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[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]  
title =<center>[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]The Kalmarian Chronicles[[Image:Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG]]</center>|
== The Kalmarian Chronicles ==
article = Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar]] City ----- Editor: [[User: Alex|Legatus]] DeSyrr ----- Late March, and April '06 ----- The Kalmarian Chronicles is an [[IJARG]] paper.}}
Original Chief Editor: [[DeSyrr Family|Legatus DeSyrr]]. The newspaper is now run by the Democrats of Kalmar Islands

''We won our sixth bet on stabilising the position of Kalmar Islands among the respectable realms.A realm with an opinion.''
==A fledgeling Newspaper for the fledgeling Kingdom of [[Kalmar Islands]]==

<i>This shall (hopefully) become the center for news from the East Continent’s SECOND newest realm. </i>
- '''Prometheus, King of Kalmar Islands, from his famous bet speech'''

DISCLAIMER: Kalmarian Chronicles is an independent journal. Opinions contained herein are not necessarily the opinion of the government of the Kalmar Islands and are strictly the responsibility of its editors.
='''Unjust rebellion led by traitorus El Cid'''=

''Rebellion!  (1 hour, 59 minutes ago)''
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:1|Volume:1]] - Published in early April, 2006.
''El Cid is calling for an uprising against the current government! In a passionate speech he said:''
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:2|Volume:2]] - Published in late April, 2006.
''I can’t take it any longer; I can’t live with the burden of Avamar on my back. I have been sent to serve Avamar. That is what I am here to do. I am serving, I am not a traitor, as has no Rogala ever been!! The suffering of my soul is at an end. I no longer must bare the taint washed upon my house, the pain of wicked lies. No. Today I will seek redemption for what I failed to do and prove that I am no traitor. He he he, but I must start at the beginning or you will not understand. I was sent to this island by my nephew to fill his shoes; but I failed him. The task he gave me was too great, I tried to do what I could, but I was sent away without being allowed to explain anything. Well now I have the stage and all will listen! My nephew had a few friends who knew I was no traitor; and yet that dark day I left to die, but the heavens would not grant me peace. I was mad, crazy you could say; nor could any blame me, and should any try they shall taste my blade. The BladeFist Family, who I now consider as my own kinsmen, saved me. I wanted to die, and I would have many times over; but in Caligus Artanis BladeFist came, and it was he protected me from myself. Many nights we did battle, the anger I had for the world I thought I could destroy with my sword or another's, but I couldn’t. Disgusted in myself I left for Ubent, and Artanis followed. He would not give up on me, he would not allow me to throw away my life needlessly. It took me a long time but I realized that I had a purpose; I swore I would make a difference; I knew I must not let Avamar down. I knew that day that I was to rebuild Avamar, rebuild it greater then before! Ok, claim down, take a deep breath… alright..... These islands are yours no longer; this realm is now under the direct control of the sovereignty of the “Avamarian Empire”. I am a kind man however, I truly am… but you understand that I must act with a certain amount of forcefulness today. All Loyalists will be banned, everyone who is Neutral will be finned 100 gold and will be asked to go to one of the sub-islands, all Rebels save a few will also be asked to leave the capital and go to one of the to sub-islands while I re-organize things. I will then be appointing a transitional government to run the realm for a short time while the affairs of the last past few days are settled. That is as much as you need know. There is a promising future in the Avamarian Empire for all those who cooperate; I give my word on that. Now choose, and choose wisely.''
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:3|Volume:3]] - Published in early May 2006.
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:4|Volume:4]] - Published in late May 2006.
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:5|Volume:5]] - Published in early June 2006.
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:6|Volume:6]] - Published in late June 2006.
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:7|Volume:7]] - Published in early July 2006.
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:8|Volume:8]] - Published in late July 2006.
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:9|Volume:9]] - Published in early August 2006.
* [[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:10|Volume:10]] - Published in late August 2006.
*[[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:11|Volume:11]] - Published in early October 2006
*[[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:12|Volume:12]] - Published in November 2006
*[[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:13|Volume:13]] - Published in January 2007
*[[The_Kalmarian_Chronicles/Edition:14|Volume:14]] - Published in February 2007

[[Category:East Island]]
''Roleplay from Legatus (36 recipients)
Message sent to: Everyone in the realm
"El Cid,''
''How dare you? How dare Avamar try to writh these lands away from the populace. How dare Avamar? a realm based on freedom, culture, civilization, love of life sink so low as to invade and attack a realm as innocent as itself? Has Avamar sunk so low to become the same as the Sirionites who laid waste to it? Have no no moral fiber? Have you no concern for the rights of man? Do you truly choose to attack a realm so fair as the Kalmar Islands? We who are in so noble a struggle as to create a homeland, and a strogn foundation for our people. Our brave, courageous people who first colonized this land. You sir, nay not sir, you thing, you wretched creature of backward thought, and cruel, merciless action. You seek to destroy our home? You think because your home was destroyed we who have done Avamar no harm should die and be forced out of these lands.O mad rebel, O foolish dissident, O herald of misery may your death come swiftly. For you disgrace the noble name of Avamar. I swear by no God, no mighty force but by my land and my people. I swear by my home. You shall perish at the hands of righteous justice!''
''Woefully signed,
Legatus DeSyrr"''
I beleive my view on this can be easily seen. El Cid's family has been known for traitorous acts against Avamar in the past and he stikes at our noble and innocent realm. I fear though that he may take the capital before our forces arrive via ship. Even if we do arrive hastily, the forces of the small number of rebels are far large units of over 40 men each. My unit has 5 soldiers. Such difference in troop capabilities may make this small group of rebels a large problem. I shall keep you good reader posted as the issue continues.
Hail King Prometheus! May we prosper, and strike down this wretch, coward, fool, demon of a dissident! Glory to the Kalmar Islands!!!
Legatus (Knight of Chaos Temple)
=New Realm=
</center>(a few days ago, around April 1)
The regions of [[East Continent/Negev|Negev]], [[East Continent/An Najaf|An Najaf]], and [[East Continent/Fontan|Fontan]] City, were seceded from the realm [[Fontan]] at the beginning of this realm by Lycastus, duke of Fontan. The new realm is known as [[Light of Fountain]], and is a new religious theocracy. Its state religion is not my personal forte, but it is known as the Light of Fontan and is quite common in areas around the city. The religion deals with numerous gods, such as Solar, Celestial, and Lunar. It also has odd dealing with things like pyramids, no-space, and parralel universes, and is it just me? Or do LOF's holy paintings look like childrens drawings? Well nonetheless this holy secession shall surely cause trouble for Fontan.
I should like to mention that LOF's 3 regions have a population that is over twice our own, and we have 9 regions to their 3. LOF also has a higher military power with their what is it 5 troop commanders than all of the 35 KI troop leaders. Their few nobles get now over 200 gold in taxes per tax day(used to be getting 450), while we Kalmarians are getting 8 gold per turn. Ha, nobody said colonization was easy. But on a happier note, our forces can atleast destroy monsters, well all our troops that arent Stora ranger archers.
=New Archer Corps a flop=
It is well known that Kalmar lacks many nescessities economically. I beleive our realm rakes in from taxes, only about 346 gold coins per taxation, resulting in a share of a little over 10 gold for each noble; Not great wages. Yet a Baron, commonly known to be extroversive and acting before thinking has built a new archers center... in [[East Continent/Stora|Stora]]. For those who are foreign and do not know... at the last census, Stora's population was at 67 people, 67! It produces almost nothing, and is worth little to us without more people in it. Baron Cloud has most foolishly contructed an archers center in this region, naming the soldiers "Stora's Rangers Archers". Kalmarian organizations who came to examine the quality of this new building/new soldiers ranked the archers a 35/100 for training, and only 15 for weapon quality and 40 for defense quality. Now that is almost useless to us, especially in a region that is so sparsely inhabited. Taking people out for a draft will only harm us.
This action has resulted in an angry retaliation by the esteemed King Prometheus, Head Marshal Requiem and worst of all by the Royal Treasurer Billy Bob Brubacker, who was noted saying
"For the love of whatever you consider holy why in the hell would anyone build an archer center in Stora??????
1) There is 0% production meaning it is another complete waste of gold since it will fall into disrepair within a week.
2) It wont produce any recruits unless they are drafted or a couple initially signed up since production and population is so low.
3) Even if it did produce recruits it is in a region that we need population growth and not the population to decline from recruiting troops from it.
4) There were big discussions that the only place that we could really use and afford to have a recruitment center right now were Bastad and possibly Chaos Temple.
5) If we cant trust our region lords to be efficient with realm resources we should either remove them or continually fine them so someone else can put their tax gold to efficient use before they can waste it.
6) Wasnt there an order/request by Prometheus to run all purchases by the Senate/Banker before they are made? Why didnt this happen in Stora?"
This is definately a blow to the already struggling Kalamrian economy as well as one to Lord Cloud's reputation among Kalmarian nobles.
=King Prometheus refuses *scratch that* '''ACCEPTS''' Kazan=
''Important Orders from Prometheus (36 recipients)  (4 hours, 48 minutes ago)''
''Message sent to: Everyone in the realm''
''Do not move to Kazan. It wasnt ours and it is not still. We are not touching anything that we cant keep.''
''Return to our rest regions. As i said my people,"patience". Kazan is vital for OR.''
''With respect,''
''Sir Prometheus, King of Kalmar Islands''
These were King Prometheus's words earlier today. So we shall not have a fotthold on the mainland. *sigh* So I assume Kazan shall be returned to our allies in [[Old Rancagua]]. King Prometheus is perhaps the most chivalrous and honoroble man I know. Plus, we had better focus on defeating the monsters that have sprung up in [[East Continent/Alvaret|Alvaret]] before worrying of this new region. We shall do as ordered and [[Old Rancagua]] shall have the region back. Be it so be it so. Hail King Prometheus!
'''This just in, King Prometheus explains that the region will not be returned instantly, it shall remain in Kalmarian hands and have order restored before it is returned, Kazan may also end up being a temporary source of much needed recruits.'''
''Important Orders from Prometheus (36 recipients)  (1 hour ago)''
''Message sent to: Everyone in the realm''
''Help Kazan.''
''I ve arranged to keep it in KI. At least for the near future. If anything change,i ll inform you in time.''
''With respect,''
''Sir Prometheus, King of Kalmar Islands''
=Revolt in Kazan=
Earlier today the local peasants of [[East Continent/Kazan|Kazan]] rebelled from their former Oligarchian rulers.  [[East Continent/Kazan|Kazan]] is located at the northern tip of the [[East Continent/Kazakh Peninsula|Kazahk Peninsula]]. The entire peninsula is in a state anarchy and after the rebellion, the 3 regions of the peninsula are all owned by different realms [[Kalmar Islands]], [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Oligarch]]. The oddest thing thought is after the rebellion in [[East Continent/Kazan|Kazan]], the peasants pledged loyalty to us! the Kalamarians. It seems that now, since our regions are relatively safe, Kalmar Islands had become a pillar of stability in the eyes of foreign peasants. Kazan will surely raise issues. It should be noted that the population of Kazan far exceeds that of the other regions, in fact there are more people in Kazan than the entire island population combined. Though KI has a great surplus of food, we may be lacking in the future because of this. If I recall our food supply was over 1000 last motnh(2 months ago?) and it is currently around 500. The peninsula does however give us a land border with 2 other nations, OR and Oligarch whom we previously hed only sea borders with. The activity in the [[East Continent/Kazakh Peninsula|Kazahk Peninsula]] if definately worth keeping an eye on. It seems now that realms descend into chaos now, look at OR or Ibladesh, they fragment, but let Kalmar stand strong.
'''Region joins our realm'''  (1 hour ago)
'' The people in Kazan are revolting! 3 gold have been stolen from various tax collector offices. Production is dropping 4 points. Revolting peasants have lynched the local civil servants and vowed loyality to Kalmar Islands instead!''
=Baron Vince'''- and((edited)) Baron WAYLANDER -''' swears loyalty, squirrels move out=
In a noble procession in [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]] earlier, Baron Vince of [[East Continent/Bastad|Bastad]] pledgled loyalty to the duchy of the [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]]. There was a small ritual-like proceeding, few nobles attended as most are heading to Kazan. Vince has sworn to serve the duchy and protect the region to his best ability, and later today Baron WAYLANDER of [[East Continent/Venas|Venas]] followed Vince's lead. Albeit, not the most exciting news but there it is. I hear that a few black squirrels escaped the temple menagerie that nightwhile the zookeeping priest attended the cenerony. Apparantly the squirrels headed east to [[Oligarch]]? [[Sirion]]? [[Caligus]]? [[Old Rancagua]]? Meh who knows, somewhere that way. Squirrels can be most peculiar creatures. In fact these are a very rare type of obsidion black squirrel native only to [[Kalmar Islands]], and some parts of the [[East Continent/Kazakh Peninsula|Kazahk Peninsula]]. These are the only known breed of squirrels with the ability to swim long distances. They will surely be a loss to the temple menagerie. Ah well, we shall see what comes to pass in due time.
=New Dukes=
Upon Duke olorin’s departure, Lord Hylor has been appointed the new Duke of [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]]. May it prosper under his guiding hand. Also, upon the leave of the esteemed Ebion II Junior, our former king and Baron, [[East Continent/Lundel|Lundel]] is without a leader. Soon a new one shall be appointed.
'''New news! Palandro has been appointed Baron of Lundel (4-1-06)'''
=Judge orders “No more buerocrats”, General orders “Be wary of recruiting=
With the change to a noble’s [[inalienable rights]], the Arch Priest of Kalmar Islands, Franklin of Orange has decreed that we have enough buerocrats to satisfy the realms needs and none may switch to this class unless they receive approval from the council. Interestingly enough this was one of multiple reasons our old judge, The New Paradigm who was greatly opposed <b>especially</b> by our current judge, Franklin of Orange. The New Paradigm was stripped of his position by King Prometheus.
Think not however, that this new law is unjust. Any more beurocrats would only hamper our realms progress, and now that the except to the law of inalienable rights was made, it is both reasonable and understandable.
Also, orders have come in that no Kalmarian troop leader should overrecruit. That is to say if one has a unit of 15 men or more, no more should be taken as we have not the funds AND in fairness, other commanders should be given a chance to, well command some unit.
=Word from King Prometheus=
King Prometheus has moved Kalmarian nobles with a recent speech. An exerpt of this speech has been prepared for reading by the nobles of the East island.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We won our first bet to bring order to our inner conflicts and chaos.We have discipline and passion for our realm.
We won our second bet to upgrade our relations with all the realms in a level that will provide us with the necessary peace so as to succeed on making our realm to stand on its own feet.
We won our third bet which had to do with the necessary military arrangements as also the constant food supply so as to have the ability to handle serious problems like fighting monsters and starvations.
We won our fourth bet of securing Kalmar City with the minimum level of walls.
We won our fifth bet on building strong alliances.
We won our sixth bet on stabilising the position of Kalmar Islands among the respectable realms.A realm with an opinion.
The bets will continue and we will continue to win them.
KI is a bet for all of us.
And if we all stay together and united,then,Gods are my witnesses when i am saying that...WE ll win this Bet!
With respect,a proud member of KI,”
=Kalmar moves to Chaos=
We had our first change of capital. Since Kalmar Islands was founded by OR and Perdanese settlers our capital has been  [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar]]  City. Yesterday, enough money was collected to bring the center of government to the [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]] instead. This will give us the benefit of
1. Easier access to regions under attack by monsters(central location)
2. Easier access for buerocrats to fix these troubled regions after battle
3. Two banking areas. Kalmar has a bank and with the change of capital Chaos Temple was built a bank as well.

Latest revision as of 15:04, 19 December 2007

Kalmar islands Emblem.JPG

The Kalmarian Chronicles

Original Chief Editor: Legatus DeSyrr. The newspaper is now run by the Democrats of Kalmar Islands

We won our sixth bet on stabilising the position of Kalmar Islands among the respectable realms.A realm with an opinion.

- Prometheus, King of Kalmar Islands, from his famous bet speech

DISCLAIMER: Kalmarian Chronicles is an independent journal. Opinions contained herein are not necessarily the opinion of the government of the Kalmar Islands and are strictly the responsibility of its editors.