Leonidas Family

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The Family Leonidas

Poena Est Terrenus ; Superbia Est Eternus.

The Leonidas Family orginates from the Andurus region of Atamara, know for its constant warfare and dyanmic political changes. The family itself has remained as minor nobles that inhabitated the orginal estate, Leone Salone, a modest 30 acres of farm land that was as unremarkable as the wheat fields that had littered the land. In all fairness this same minor status has protected the family line from the machinations of greater nobles. Though sadly due to war, civil strife and poor finances the family line has fallen nearly into obscurity. Victor Leonidas, the last know and acknowledged noble in the region passed. He left the estate to his sons to be split up as they made their way in the world restoring the family name and bloodline.

The Family Leonidas

Nickolay Leonidas: The Aspiring War Hero.'

As the youngest brother, he was the most doted upon. His constant curosity and desire for adventure had been a constant headache for his mother and father. Of the three brothers he has chosen to stay behind and uphold the family duty. Though he has no formal military training his is being mentored by several nobles. He hopes to prove himself to his peers and his older brothers. He currently commands the Regulators.

Nickolay having served in the campaign that saw Tara rise and returned to glory accepted a minor lordship and settled down in an estate within Andurus. Having since retired from the life of a hero he quietly lives out the rest of his life as a gentlemen farmer.

Ignatius: Son Of Nickolay

After settling down Nickolay raised a family and was blessed with several sons who helped maintain the family land. However his youngest son wished for a life of travel and the sea. He left home with dreams of founding a strong island empire in the mysterious islands of Dwilight. His nature is to be short spoken and a bit to adventurous.

The Black Watch

The Black Watch is a hired band of "able seaman and soldiers" to serve Ignatius as his retinue and exploration party. These men have the unmistakable air of pirates willing to serve a man that would one day be king of his own island.

Cervantes Leonidas: The Aspiring Noble.

A cousin to Keffer and Nickolay, Cervantes stayed with his Uncle Victor after his family had sent him from Yssaria to be educated. At a young age he quickly concerned himself with the ways of noblity. His attitude borders on practically snobbish, though it belies his cunning in courtly politics. He many young nobles he was sent to a foriegn military school in his case the Kunstakademie Kriegerisch Aufklärung, a harsh place were his social skills allowed him to claw his way to the top. He currently commands Cervantes's Fist. He served in Yssaria during its time of peace before the rise of Tuchanon V, during that time he saw combat with the roving undead and monster hordes that arose in the wilderness. Having developed an effective patrol route and good scouting reports he and several other nobles all but wiped out these creatures. While hailed as a hero in his efforts he grew bored watching the dust grow on his armor. While Yssaria was his home he felt that his training was going to waste. With that he decided to leave all but his personal guard behind and travel to Ethiala when his cousin Keffer asked for his aid in a war he was fighting. From his personal guard he formed the Black Eagles, these represented some of the most disciplined, militant and duty bound men under his command. He currently serves as a foreign officer in Ethiala and with news of Yssaria changing he now must wonder if he truly has another other roots than those of constant warfare.

Cervantes's Fist

At first Cervantes's "regal" ways did him no good, he was a fish out of water in the halls of warriors. Though his cunning mind quickly grasped military affairs as apart of noble life, eventually he rose nearly to the top though he could never defeat his brother Keffer. By the time his school career was over he had control over the worst bullies in the academy, who were reffered to as Cervantes's Fist. Upon leaving the followed and they have been bullying people on and off the battlefield ever since.

The Black Eagles

The Black Eagles are a mixed infantry unit comprised of men armed with short swords and javelins. They are unparalleled in their devotion to duty, discipline and when needed utter ruthlessness in battle. They are known as the Black Eagles for the Yssarian Black Eagle feathers they have festooned to the pommels of their javelins and dark colors they wear. Unlike most units they are lead by a Commissar, Meinoff, who is known for his harsh but even handed sense of justice. He ensures the unit behaves itself when Cervantes is not looking, he also ensures the units training and strictest adherence to standards. As such the Black Eagles are amongst the last to flee the battlefield and make for the best police units in hostile regions.

Keffer Leonidas: The Ethialan

Keffer was the golden boy, pride of his parents and the instructors at Kunstakademie Kriegerisch Aufklärung. He was a gentlemen, tactician and warrior and seemingly the best choice for the next Duke of Andurus. Sadly this was not to be, rumors of a child out of wedlock and a near marriage at sword point and what followed forced him into exile in the Far East. It can never be said if the child was of his loins, for that answer is now beyond men. Upon seeing her potential husband flee, the maiden in question with child in hand plunged herself into a deep empty well outside the church. Her death angered her poweful noble family and forced Victor to tearfully send his beloved son away or face having to give him over to toture and death. Keffer currently commands the Crimson Men. Keffer has since found himself in Ethiala, acting as Duke in Topenah, the capital, and various other roles when called upon by his ruler. Recently the capitol had been returned to Talex, along with several long time leaders retiring from public life. Keffer has since been called upon to act as the judge for the realm. During Keffer's time as judge he helped to reform several old laws with the Senate. He also came across several letters implicating long time allies Lasanar and Sartania of plotting a war of conquest while Ethiala was off fighting. They had hoped to take advantage of the strain of the current war on Ethiala to make it easy to overtake the realm. Exposed Lasanar and Sartania found themselves facing a determined and prepared foe who quickly turned the tables diplomatically under the wise rule of Septimus. The war has taken a terrible toll however, the wide spread starvation had severally hurt Topenah. Keffer responded as Duke and Judge to restore order and lift the people's spirits. Sadly Ethiala's darkest hour came while Keffer was away from the battlefield. Ethiala's gifted diplomat and warrior Septimus, Archduke of Ethiala, fell in a fierce battle. His sudden death shocked all and created a grave situation in Ethiala calling for an election to quickly replace the fallen ruler and hero. It was in Topenah that word reached Keffer of his ruler's passing and his election to the Crown of Ethiala. Keffer wished all the world that the Crown would not pass to him in this manner. At the same time Keffer understood the need to act quickly and maintain order and the faith of the nobility in the future of Ethiala. He has since seen the war shift in many directions, faced down a rebellion and seen Ethiala grow and become a power in it's own right. He is currently the Archduke for the time being.

The Crimson Men

News of the maidens death quickly reached the estate. Not wanting to see his son die, and believing his innocence, Victor prepared to send his son into exile. But his son needed an army to protect him and help make his way through the world. With what precious little time they had, Victor and his son proceeded to the dungeon. There they found the condemned men waiting for the hangmen to come. It was that Victor could gaze into the souls of men after so many years of judging the characters of those he commanded. It is said in that dungeon that Victor pressed into service the men who shared the same fire in their eyes his son had to redeem his name, to remove the stain placed upon their name. They took up crimson armour, a symbol of the stain of blood upon their names. Many were fallen soldiers, murders, thieves but they all sought to redeem themselves in service and death. They sought to find salvation through martial deeds. While they have little to no formal military training, the desire for redemption compensates for this and drives them to find forgiveness on the battlefield. After several fierce battles throughout the Ethialan/Arcaean war and the now the war with Lasanar and Sartania the Crimson Men have taken heavy losses due to the intense nature of the battles being fought. The unit once numbered 100 men but now finds its numbers around 20. These 20 represent some of the fiercest most battle tested men in the Far East. Their skill in battle far makes up for their now diminished numbers. What once took 100 men to decide the outcome of numerous close battles, 20 men now can change the face of the battle. The Crimson Men now act as the royal guard on top of their current duties as Keffer recently found himself becoming the Archduke after the death of Septimus. The Crimson Men now have the honor and onus to be the example of fortitude and discipline on and off the battlefield along with their quest for redemption in battle.


Dante is the brother of Cervantes and has had a rather checkered past to this point. He his original home was in Sirion, he was one of the minority of humans living amongst elves. He spoke out against the stagnation of that realm and the elven overlords. He was kicked out of the realm by Handow and Doc and almost stripped of his noble birth right due to the intense argument that followed. Handow side stepped his obligation to face Dante in a duel further adding insult to injury literally as Handow attempted to kill Dante while he was leaving Sirion. He currently takes refuge in the South were he intends to see justice done one day. It should be noted that Dante has commanded many units that have been wiped out time and time again ever since the fateful ambush leaving Sirion. As such he usually does not keep records of units any more. Dante died at the hands of Tuchanon V after being caught behind the lines carrying out a shadow mission on his new homes behalf.


Slade is an adventurer who has made claims that he is a relative of the Leonidas family, how this is unsure. Slade is an accomplished adventurer who has had many run ins with the law and other worldly things. As such his skills are sought out and while his claim to noble blood is probably a lie it probably won't keep him from making a knight, a dubious one, one day...

That day came and after making his way to Dwilight Slade aided the Republican forces of Melodia to overthrow the entrenched monarchy. He was assigned the duty of General to protect the fledgling Republic and the transition during the refounding.