Sirion. We just haven't figured out the class yet... --Kag 3 March 2006 03:18 (CET)
Erm, Tom said the class isnt ready yet. On the discussion list.Vellos 3 March 2006 03:44 (CET)
I wish he said it on both discussion lists. I only read the moderated one. Maybe I just missed it though... Any idea when it will be ready? --Kag 3 March 2006 03:46 (CET)
Odd he didnt say it on the moderated one... he didnt specify a time, but several weeks ago he said it'd be a few months. SO I'd say at least another month. Unless, of course, he suddenly gets a burst of energy and completes it. Honestly, though, I dunno.Vellos 3 March 2006 03:48 (CET)

Question: is there any handy way to tell what shrines are in a region? Or how many, or how big? Currently the only way is for a priest to go to the option to build a shrine and then look how much money it costs. It'd be handy if there was a "shrines in this region" feature or if shrines were listed in the "Order Locations" table. Olik 06:20, 12 May 2006 (CEST)

Post this as a feature request on the bugtracker, please. --Tom 11:00, 12 May 2006 (CEST)
I noticed that shrines are shown locally but not as a list like temples are.. however, I also noticed that a list of all shrines and temples is given in the weekly upkeep reports.--Fodder 08:46, 1 June 2007 (CEST)

Any chance for a timetable on when the religious side will roll around to the other continents? I'm just curious... --Kag 01:42, 13 May 2006 (CEST)

I'm anticipating the arrival of religions & priests in other continents as well. Surely most of the kinks have been ironed out enough by now for them to go to stable? Murakama 04:37, 30 September 2006 (CEST)

Question: Obviously, founding a new religion involves stepping down from whatever lordship the founder (prophet) has... but he can be reappointed. My question is, does just changing from one class to a Priest also remove any lordship and/or government positions held? I think i knew the answer previously but forgot and want to check before trying it.Olik 02:17, 13 July 2006 (CEST)

Should this, and similar "class specific pages", be moved to be subpages of Class? Seems a more logical way to keep the wiki organized and in-line with the Meta:Style Guide as well. --Calvin November t/c on 01:41, 11 November 2006 (CET)

class change

Any idea what happens to your men/paraphernalia when you change from other classes to a priest?

Do you have to pay the paraphernalia off 1st? - I must admit I didn't pay attention to the gold count when I did it.. though I did set the men down as militia 1st.

Do priests gain honor/prestige and how? Hard to see how they can change to martyr otherwise

Men and paraphernalia do not carry over as a priest. Not sure how they disappear since it's been a while. But as to your third question, no. They can't gain honour or prestige (as far as I know). House Olik 04:43, 14 April 2007 (CEST)

Game effects?

This article and the 'tom's own words' one both lack any discussion of religion as a game mechanic, even explicitly stating that "right now" it's mostly a roleplay tool.

However, I've watched priests cause lots of trouble by inciting the populace against a realm, helping trigger a rebellion. I've picked up an understanding that 'matching' religion (of a lord and the peasantry) is essential for maintaining high loyalty and morale, and that religion can play a key role in speeding / preventing takeovers.

All of these are fairly important game mechanics and deserve to be added. I'm not a priest, nor a region lord, so all my knowledge is secondhand and I'm not comfortable adding it, although if it goes a few months perhaps I'll give it a shot.

Since 'religion' redirects to this page, can someone who is more knowledgeable please try and add some of the game effects to the article? Westgate 03:07, 30 May 2007 (CEST)

I think a lot of this is intended. In general, Tom does not like us to duplicate information that is available in-game on the wiki. For example: Marshal formations. There is already a help page for it in the game. The priests know what they can do, and I would assume there is a help page for them about their abilities. (Maybe not, but I'm not a priest, so I don't know.) I would guess that some of it is also intended to be a bit of a mystery. Something for you to discover as you go along. As your skills get better, and you get larger temples to work with, you get better abilities. If some of that information is added here, it should probably only be discussed in the most general of terms. Some of it will doubtless change as game balance adjustments are made. If specific are entered on the wiki, they will just end up being incorrect. --Indirik 04:26, 30 May 2007 (CEST)
speaking of priests and marshals, any idea why priests can be marshals? (region lords i can understand)... my priest has the option to refuse to become region lord/marshal--Fodder 21:13, 30 May 2007 (CEST)
Or more to the point, can they use the marshal settings, even though they are not involved in the battle? -Chénier 22:27, 30 May 2007 (CEST)
Actually, none of that is what I'm referring to. I'm referring to religion's effects to a normal non-priest person. There is no 'religion' page available to read on what religion contributes, since it redirects here. I've seen with my own eyes events like trying to arrest a priest and getting mobbed by his believers, or someone preaching and raising sympathy for a realm to reduce the number of men required for doing a takeover. None of that is available in-game to a non-priest, but it's relevant - the troopleader who tried to arrest a priest and had three of his men killed/wounded as a result probably cares. I don't see how that could become innacurate unless the feature (believers defending a priest) is actually removed in the future. Westgate 00:15, 1 June 2007 (CEST)
To be clear - I am not requesting information on specific elements or abilities of a member of the 'priest' class. I'm requesting information about religion - what it contributes to a realm, what some effects of believers are, etc. Something like the Morale (Region) page. Personally I believe that 'religion' should get this information instead of redirecting here, but either way, that information is nowhere on the wiki and is not accessible to a knight.Westgate 00:19, 1 June 2007 (CEST)
For the most part it's not available to a priest either. Imagine four people who've never touched the priest class before getting together to found a religion. Been there, done that, got the lumps and bruises from finding out what happens when somebody sets your religion as Evil. It's a great exercise in "I wonder what THIS button does?" When I got the option to do a religious takeover of a region, I was both excited and scared- why hadn't anyone done that to the countries I play in? Turns out it's not yet implemented. Until I had a skilled priest in a faithful region, I'd never have known it existed in the first place. I'm trying to get a list of everything we've painfully, slowly learned over the past six months (like why causing unrest is usually pointless for a priest) because it's sure as heck not available anywhere else. As for sharing that document? Well, my first experience with religion was a weapon used to slice off regions from my nation. Religion can be a deadly weapon _once you know how to use it_. It'd have to be a community project where lots of people contribute what they've learned to each other. Hunterada 06:10, 11 June 2007 (CEST)

State Religions

Shouldnt there be an option for the ruler to declare a state religion? Its perficly logical as the ruler can choose which religion they want their realm to belive in. This would have implications for those folowers of a different religion and if there is another religion that resides whithin that realm, it would make it harder for them to preach as they would be classed as evil and such. This would be logical for realms such as Theorocracys. --ScottSabin 13:45, 1 June 2007 (CEST)

If you're not already aware, there's a hundred-post thread on the d-list right now debating the current situation in which there are effectively state religions. It seems quite contested; I haven't followed the thread thoroughly but perhaps you should give it a read. Westgate 04:02, 2 June 2007 (CEST)
There's nothing to stop a ruler from doing that now. The ruler can make a law stating that all nobles must be members of a certain religion. If they control the religion tightly enough, they can have that religion declare all others as Evil. If they control the judge tightly enough, or have the judge's cooperation, they can ban any nobles that are not full members. You don't need a specific game mechanic or button to click to do it. You already can. --Indirik 04:34, 2 June 2007 (CEST)
Has anyone read the help page for founding a religion? It's basicly inciting people to have state religions... -Chénier 04:49, 2 June 2007 (CEST)

Intercontinental Religions

What I was wondering... Is it allowed to found a religion on one island that already exists on another one? It would seem obvious that it's allowed, but you can never be sure, right? Just in case... Medium 16:29, 20 August 2007 (CEST)

Game mecahnics will adress them as two seperate entities, but it is allowed. -Chénier 20:20, 20 August 2007 (CEST)

And priests?

I know at the start we seemed to want to keep all these things mysterious and all... but now? This tells us how religions works, but gives absolutely no advice to priests. "For the moment, the fun of discovery shall not be spoiled by listing them. Some are dependant on where he is, or on the presence of temples or shrines, or even on the number of believers in the current region." However, this is now known to any player with experience playing priests, but lacks any form of guidance for people just becoming priests (and therefore with a low skill) and/or joining new religions, with few/small temples and few/no shrines, making it potentially quite difficult to shake up the status quo. Perhaps they deserve a manual, by now? -Chénier 02:40, 27 March 2008 (CET)

I'll revise my statement, I'm finding it quite fun to discover new features as they become available to me, and it gives me motivation to spread out and take root as much as possible. Whoever finds the priest game dull must be playing a state religion. -Chénier 22:46, 9 May 2008 (CEST)


And how does one form a religion? Do you need to be a lord? Or does that option appear to priests? Does it need a skill %? Ceorl 14:19, 29 March 2008 (CET)

If you are a lord, and have the funds, you can "become the enlightened founder of a new religion". --The1exile 15:44, 29 March 2008 (CET)
Used to cost 500 gold, but now seems to be 400, though it might depend on the region or something. -Chénier 16:12, 29 March 2008 (CET)
And you cease to be the region lord when you found the religion, becoming a priest instead and abandoning your paraphernalia and unit. Eleanor McHugh 13:15, 26 April 2008 (CEST)


Keep in mind it is not a single set number. In my faith, some lvl 3 temples cost more than other lvl 3 temples to maintain, must have to do with region type. -Chénier 04:59, 23 May 2009 (UTC)

Also, don't forget to account for the cost of any shrines in the same region. The cost of shrines in the same region are not split out from the cost of the temple. I don't know if the region type affects it so much, it could just be a random variation. --Indirik (talk), Editor (talk) 19:06, 13 August 2009 (UTC)


I have just increased the temple in my city from a 5 Large Temple to a Level 6 Magnificent Temple the cost was 1300 gold and not 1200. I am not sure if the size of teh city has something to do with the increase change or not. But I do know that the Level 4 to Level 5 increase only cost 750 gold not 850.-Brakus Stien

Changing Religions?

How might one "renounce" a religion to facilitate joining another? --Calvin November t/c on 17:02, 22 September 2009 (UTC)

You have to go to a temple of your current religion and use one of the temple options to leave the religion. You'll have to pay off your debts first, if you have any. You can also ask one of the religion elders to kick you out. Or you can emigrate. :p --Indirik (talk), Editor (talk) 17:10, 22 September 2009 (UTC)
One simply didn't "renounce" his religion in that era, they were usually born into a religion and would die as a part of it. I seem to remember Tom stating this to justify why it isn't easy to leave a religion. -Chénier 04:23, 23 September 2009 (UTC)
Which might make sense, if BM characters weren't born pagans with no religion, and frequently traveled between continents which reverts them to paganism. Except that historically, you didn't go back to your old religion and formally renounce it (which would likely get you killed) you went to a /new/ temple or Priest and got inducted.Shwartzring 04:35, 23 September 2009 (UTC)