Asenian Courier/May-June 08: Difference between revisions

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title = Fontan Secedes from Fontan|
title = Fontan Secedes from Fontan|
date = 27 May 2008|
date = 27 May 2008|
location = [[Fontan (Region)|Fontan]]|
location = [[Fontan]]|
author = [[Anthas Family|Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock]]|
author = [[Anthas Family|Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock]]|
article = Shortly before sunset, [[Relak Family|Gregor Relak]] announced the independence of [[Fontan (Region)|Fontan City]] from the realm of [[Fontan (Realm)|Fontan]], Proclaim himself as Dictator of the Confederacy of Fontan. Sordidus, Tokat, and Negev all followed their duchy capital, and at the time of writing, Sordidus and Negev have both changed their allegiance from the infant confederacy, with no word of official stance of the remaining region of Tokat yet received. Only time will be able to tell us what will happen with this infant realm.}}
article = Shortly before sunset, [[Relak Family|Gregor Relak]] announced the independence of [[Fontan|Fontan City]] from the realm of [[Fontan (Realm)|Fontan]], Proclaim himself as Dictator of the Confederacy of Fontan. Sordidus, Tokat, and Negev all followed their duchy capital, and at the time of writing, Sordidus and Negev have both changed their allegiance from the infant confederacy, with no word of official stance of the remaining region of Tokat yet received. Only time will be able to tell us what will happen with this infant realm.}}
{{Template:News Article Boxed Left|
{{Template:News Article Boxed Left|
title = Takeover of Salta completed|
title = Takeover of Salta completed|

Revision as of 15:57, 27 July 2009

Miniasena6.jpg Asenian Courier
1 Silver with Honour and Valour Issue #1 - May/June 2008
Times Marshal Vanya Bluelake heard to call Defterdar Katan Anthas fat: 179
Kazan Secured by Asenian Forces
27 June 2008 (Kazan) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
This morning, news was brought to light that the administrators in Kazan hailed the government change, and now call themselves Asenian once more. This follows a series of battle in which the islanders, led by King Shady, attacked the takeover forces in Kazan. The series of battles had seen many of the Islander nobility succumb to wounds. Sir Sycheus, once Baron of Kazan, is expected to be reappointed to his former post shortly.
Casualty Report of Kazan Takeover
11 June 2008 (Kazan) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
Below is a list of nobility wounded in Kazan during the Takeover.
  • Marshall Leopald Dwarvenite of the Army of the Obsidian Islands
  • General Epoch Shadowbane of Obsidian Islands
  • Banker Paul Aelradir of Obsidian Islands
  • Sir Kaiden Alexo of Kalmar (Twice)
  • Sir James Kelly of Juazeiro (Seriously)
  • Baron Darken Hellfire of Venas
  • Baron Marcus Casci of Alvaret
  • Baroness McSweeney of Kazan
  • Sir Harold Hellfire of Alvaret
  • Sir Jaret Jaron of Stora
King Shady Lives up to Name
16 June 2008 (Kazakh) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
In a foolish move, King Shady had entered into a state of war with the Sultanate, personally leading an ill-fated assault on Kazakh. The attackers were easily repelled, and Sultan Korkut made the declaration formal. One must wonder how one who claimed to be honourable such as Shady, who had admitted to personally instructing the infiltrator Sundus to be within Sultanate lands, can not only lead an attack on the capital of a nation he had personally signed a treaty with, but to do so with such an undermanned army in an attack in which they had little chance of success. It is suspected within th Sultanate that King Shady has succumbed to madness. Other sources believe he is destined for such dishonour since birth, given his name. As time goes by, the world waits to see what fallout will seen as the result of his actions.
King Shady makes Fool of Self... Again
11 June 2008 (Pedrera) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
Earlier today, King Shady of the Obsidian Islands laid claims against the sultanate for violating the treaty, despite the fact that only a handful of nobles used Kazan as a mode of transport. He had also denied claims of his priests violating the treaty, along with the infiltrator attack, despite being sent several reports. Furthermore, he had gone on to say how it is an insult to move a takeover sized unit through his realm to attack his 'allies,' despite the fact that only a couple months ago, he himself was negotiating to aid in the war against them in exchange for Gadlock and Kazakh. It seems the Obsidian Islands sees Old Rancagua as little more than an ally of convenience, and is willing to attack them if they can profit from it. Can such a ruler really be trusted? With a name such as Shady, it is highly unlikely.
Grand Vezir Tengstille appointed Baron of Pedrera
11 June 2008 (Pedrera) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
Today Sultan Korkut appointed Grand Vezir Tengstille, former Baron of Obando, as Baron of Pedrera. Despite having no claim to the region, the peasants accepted him, possibly still mourning the death of their former Lord. Things are looking good, with the peasants in Pedrera accepting Sultanate rule much better than those in Obando done, so now it is only a matter of time before the region and those surrounding become integral parts of the Sultanate.
Pedrera Converted
8 June 2008 (Pedrera) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
This evening, the badland region of Pedrera was captured from Old Rancagua by forces from the Sultanate of Asena. This follows a chain of events including the original battle, followed by the splitting of Asenian forces to loot Oroya, one of the resulting battles in Oroya resulting in the death of Baron SY Chew of Pedrera. The loss of their Lord is perhaps one reason the peasantry was so quick to change allegiance, but it is also suspected that they were disgusted the the army's decision to attack a bureaucratic party and leave their capital open to assault, which was promptly accepted. There is yet no official word on who the new Baron of Pedrera will be, but Grand Vezir Tengstille is expected to be appointed following the loss of Obando, despite having no claims on the region.
The Siege Commences
9 June 2008 (Pedrera) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
With the conversion to Asena by the population of Pedrera, things look grave for Old Rancagua. The loss of Pedrera mean that Oroya and Pucallpa now are cut off from the remainder of the realm, Csopa and Caqueta. With a few siege specialists within the Sultanate, old Rancagua isn't expected to last much longer before an Asenian flag is raised above their last region. At the time of writing, the Rancaguan military was only about a quarter the strength as the Asenian military, with several Old Rancaguan Nobles without units, and the majority of their mobile army on the other side of Pedrera, which is well suited due to its palisade.
Battle in Pedrera
5 June 2008 (Pedrera) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
This evening, a retaliatory offense was made against Old Rancagua in Pedrera. The palisade within Pedrera was no aid for them, as they lost the battle. Shortly following the battle, Sultan Korkut of Asena had initiated a Brutal Takeover of the region in order to add it to his domain and sever Oroya's connection to the remainder of the realm. Now only time can tell what the reaction from the Old Rancaguans will be.
Actions by Obsidian Islands
5 June 2008 (Juazeiro, Kazakh, and Gadlock) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
OVer the last several days, Acts of hostility have been detected within several regions, under sanctions supported by the Obsidian Islands. First an Infiltrator, Sundus, was captured as he attempted to rob the vaults in Juazeiro. Then Gauihu, made infamous from his actions while ruler of the now fallen nation of Abington, now a priest was spotted preaching in Kazakh, and another priest, Spero, was seen preaching in Gadlock. All of these actions are in violation of the Peace Treaty which carries the royal seal of both reigning monarchs. With no response yet from the Island Government, one is led to believe that these actions are not coincidental, but a deliberate and planned attack on the people and culture of the Asenians.
Battle in Obando
5 June 2008 (Obando) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
At dawn today, Forces from Old Rancagua finally made their move and had attacked Obando. A Minor resistance was attempted, led by Marshall Vanya Bluelake of the Iron Wolves of Asena, but were eventually overwhelmed. Reports are still unclear as to whether or not the loss was seen as the cause, but the peasants have thrown Grand Vezir Tengstille out of his Barony. More news will be reported as events unfold.
War declared by Sirion
27 May 2008 (Sirion) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
Shortly after sunset, Prime Minister Handow Meadowcrest of Sirion declared war on the Sultanate of Asena. As of yet, no formal reason has been received, leaving one to wonder if Sirion's Prime Minister actually has the backing of his people for this action. More to come on this story as it develops.

When asked for comment, Sultan Korkut Kalkandelen had this to say: "The Sultate of Asena has done nothing to provoke this attack. Our battle is with Old Rancagua, whose king had demanded tribute from us in our infancy."

Fontan Secedes from Fontan
27 May 2008 (Fontan) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
Shortly before sunset, Gregor Relak announced the independence of Fontan City from the realm of Fontan, Proclaim himself as Dictator of the Confederacy of Fontan. Sordidus, Tokat, and Negev all followed their duchy capital, and at the time of writing, Sordidus and Negev have both changed their allegiance from the infant confederacy, with no word of official stance of the remaining region of Tokat yet received. Only time will be able to tell us what will happen with this infant realm.
Takeover of Salta completed
26 May 2008 (Salta) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
This evening, the peasantry of Salta finally began to hail the return of the Sultanate's governance. The takeover lasted for 4 days, and was the cause of the deaths of 67 peasants. the suppression of the peasant revolt here in Salta means that the borders of Asena are once again unified, instead of in three fractures, which is great cause to rejoice. Sultan Korkut will announce a new count for Salta shortly, with Lady Zekio Zephire expected to return to her domain.
Zekio Zephire Reappointed as Countess of Salta
26 May 2008 (Salta) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
Today, Lady Zekio Zephire was reappointed to her post as Countess of Salta. The staff here at the Asenian Courier wish her the best of luck in her endeavours in the region. In other happenings within the Sultanate, the young noble Altera Lestat was captured today in Pedrera by Old Rancaguan forces. Investigations are currently being conducted into why he was in Pedrera.
Turmoil for the Defterdar
23 May 2008 (Gadlock) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
They say bad things happen in threes, in the events in just two days certainly prove it for myself. First, I had to deal with the loss of my brother, Sir Celad Anthas of Oligarch, a noble who had lost his life in a battle in Parm, fighting under the banner of Fontan. Then, as I was preparing for his burial at my manor in Gadlock, his grave site was looted by Kiera Telamon, a troop leader who was then part of the Obsidian Islands but has since been banned, and from the Sultanate of Asena as well. And to add insult to injury, on the day of my brother's funeral, the region of Salta declared its independence from Asena, leaving my betrothed, Countess Zekio Zephire without a home, with no real priority set in repressing the revolt, putting ideas into the heads of the peasants, and showing no understanding from Sultan Korkut as to my recent troubles.
Defterdar's Brother Buried in Gadlock
22 May 2008 (Gadlock) by Defterdar Katan Anthas, Baron of Gadlock
Today, my brother was laid to rest, following his heroic death for Fontan in the battle of Parm. Many leaders around the world have sent their condolences to me, and I have had a Memorial constructed near my home in Gadlock. All nobles who had met, or even just heard of him, are invited to leave a message for him at his memorial.