Fissoa (Realm)

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Capital [[Error: no local variable "Capital" has been set.]]
Largest City Darfix
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Regions 186
Population 615,779
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... further results
AboalScein Dubhaine
AbykalLinda Estrall
AdariaEgbert Brennaborg
AkuRyusho Oshu Fujiwara
Al AmarahWilliam
AlebadImrahil Mormont
AlowcaCalla Fate
AmmandoLowry Cameron
AmmersfieldLord Damon (unknown)
An NajafWilbrand
Arak CastleLich King (unknown)
AskileonWassgandr Felsenbach
BerakorVex Konran
BiethRhinehart O’Relaious
BisciyeEnder Fate
Bode BaturaHercules von Lucker
BragaDirk Kalamar
BriarullDonagal Prestongreen
BruckSamuel II
Cave of GuiltGregoire Rundsted
CeltiberiaJames Liverpool
CheslandJack Hart Pryde
ChesneyAntoon Finch
CommonyrGniewomir Rabczynski
Corali Forest
Cramir Woods
CreasurCalberian Arylon
DaishaHilda Utengar
DaldMerewyn Kazan
Danlawer Family/mansion
DarfixError: No contents found at URL
Dark CitadelKane Dragul, Kane
DemyanskRoland Brennaborg
DiverdurGustava Komurov

[[Category:Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.]][[Category:Error: no local variable "Realm" has been set.]]

History of the Grand Duchy

The Grand Duchy of Fissoa was born when declaring independece from Madina. At the time the regions part of the Grand Duchy were Fissoa, Fissoa Fields, Libba, Munawai and Drowenton. Mangai was readly added to the lands of the Grand Duke and then a monster army stoped the expansion. Once cleared of the monsters, the region of Palm Sea was the next target of the army. With this annexion the Grand Duchy reached the lands claimed by the realm of Pian en Luries. Soon after, while the army was moving to Moon Bay, Pian en Luries declared war but no battles was fought. Peace talks concluded and secured a treaty between the two realms. Meanwhile the region of Kamade has been claimed and secured while the people of Mellifera decided to join the Grand Duchy. Mellifera has returned to independence and peace was restored between the two realms.

Nuas, Kamade, Maraba and Maf are under the Duchy's influence, however frequent monster raids tend to turn Kamade, Maraba and Maf rogue every now and then. Giask has seceded from Pian en Luries, and has allied the Duchy. As the Duchy is now clearing it's own soil from monster threats, helping the Giaskians has to wait for now. The plan is, however, to join our allies and crush the Ice Queen Alanna in the near future, taking revenge for what PeL had brought over Myern!

A lot has changed since the last update: the Giaskian Rebellion was crushed by Alanna, and PeL has slowly regained control in the south. The Grand Duchy conducted minor raids into Lurian territory, and the Lurians struck back: an expeditionary force managed to break the Fissoan ranks and slash and burn it's way through, all the way into Fissoa Fields. This event is known as the Lurian Incursion. Though we lost some battles, we won others, taking on smaller portions of the Lurian army as they split up. Queen Alanna herself got defeated in battle, causing her to run back into PeL. What the skirmish proved above all, is that the Lurians might be superior in absolute power, but their reach is too short to really harm Fissoa.

Recently another rebellion has started in PeL. The Dukes of Giask, Askileon and Poryatu seem to cooperate, forming Luria Nova. Seems like even though PeL always tried to press their way of life onto other cultures, their own is not that great at all. Queen Alanna has gone missing.

After the Queen's sudden disappearence (ooc: ooc troubles in PeL), hostilities between Fissoa and the Lurian realms ceased. Luria Nova has commenced food trade with Fissoa, and the first sign of friendship has grown. Or perhaps the Lurians are too busy facing monsters in their regions to be bothered with the small, rebellious Grand Duchy.

With the Lurian threat gone, Fissoa shifted it's view West. The realm of Aurvandil, based around Candiels seceded from Madina, though without the latter's permission. Civil war is brewing, and our realm has been considering to intervene. On one side Madina is not only an ally, but also Fissoa's mother realm. On the other side, Madina ruled by Abbot seems to uphold different ideals than she did before. And in a way, Aurvandil is very similar to the Grand Duchy, with Madina as a common birthplace. Time will tell how things evolve there, whilst in the meantime Fissoa is busy keeping monsters out, and nobles in.

Fissoa has declared it's opinion, and chosen Madina's side after all. The secession of the Duchy of Candiels was illegal. In the Lurian lands, changes have occured as well. Luria Nova has extended it's reach into Shinnen. The Lurian's hope to form a thee-realm empire, around Giask, Askileon and Shinnen. The sack of Myern is not forgotten, and the future will tell wether Fissoa can accept the Lurian occupation. Relations with the Lurians are practically unexisting.

On an internal level, things have taken a turn as well. Skyndarbau Melphrydd has been elected as Grand Duke, and a new course has been set for the realm to follow. This will hopefully take the realm out of a long period of stagnation and apathy, as well as spice up politics!

Game opportunities (OOC info)

With the Lurian threat gone, for Fissoa a time of growth can commence. Nobles are needed to uphold the expansion though, and that's the only thing holding us back. Most regions only have one knight at best, so there's easily room for more. Both Fissoa-city, Fissoa Fields and Drowenton supply a good revenue, providing funds for those who need it.

Not long ago, the Fissoa Verminators were founded, providing a home and shelter for adventurers, as well as a marketplace or a way to meet new friends. As Fissoa struggles to decide on how to look at commoners (simple cattle, useful cattle, rebellious cattle or possible friends?), political intrigue commences. The Grand Duchy being an conglomerate of people of different origins, opinions are diverse. The right to express one's opinion is guarded, but of course only up to a certain level.

Coming back on the expansion, plans are to be called big. North of Fissoa lies a vast area to be tamed. The middle of the peninsula exists of the Sea of Palms though. It's sheer size attracts many monster hordes and undead legions, and maintaining control is not only difficult, it is also unprofitable. One day though, Fissoa dreams to become the Grand Duchies of Fissoa, adding the city Shinnen (former capital of Myern) to it's territory.

Law of Fissoa

The current legislation can be found here

The Oath sworn by Skyndarbau Melphrydd, Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

On my integrity as a free man of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, and on my dedication to this realm, it's Nobles and it's people, and in respect to the given support and trust, from this day onwards, I hereby swear to uphold this oath until relieved from by the people, or 'til my death. I swear to lead the realm and love it, to make the right choice where I can, to make the right choice where I must, with aid or anything else. I swear to remain impartial and just, above all but quarrel with our foes. I swear to never surrender in combat, to respect the working institutions and laws in this realm, and the will of the many. So help me the gods.

Fallen Heroes

We honour those who have served our realm as the finest nobles, our Heroes.The names of those who paid the ultimate price in service to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa are placed on this wall. May their name continue to inspire brilliance, courage, duty, honour and loyalty to Fissoa.

  • The hero Bernard Evergreen, General of Grand Duchy of Fissoa, Earl of Drowenton was killed fighting monsters in Kamade.
  • The Tyrant Slade Leonidas. He seized power unrightfully, but he did so for the greater good. His actions might have been unacceptable, but his commitment for a stronger Fissoa is to be admired.
  • Lord Victorian Ironoak, decided to retire from public life, after years of faithful service to the Grand Duchy. He has, however, recently returned!
  • Lady Allegria Drakynor, Viscountess of Nuas, disappeared not long after the Lurian Incursion. She was a great noble, and a great woman, and she will be missed.

Fissoa Privateers

Sponsored by Earl Eldrond Nabarl, they are the fighting force of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Mainly, their first duty is to constantly eliminate the Monster Scourge from Fissoa. The army has been conducting raids across the Lurian border, as well as aiding Giask in their war against PeL. The arly is currently lead into battle by Marshal Troglod Oyro.

Within the army, the legend of a renowned battle group arose during a routine cleansing of monsters. This tale is known as the Legend of the Iron Toughs. Now disgraced this legend is only spoken in hushed voices in shady taverns, any thought to support the traitor and former Judge Bowie Ironsides are publicly punished.


The Grand Duchy of Fissoa, once a part of Madina declared independence from the Republic of Madina after experiencing increased cultural division through its proud army, the Fissoan Privateers.

The people of Fissoa are diverse; most inhabitants are simple peasants and live on the country side while the richer folk and traders live in the city of Fissoa or the outskirts known as Fissoa fields. A townsland in the north called Drowenton has a sort of independence within the Duchy.

While peasants do enjoy some simple freedom within the duchy, any instance of rebellion is crushed without remorse: Exile into the desert is common punishment for those that rebel and considered even worse than a quick execution due to the rampaging monsters.

All boys are conscripted into the army school at the age of 6 and are taught basic writing and reading, history, law, wrestling, running, and other useful knowledge and skills. Normally they can visit their homes once every 3 months for a few days but only the richest can afford these trips for their sons. At the age of 16 boys are considered a man and are allowed to return for their families. The wise scholars and capable fighters and usually opt to stay on in the service.

Training includes being sent off into the dense forest region of Kamade, where they are tutored in the use of weapons such as the spear, sword and shield. If they survive training and pass their final tests they will serve with the small regular forces of the Grand Duchy. The brighter pupils are trained to aid the government in their daily tasks. They are the bureaucrats, doctors, and inventors within the duchy.


Recently the Fissoa Verminators Guild has been founded by Skyndarbau Melphrydd, it's homebase situated in Munawai.


The Grand Duchy do not have an official newspaper. Copies of the most important papers of the continent can be found in the city of Fissoa within few days from the newspaper release. Some nobles may have a subscription and receive a copy of the newspaper at their current location.

Notable Roleplays

  • A Roleplay by Sir Balewin Duckmane, with a beautiful song about the Green Maurauders, his unit.


Treaties with Madina:

  • The Southern Pact

The following treaties have been signed with Giask:

  • The Giask Agreement
  • Borders Agreement
  • The Treaty of Neighborly Love
  • Giask Transit treaty


Map of the Grand Duchy.


Duchies and Regions of Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa
Duchy of Madina

Madina | Madina Gardens | Panabuk | Lugagun | Lawataling | Bol | Fatmilak | Tovabur | Tower Fatmilak

Duchy of Fissoa

Fissoa | Fissoa Fields | Munawai | Mangai | Libba | Kamade

Duchy of Drowenton

Drowenton | Maf | Nuas | Maraba | Palm Sea | Vaal

Duchy of Candiels