Redspan Revealer/February Edition 2007

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Redspan Revealer
Price: 1 Gold
Written by Tony Malone, Shamus O'Shea, Dielo Filador and Dabug Habap

Disclaimer: The Redspan Revealer would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Redspan Government, only that of three old men and a young goatling.

All you Need to Know about Da Great Goat And Redspan! February 2007 Edition

Current News

King of ASI comments

4 February 2007 (Stargard) by Dabug Habap

When asked for his thoughts on the recent Darkan/Talerium wander through the Ash Sea Islands province of Rogeshore, the King stated:

I am ashamed that my lands have been used as nothing more than a place to escape battle and a thoroughfare to wreak ever greater destruction on the people of RedSpan. There is little honour to be found in looting and pillaging innocent people.
King of Ash Sea Islands

It is indeed a tragedy. The people of Rogeshore are lucky to have a King who loves them so.

New Newspapers Everywhere!

3rd February 2007

There are lots of new newspapers being brought into existence. There are also a lot of revivals as well. BoM and Falasan have recently started their productions, whilst Tara, ASI and Abington have blown the dust of the print machines and oiled the cogs to work with the current demand of fresh news. Hopefully more will follow in their footsteps.

--Special Notice-- Also in the running for best new newspaper award is the new Redspan newspaper, As Told By Benny. His paper is a honest and un-diplomatically biased paper. One that runs on beer alone. Go Benny, we're behind you every step of Da Way.

--Article written by Tony

Tara-Falasan War Erupts

1 February 2007 (Meldeen) by Dabug Habap

While wandering the vineyards of the family estate in Meldeen, I read with interest the Tara Times stories on their new war with Falasan. It appears that Taran troops occupied territories in the western end of Falasan as they negotiated with the Catherine, Queen of Falasan, over a peaceful turnover of these provinces, which Tara sees as its rightful lands. When Catherine was ousted from office and replaced by Tank, the government of Falasan lost interest in giving away these provinces, apparently more in line with the thoughts of its nobles. Though Falasan was already engaged in a war with Eston, they seem willing to defend their territory and Tara's tyrant, Jonathan, felt forced to declare war.

It is, as yet, unclear whether the Cagilan Empire will be involved in offensive operations against Falasan and whether the Darkan troops coming through the Empire are intended for such a role with its Taran ally or not. Of course, the Darkan troops that just marched through Ash Sea Islands could easily turn northeast and participate in that campaign.

There is a confusing web of alliances, wars and ancient enmities at work. As the ancient curse goes, May you live in interesting times.

Official Thievery Spreads

1 February 2007 (Stargard) by Dabug Habap

As noted in last month's issue, Darkan Arch Priestess Lady Lavigna is lining her own pockets with gold stolen from nobles fighting in RedSpan's defensive war against extortion by Darka. Now, their hand-maiden, Talerium is doing the same. At least Darka can claim that they are "merely collecting a debt", while Talerium hasn't even such a feeble excuse for this breach of protocol. One must assume that taxes in Talerium cannot satisfy their Judge's personal needs.

Comments for this month

Tony's Comments

None yet

Shamus's Comments

None Yet

Dielo's Comments

None Yet

Dabug's Comments

I really have to learn to watch my tongue. When I saw the sister of Arch Priestess Lavigna in Stargard, I assumed it meant that all our plans were being revealed to the sell-swords. I have been assured by the Carelian King that Yavanna would never reveal anything to her sister and she herself asserts that she would see her sister dead before she spoke a kind word of her. Of course, Yavanna had to hit me over the head to convince me (I'm thick-headed, so she had to hit me twice.)