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Order Reports

May your gods have mercy on your soul December 9, 2009
A thing of beauty once created is gone forever and no longer belongs to its Creator

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to : Everyone in the realm

Treason within the Brotherhood

A heavy and well-armed contingent of Royal Guards march through the woods of Rettlewood, the tromping of their boots flattening the grass and startling the peasants out of their daily routine. Out of respect they stood at attention unused to the sense of purpose, determination and destination that the soldiers displayed. They knew the soldiers weren't here to clear the region of monsters and the undead, who were by now a regular occurence and they took it as part of their lives. If they were, the soldiers would be less visible, less... single-minded in their steps. No, this was a Mission - one that Ordenstaat likely has never seen and probably never will again.

In the middle of the road out of Rettlewood the contingent came to a halt. They wait and watch with precise military discipline and patience honed by seasons of waiting. Soon, in the distance the rumbling wheels of a caravan are heard. Then a green flag bearing the image of a golden lion slowly comes into view. At this, the Royal Guards lower their eyes once in respect then raise them again as they await the Grand Master of the Brotherhood, the architect of Ordenstaat - Sir Milmice Vecchio Ratto.

The caravan comes to a slow stop in front of the contingent and a knight wielding a golden shield steps out and walks towards them. Before he can speak, Captain Stephan, the Royal Captain of the Royal Guard of Eternal Wrath takes two steps forward and unfurls a red scroll that extends to his knees. He looks once at the knight before him, nods then proclaims in deep and commanding tones:

Sir Milmice Vecchio Ratto -

Architect of Ordenstaat,

Founder of the Realm,

Grand Master of the Brotherhood,

By Order of the Royal Council:

You are hereby accused and condemned of the following crimes against Ordenstaat:-

  • Insults & threats of murder against nobles
  • Causing dissension and discord within the Brotherhood
  • Portraying nobles as snakes and the leachers of your dreams
  • Attempts to subjugate Ordenstaat with the influence of St. Iestyn
  • Attempts to force a noble into exile by reason of personal vendetta
  • Secretly joining the underground and conspiring to overthrow the realm
  • False allegations of chaos, heresy, daimonic influence & numerous others
  • Attempts to usurp the authority of the realm council and retake council positions
  • Secretly poisoning the minds of nobles with false accusations through private letters

Captain Stephan rolls up the scroll and draws his sword in one swift motion of fury, raising it to the heavens. In a clear voice he declares with utter conviction and truth, and the words ring through the hills:

A thing of beauty once created

Is gone forever

And no longer belongs to its Creator.

Ordenstaat is that thing of beauty.

It no longer belongs to its Founders

But to all who would call it... their home.

"Sir Milmice," Captain Stephan addresses him for the final time. "We will escort you out of Ordenstaat."

"May your gods have mercy on your soul."
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)
Comment on this story. by Arden Fury
Grand Master & Preceptor of Ordenstaat 
Return of Grand Master Milmice December 5, 2009
Whether or not this is a good thing remains to truly be decided upon yet. For those who do not know who Grand Master Milmice is, they must not have dealt with Ordenstaat very much. He was one of four original founders, the idea of Ordenstaat came from his own mind. It was him who lead the expedition to take over Rettleville, and it was him who created the Brotherhood of Ordenstaat. After months of journeying on a self-imposed pilgrimage, he has returned to Ordenstaat.

As I said before though, whether this is a blessing or a curse remains to be seen. So far he has attempted to return the Order of Saint Iestyn to Ordenstaat, call loyal realm members heretics, attempted to drive a wedge between the members of the Brotherhood itself by saying what he seems to think those people want to here, and demand a return to the former ways. He has not asked us what has happened in this time, nor asked why we have done what we have done. He has only attacked me, my friends, my faith, and everything we have done since he left.

He has decreed that the Argent Order is a heretical faith, founded and tended for by chaos. Yet when asked whether or not he realized why Ordenstaat left Saint Iestyn, he said nothing. Perhaps he doesn't realize that it was the Grand Master of Ordenstaat that saw to the creation of a new faith, one that would serve and have a vested interest in the well being of Ordenstaat. He has claimed that Grand Master Arden is in fact regent of his, that he was not called this though because of what happened with the last regent, yet last I checked it was Grand Master Arden who ruled Ordenstaat, not a man who abdicated the throne and abandoned the very realm he sought to create.
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian, Silver Archon 
The Order Welcomes it's Second Priest November 22, 2009
I would like to extend a warm welcome to Padraig Havershim, one of the younger members of Ordenstaat who has recently met the requirements and decided to become the second priest of the Argent Order. With a second priest of the faith, I am sure things will only prosper from here, as this means less work for me to do, leaving me more time to study the Silver Tome and generally improve the level of information available publicly about the Order.
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian, Silver Archon 
The Argent Order November 20, 2009
After a month of a myriad of other duties to attend to I have finally had a chance to settle down in my estate in Maeotis and get around to writing on the Argent Order, it's creation, beliefs, and goals.

The Argent Order was born primarily out of discontent between the various members of the Order of Saint Iestyn's Ordo Procelae, or the faith's upper echelons. A good deal of this discontent came from the main church in the East to recognize the church West, represented mostly by myself. It all reached the boiling point when then Duke Arden Fury was being put up for promotion into the Ordo Procelae itself--to a position that would've actually made him "outrank" me in the faith. The entire process seemed to be running rather smoothly until all communication from the East just ceased without warning. At first I assumed it was just another of Drystan's quiet spells and that it would pass shortly. It didn't. In fact I'm fairly certain the next time I heard from him was when I closed the temples in Twainville and Twainwood.

Now, Arden Fury, denied the promotion both him and I were certain he was getting, had a reason to support me. And it's from him that most of the funding for the faith came. And in what was typical between then Grand Master Milmice and myself, change came in something of a firestorm. You see, Grand Master Milmice was adamantly against anything that would replace the Order of Saint Iestyn, being what I can only assume to be a very devout believer. So when a new faith was proposed, he denied it. I have had difficulties with him most of the time I was in Ordenstaat, early on to test the resilience of the realm, later just because I was annoyed. This time it was a political firestorm, me and "democracy for Ordenstaat" on one side, and him on the other. I have always been something of a Republican I suppose, we each had our supporters, and I must say it was one of the most interesting times Ordenstaat has probably experienced.

It ended in Grand Master Milmice stepping down, and Duke Arden reluctantly replacing him. One of his first acts as Grand Master was to see to a faith to replace the Order of Saint Iestyn. I presented my proposal, and with cooperation from one of the local lords, it came to fruition a short time later. Now the Argent Order stands as the new Beacon of Order in the West.

The Argent Order isn't all that unlike the Order of Saint Iestyn, I suppose. We both pursue the triumph of Order over Chaos, and both have Saints. Though that's where the similarities stop I believe. The Argent Order believes in Eternal Forces rather than gods, per se. Those forces being Vita and Nex, or Life and Death. And contrary to Saint Iestyn's Five Saints, we have Three: Alexius the Brave, Relinon the Wise, and Telani the Silver. The Argent Order is also setup differently, dividing the faith internally into four different echelons: The Echelons of the Sword, the Shield, the Pen, and the Staff. They represent front line combat, logistical combat, political combat, and the priests of the faith, respectively. The Echelon of the Staff, is special in comparison because it's members enjoy a sort of dual membership after formal priest training is complete--once a certain rank they are permitted to join one of the other Echelons as well, broadening their scope and allowing them to better benefit the Order.

As for the Argent Order's goals, well, those are pretty simple I suppose. We seek to bring Order to the Chaos. As for more short term goals, we plan to solidify our presence in Ordenstaat, and then branch out from there. As to where we will branch out to exactly, that's another question altogether. Depends on where we are when our current goal is reached, now doesn't it?
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian, Silver Archon of the Argent Order, and Viscount of Maeotis 
Ordo Charta and Order Reports Repurposed October 20, 2009
For a while I wasn't sure exactly what would become of the Ordo Charta. The Order of Saint Iestyn was ignoring Ordenstaat for a long time, and becoming more and more fed up with me I'm sure. When I left the faith to join the Argent Order, which I had a decent part in creating, I had for a while decided I would simply leave the Ordo Charta to the wind to erode. Recently though, with the appointment of the first Archon of the Pen within the Argent Order, I remembered the Ordo Charta and Order Reports, and decided, "Why not have the Argent Order run this?". So now they are! I'm sure Duke Brynden will enjoy his extra duties! Then again I'll probably be doing most of this myself anyways. I suppose he can take credit for managing it or something. Anyways, the Argent Order itself will be covered in the next article, which I'll put out either later today, or more likely, tomorrow.
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian, Silver Archon of the Argent Order 
Chaos in Ordenstaat and the New Realm of Silverfall August 12, 2009
The chaos created in Ordenstaat was as far as I can tell due to a quiet leadership. Something I had tried to fix on a few occassions, obviously without success. I am of course, King Zanaras of the recently christened Silverfall. Being a priest of the Order of Saint Iestyn, I was allowed certain privileges within the ruling body of Ordenstaat, the Brotherhood, that regular nobles nor memebers the Brotherhood itself were typically allowed. Namely, I could speak against the government's actions with far less chance of reprimand. As you can see, I wasn't able to effect enough change for it to be worthwhile.

Now, the rebellion we are currently seeing is due to, from what I could tell, the Brotherhood having little or no communication with the general public, as well as the Regent Pro Tempore Eddard having been rather quiet overall as of late. I was tired of putting up with Ordenstaat's inability to support my city, as well as the unchanging private circle that ruled Ordenstaat. So I decided to officially break off and forge my own realm, one where I could create what I thought to be the ideal government. Yes, officially, it is a Monarchy, but I am including several Republican elements as time goes by. One of them being a Chamber of Representatives who will be elected seasonally (subject to change as the realm is fleshed out) as well an official listing of claims much like Madina currently employs. Atleast one, if not two of the council positions will also be elected. It is like it says in my realm's public summary:

Silverfall, the second of the two southwestern beacons of Dwilight. Life here is not easy, in fact it is very much the opposite. Silverfall strives to be the realm that Ordenstaat would not be. A realm open to it's nobles, where there are clearly set channels of communication so that even the most new of nobles can present his concerns to the Ruler. Quiet nobles will be ignored, and disloyal ones cut as soon as proof is found. There is only opportunity here if you prove you deserve it.
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian, First King of Silverfall  Blank.png
Chaos Theory July 12, 2009
Chaos is a form of energy created by the most vile deamons in the lowest spawnholls of hell. The further away from these magicalholls the lesser the impact of this dark energy. Still if enough file beasts of Chaos concentrate their power and will, even normal beast and human can be influenced over a distance of over a 1000 miles. Chaos is the limitless ocean of spiritual and emotional energy that can flow through anybody. Only the most strongest of will and the Saints are able to force the power of Chaos completely out of their own body.

Those of lesser will which are influenced by Chaos, have a faith that only lives in Nightmares. Madness, mutation, terrible illness and even bringing back the dead is an ability of this dark power. This also explains why the dead can sometimes can come back to life to terrorize lands that are normally safe.

As stated, there is a small part of Chaos in any human or beast. Only if one is taken by an complete hatred, saddness, will of revenge or any other uncontrolled emotion this small part of Chaos can grow with such speed a human is taken over and their faith forever sealed.
Comment on this story. by Leon Agenor, Duke of Fissoa 
Order Reports Launched July 11, 2009
In what has become the most recent results of my industriousness, I have launched this newspaper, along with the Ordo Charta, and started up plans to recreate the Poryatown Press. As for why I am doing all this, well, if all goes well I will soon be Duke Twainville and I have goals I wish to meet. Duke Arden of Rettleville may remember me mentioning my goals, the Poryatown Press was one of those. It won't be in Askileon anymore though, no, it will be headquartered out of Twainville.

This was one of those things I thought up in the spur of the moment though. I've been yearning to write another newspaper since the Lurian Weekly went defunct last October. Back then though, I had other obligations to attend to. Now however, I have more free time to work with, and thusly the Ordo Charta and Order Reports were born!

For those who don't know, this newspaper is for the Order of Saint Iestyn, it's followers, and it's associated realms (Pian en Luries, Ordenstaat, and a bit of Fissoa too I believe). It is written by members of the faith, and managed by the Ordo Charta, a subdivision of the Ordo Procellae (the Order of Saint Iestyn leadership). If you're in the Order of St. Iestyn, I invite you to write a story and/or introduce yourself.
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian
Bishop of the Order 

November 19, 2009
Celtiberia Restored!
The Ordenstaati flag flies in the rurals of Celtiberia once more! Ordenstaat now controls four regions.
November 14, 2009
Maeotis Retaken!
The Argent Order Holy Site has been retaken from Chaos!! Ordenstaat now controls three regions.
October 29, 2009
A New Alliance
Thanks to an improvement in relations between the two realms, Caerwyn and Ordenstaat have recently signed a new alliance agreement.
October 23, 2009
Ordenstaat restores Order in Rettleville
Once again Ordenstaat has claimed control of the forests just outside Rettleville. Ordenstaat now controls 2 regions.
October 23, 2009
Order Reports Lapse in Reporting
Blank.png Due to the chaos created from Ordenstaat's splitting with the Order of Saint Iestyn, events from before this article may not have been covered.
August 22, 2009
Nark Revolts
The people of Nark have revolted and declared independence from Ordenstaat!
August 15, 2009
Ordenstaat Takes Control of Nark
Blank.png Ordenstaat has taken control of Nark, a former rogue region. Ordenstaat now controls 4 regions.
August 13, 2009
Celtiberia Revolts
The people of Celtiberia have revolted and declared independence from Ordenstaat!
August 12, 2009
Twainville Secedes!
Blank.png After weeks of no connection to Ordenstaat, and no aid from the realm, Duke Zanaras has taken his city and departed, creating the realm of Silverfall.
August 8, 2009
Ordenstaat Takes Control of Celtiberia
Blank.png Ordenstaat has restored order in Celtiberia, a former rogue region. Ordenstaat now controls 5 regions.
August 8, 2009
Terran Loses Control of Thysan.
Chaos has once again taken over Thysan, a region which just days before switched loyalty from Ordenstaat to Terran.
August 7, 2009
Thysan Revolts!
Seeking a more involved government, revolting peasants in Thysan have vowed loyalty to Terran instead!
July 28, 2009
Nark has Fallen!
Blank.png Undead monstrosities have brutally forced the local government in Nark to disperse!
July 20, 2009
Ordenstaat has lost control of Twainwood
Blank.png Undead, Monsters, and general forces of Chaos have overtaken the lands of Twainwood. Twainville is now isolated.
July 19, 2009
Ordenstaat takes control of Twainville
Blank.png A peasant uprising caused by religious dedication of believers in The Order of St. Iestyn has overthrown the rogue regional lord of Twainville. The leader of the uprising, Sir Zanaras Tian, Bishop of Rettlville, has been proclaimed as the new lord. Ordenstaat now controls 8 regions.
July 17, 2009
Celtiberia Revolts!
Blank.png The heretics of Celtiberia have been aided by Chaos, and have declared independence from Ordenstaat!
July 11, 2009
Government System Change
Blank.png The Ruler of Ordenstaat, Eddard Oakheart has decreed that his true title is not "Grand Master" but "Regent Pro Tempore", perhaps in a move to reinforce that previous Grand Master Milmice Vecchio Ratto is still in fact the true ruler of the realm.
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