Obsidian News/March 1009 - Issue

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Price: Free For All Editor: King Shady Soulja Issue: 11

Around the Continent News:
Date: Updated Daily

A huge battle in Isadril: Itorunt, Perdan vs. Tuchanon V Estimated strengths: 3000 men vs. 1530 men Darnadol Marauder (Dame of Priotness) is spotted wielding the Ancient Club of Unlife. Sir Sangue Raiva, King of Perdan is spotted wearing the Battered Gauntlets of the Kings. Percival Prestongreen, King Protector of Tuchanon V is spotted wearing the Blessed Helm of the Maiden. Eleran Perfect II (Lord) is spotted wearing the Daemonic Oil of Piety. Sir Sangue Raiva, King of Perdan is spotted wearing the Astonishing Ring of Enchanting. Sir Gustaf Baldersson, Count of Beziers was captured by Tuchanon V forces. Maddox Firsidan, Count of Montauban was captured by Tuchanon V forces. Snake Hitsman (Knight of Perdan, Perdan) was captured by Tuchanon V forces. Freliana Junge (Lord of Perdan) was captured by Tuchanon V forces. Sir Dalan Quasath (Knight of Aix, Perdan) was captured by Tuchanon V forces.

Defender Victory!

Fontan has taken control of Commonyr (formerly part of Sirion). Fontan now controls 12 regions.

A huge battle in Sermbar: Sirion vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 1000 men vs. 400 men Mel Moore, Duke of Slimbar is spotted wearing the Brilliant Gauntlets of Elmbar. arne Anno (Knight of Bruck, Westmoor) was seriously wounded. Mungo Hossenfeffer, Duke of Oligarch was captured by Sirion forces. Flaylen Hlessi, Count of Hagley, Marshal of the Oligarch Assault Force was captured by Sirion forces. Irulan Aeterdust (Dame of Troyes, Westmoor) was captured by Sirion forces.

Attacker Victory!

A huge battle in Isadril: Itorunt, Perdan vs. Tuchanon V Estimated strengths: 970 men vs. 890 men Darnadol Marauder (Dame of Priotness) is spotted wielding the Ancient Club of Unlife. Sir Sangue Raiva, King of Perdan is spotted wearing the Battered Gauntlets of the Kings. Sir Sangue Raiva, King of Perdan is spotted wearing the Astonishing Ring of Enchanting. Eleran Perfect II (Lord) is spotted wearing the Daemonic Oil of Piety. Aragorn Vorondo (Knight of Aix, Perdan) was captured by Tuchanon V forces. Sir Dal van Belhanka, General of Itorunt, Duke of Xavax was captured by Tuchanon V forces. Lady Balkeese Indirik, Duchess of Castle Ubent was captured by Tuchanon V forces. Nicoli Rasthaven, Count of Mulhouse was seriously wounded.

Defender Victory!

Ibladesh has elected Sinted Dacara as its new Pontifex Maximus. He received 42 % of the valid votes.

A huge battle in Oroya: Sultanate of Asena vs. Old Rancagua Estimated strengths: 580 men vs. 370 men Sir High Guard Tezokian, King and Warden of Old Rancagua was seriously wounded.

Attacker Victory!

A huge battle in Dale: Sirion vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 1030 men vs. 1060 men Mel Moore, Duke of Slimbar is spotted wearing the Brilliant Gauntlets of Elmbar. Elberan Carnes, Minister of Finance of Fontan, Duke of Ashforth is spotted wielding the Broken Club. Sir Asterion Arakiss (Knight of Ashforth, Fontan) was seriously wounded.

Defender Victory!

A huge battle in Oroya: Sultanate of Asena vs. Old Rancagua Estimated strengths: 410 men vs. 420 men

Defender Victory!

A huge battle in Sermbar: Fontan vs. Sirion Estimated strengths: 690 men vs. 540 men Elberan Carnes, Minister of Finance of Fontan, Duke of Ashforth is spotted wielding the Broken Club. Bertuccio Rogala (Knight of Avamar, Sirion) was captured by Fontan forces. Dimarus Granlin (Knight of Sirion, Sirion) was seriously wounded. Sir Handow Meadowcrest, Prime Minister of Sirion was seriously wounded.

Attacker Victory!

Sirion has elected Bastian Moore as its new Prime Minister. He received 47 % of the valid votes.

Westmoor has elected Merewyn Kazan as its new Queen. She received 34 % of the valid votes.

Ibladesh has taken control of Az Zarqua , a former rogue region. Ibladesh now controls 8 regions.

A huge battle in Zawr: Itorunt vs. Ibladesh Estimated strengths: 1100 men vs. 1130 men Darnadol Marauder (Dame of Priotness) is spotted wielding the Ancient Club of Unlife. Sir Mythos Arakiss, Lord Marshal of Ibladesh, Marshal of the The Army of Ramsus Protectors is spotted wielding the Accurate Staff of War. Aran Vexille, Count of Ejarr Puutl is spotted reading from the Daemonic Book of Betrayed Heroes. Tito Lucrezio Livia (Lord of Itorunt) was captured by Ibladesh forces. Sir Terminus Recena (Royal of Ibladesh) was captured by Itorunt forces. Ethan MacGregor (Knight of Xavax, Itorunt) was captured by Ibladesh forces. Epaminondas Cranioduro, Duke of Semall was captured by Ibladesh forces.

Attacker Victory!

Fontan has taken control of Dale (formerly part of Sirion). Fontan now controls 13 regions.

A huge battle in Dale: Sirion vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 820 men vs. 1120 men Elberan Carnes, Minister of Finance of Fontan, Duke of Ashforth is spotted wielding the Broken Club. Sir Kenarth Anaris (Knight of Krimml) is spotted wielding the Silver Sabre. Requiem Rai, Count of Oberndorf, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment was seriously wounded.

Defender Victory!

A huge battle in Oroya: Fontan, Sultanate of Asena vs. Old Rancagua Estimated strengths: 1010 men vs. 490 men Shadow Death Blade (Knight of Caqueta, Old Rancagua) was captured by Sultanate of Asena forces. Sir High Guard Tezokian, King and Warden of Old Rancagua was captured by Fontan forces.

Attacker Victory!

Large Battles All Around
Date: March 9, 1009

Many battles were being fought all across the East Continent, but within just the past week a good amount of larger scale battles could be heard about and seen. Most of these battles came from the north, including troops from Fontan, Sirion, Old Rancagua, Sultanate of Asena, and perhaps to some surprise, Westmoor. While in the south the majority of attention came out of Isadril, as Perdan and Itorunt attacked the walls under Tuchanon V's command. These wars continue to pour hundred, if not thousands, of dead into the streets, hillsides, and much more. What will be next? How will this shape out the future of the East Continent? Only time will tell....

News Rulers
March 10, 1009

With new rulers in position in Westmoor, Sirion, and Ibladesh, it leaves people to wonder if perhaps a change in policy and even some peace might be in store for some of the lands. Though Westmoor is not currently at war with anyone, there have been quite some rumors showing their military involvement against another realm. Ibladesh could use some fresh air, and perhaps some time away from all the fighting. Then of course Sirion could as well.

A Quick Recap
March 10, 1009

Quite a lot has happened over the past. First it started out with the wars that lead to Obsidian Islands' existance. Old Rancagua and Perdan went to war with Kalmar Islands, and later Avamar Selective. Old Rancagua took the Kalmar Island, while Perdan took Chaos Temple Island and Bastad Island. Once in better condition, Kalmar seceded to form OI, and shortly after the Chaos Temple duchy joined along. Next on the list of events, the great wars start back up. With Itorunt breaking out of the federation, causing war with Ibladesh and Yssaria. Following this, Perdan declared war on Yssaria and Ibladesh. Fontan broke their federation with Sirion and Old Rancagua, causing war there as well. Tuchanon V was founded in Isadril through secession from Yssaria. Light of Fountain also joined in against Fontan. Tuchanon V declared war on Itorunt. Obsidian Islands also joined in and warred Fontan. Light of Fountain got destroyed by Fontan, and Yssaria falls to Caligus. Perdan warred and destroys Ubent. The Confederacy of Fontan was formed by secession and war with Fontan follows. Perdan and Caligus also join in the war against Fontan. Kazakh seceded from Fontan, forming the Sultanate of Asena, who declared war on Obsidian Islands. White City of Westmoor seceded from Perdan, forming Westmoor, which Fontan declared war upon. Fontan destroyed the Confederacy of Fontan. Peace was found between the forces of Westmoor, Perdan, Caligus, and Fontan. Obsidian Islands reach peace with the Sultanate of Asena. Perdan goes to war against Tuchanon V. I believe that is about it, if I missed anything...well I just hope I didn't since there is already so much here.

Gerard's Betrayal
March 16, 1009

After attacking a noble priest in his region, losing the attack and being seriously wounded and then being asked to step down from his position as he refused to follow orders and continued to break laws...well needless to say it seems "Lord" Gerard felt it would be ok to just bring our region over to Duchy of Perdan, which is of course, part of Perdan. No news of how things are going to go from here.

The End of Old Rancagua?
March 16, 1009

Suffering major losses recently and the region of Pucallpa it would seem nothing more can be done to stop the death of Old Rancagua. It leaves some to wonder where the nobles will go as well. Will they join the Sultanate of Asena? Perhaps fight on with Sirion? There are several other options open to them of course, it's just a question of what they want and where they want to do it from. The Obsidian Islands wish them the best, even though they certainly aren't saying the same for us.