The Word
The origination of "The Word" lie in the deserts of Atamara. It was brought back by an explorer, a young boy who left his village in Axzaloc to become a man, a man with the lust of great challanges and great risk, and ultimately a faithless wanderer who heard the voice of creation. Trapped in a valley near the highest crag in Eagles Glen. He was lost, near death. As he lie there awaiting the loss of the last of his strength, dangling down the side of the mountain's Crag swaying where the wind blew him slowly freezing and praying to any god that was listening. Through Frosted lashes and near delirium, he heard the whisper of "THE WORD" and saw a vision of peace and prosperity. He listened and received enlightenment. With renewed strength and resolve recovered himself and walked away from the mountain. He left not only a strong brave man physically but spiritually as well. He walked into the dawning of the rest of his life changed, enwizened and with a look of sorrow and determination etched into the new lines upon his face. Previously a pagan, he knew that to give others the same hope and renewed purpose, he needed to spread "THE WORD." He wrote of what he heard and wandered preaching, finding no compassion in his wanderings until finally he returned to his small tribe around Axzaloc that was lost and aimless due to the death of many due to a long drought, With his voice of hope and purpose they listened, and heard "THE WORD". Through "THE WORD" they prospered in the middle of the desert. The caravans came in time and spread "THE WORD" through the desert and beyond.... It is common practice among the dedicated to name children after the aspects of the God. All people are welcome, you need not to be named or be of the desert to appreciate "THE WORD" or worship any of the God's many aspects.
Core Belief
The Believers of "THE WORD" know that everything was brought into being by a supreme "CREATOR." He is a being higher than the guiding spirits, and the guiding spirits also comprise him. He brought into being from his thoughts all of the firmament of our continent of Atamara and all of the great continents of our world. With a few strokes from his fingers he brought into being the shape of the world and with a few more he peopled the world. This was good but did not bring him happiness. He then sent out into the void a calling for special sparks of life to inhabit his people to give them leaders and purpose and to lead the peoples of the world into civilization. From these sparks have brought forth Great leaders, Hero's, Nobles, Trading empires, and Religious leaders. Many have tried to explain away the ways of the world that the "Creator" has made, and all are good, since the "Creator" also formed aspects or guiding spirits to help explain and maintain the titanic wonder of his world. He accepts worship of all the varied forms either to him or through "Guiding Spirits" many call "gods". He understands it is hard for many to accept a "Creator" who does not need worship only that we follow his ways and be the best that we can be. That is our purpose. Hopefully in our example to others, may the "Creator", whom we call GOD find joy with us and be happy. And in time when our physical forms fail us may he welcome us back.
The culture of The Word is complex, with many intricate manners.
Quick Vocabulary
- God, Hab
- Gods/Aspects, Hab-yc
- The followers/devotees, Hab-b
- By the aspects, Het Hab-yc
- For the gods, Het Hab-yc
- Under god Kargnch and Kargnchha, Het hab Kargnch ke Kargnchha
Holy Days
- On every 24th day of a conflict, hab-b are expected to take a day off from fighting and pray to Karibash for success.
- The full moon is a time when the gods are closest to the world, and hab-b are expected to leave an offering at a temple.
- The second day of the fourth moon is a day of atonement, hab-b should pray to the gods.
- The day between the 13th and first moons is a day of praise and thanks, hab-b should hold a feast with family and friends.
- The thirteenth day of the sixth moon is the death day celebration for Xanio Kargnchha I. Hab'b should look to travel to Axzaloc to pay tribute at the temple there. If this is impossible, then an offering at any temple will be fine. Afterwards hab'b should feast and pray in Xanio Kargnchha's name, in hopes they me be as pious and brave as he was. Some of the more devout spend the next 24 days walking to Amdor to pay tribute at the walls there.
The Word follows a lunar calendar, with each moon having 28 days leaving one day of thanks at the end of each year. The year starts at the 6th month of solar calendars (OOC:The first full moon in June)
- Kay'o-i, begin.
- Ta kar, first war.
- Ta tor, first peace.
- Ansto, sand.
- Es, land.
- A, water.
- Nee, fire.
- On, air.
- Sc-i, giving.
- Wenta-i, receiving.
- Ya tor, last peace.
- Ya kar, last war.
- Xan-i, end.
- Bah-tansktsul, no name. Lasts one day.
Numbers are used to tell the future in the religion.
- 1: The modifier. A sign of change.
- 2: The mother. A sign of beginning.
- 3: The complete. A sign of ending.
- 4: The child. A sign of growth.
- 5: The multiplier. A sign of drastic change.
- 6: The complete child. A sign of a great event.
- 7: The jumper. A sign of an extreme change.
- 8: The grandchild. A sign of fruition.
- 9: The complete grandchild. A sign of balance.
- 24: The perfect. A sign of the Second Coming.
The Undead
It is our sacred duty when passing through regions to Reconsecrate the local graveyards to help keep down the restless spirits. The spirits are unable to ascend because they've been buried under earth. As long as the spirit doesn't leave, the body can't return to earth. The Unrestfull are a plague upon the land and their spirits are in desperate need of guidance to find their true way into the plains of the afterlife. Priests and Karib of the WORD are asked to speak the following to help keep spirits leave this world and go into the next....
Het Xanio! b'Xanio ka hab! feh'Sunuk ths'aito sktguultan'i! bah'Anstoi!
(For Xanio! Death's god! I ask you! Do not forget!)
This is a prayer to the guiding spirit of ending that he take the spirit and bring him to the afterlife. It is chanted while dancing about the graveyard burning incense.
Temples and Shrines
A temple is always a pyramid, with the corners in line with the compass (North, South, East, West). Inside, there is a central room with a shrine where offerings are made. Rooms branch off the central room, including attics and basements. It is here one can study, contemplate, preform rituals or speak to a priest. The larger the temple, the more rooms branch off. In the largest temples (Lvl. 4 and up) there is an observatory at the highest level and the basements stretch down some 30 levels, it is common to see children playing hide and seek in these vast temples.
Families are expected to keep a shrine in their households, and have a larger family shrine where large ceremonies take place.
Temple Locations:
- Mapaxal Lvl 4 Founding Temple
- Axtli Lvl 3
- Cantril Lvl 3
- Chocxal Lvl 2
- Metemec Lvl 2
- Mattlu Lvl 2
- Ptaphoc Level 2 Unique for it's wharfside location
- Chucxi Lvl 1
- Lowdale Lvl 1
- Maapan Lvl 1
- Main article: WORDSPREAD
We prefer to maintain good relations with other faiths. Usually, they are misguided, following only one aspect of the God or one of his Guiding Spirits. They are variants, one of the God's spiritual aspect's worshiped under a different name. We choose to follow the true all encompassing GOD. Of all of the Aspects we do not recognize Evil aspects as we know there can be no truly evil religions, for God is not evil. There may be misguided individuals whom wrongly worship the natural process of erosion and decay as a destructive Aspect instead of seeing it as a natural process. The other aspects of God may believe that their aspect is the only aspect and seek to persecute us. But we shall stand, for in the end, even if they do not recognize their Aspect we do and it is hard to fault the followers, as God is not easily understood by all. For a faith to be considered evil by us, they must actively and forcefully seek to deny their place a part of God's holy "WORD" and strike down the teachings of the Kargnchha and Kargnch, the highest priests of "THE WORD". This we consider blasphemy and will not be tolerated. We do accept and understand that not all are able to accept the full blinding belief that encompasses "THE WORD" and acknowledge that our God has many spiritual aspects that are sometime worshiped by others under their native names. These Atamaran names are as follows.
See the Kargnchha's notes.
In the beginning, there was Nothing. And we call that-thing-which-is-not-something the Aestin. Since the Aestin is not something, it could not be evil, and therefore Aestin is good. The Aestin also did not have any parts, since it was not something, and being without parts, the Aestin could not be disordered. And so from Aestin we are given order. Thus, order is good.
And those-things-that-are-ordered are called the Pragma because they are useful. And those-things-that-are-disordered are called the Kalos because they are beautiful. Therefore, after the beginning, there was only utility and beauty, which are good. And one day Pragma and Kalos decided to make something else, and we call this something The World of BattleMaster.
There came to be many things which were not before. And some of these things were beautiful, and some of these things were useful. But some of these things were neither beautiful nor useful, and since only the beautiful and the useful are good, these things were not good. The World of BattleMaster was full of those-things-which-are-not-good, especially on the continent we call Atamara. Therefore, Pragma and Kalos decided to bring together into one realm all the beautiful and useful things of Atamara so that the people of Atamara would see what beauty and utility is. Thus, Pragma and Kalos justly said in harmony "Let there be Abington", and so it was.
Corruption of the true "WORD" of the creator. Believe that Abington is favoured, attempting to strike the balance of HIS world. Think that Abingtonians are favoured, and taught all of the world how to be "beautiful and useful" (despite there being natives who were here much longer than the Abingtonians now). Hate against the "ugly", which is childish. Very well could be made up by one individual.
ATHONLAURISM --- (Guiding Spirit of the Sun, child of Esaneon)
- The word Athonlaur derives from the ancient tongue, and means, "Bright Path," or, "Way of Light." It is the way of Arelien, Goddess of the Sun. She is, at heart, a warrior Goddess, and is the patron of honourable battle. Her primary tenets are:
- The duty of the strong is to protect the weak
- Seek justice, tempered by mercy
- Do not raise your hand to strike before you have raised your voice to speak
- Do not seek vengeance, for such is the way of Elanzil; rather, forgive, and be forgiven
Native Religion
DARKANISM --- (guiding spirits of fire earth and smoke, children of Esaneon)
- Darka, Sigrid and Lodril are the main gods. Jordfan, Sigund and Brigith are the side gods. Sigund and Brigith are evil, because they are fighting the main gods to bring them back into Sigund's womb. Their followers are not tolerated, because they are simply evil and worshippers of evil are not welcome. We do not wish to scare children with that, we wish to hold them for their evil. Sigund and Brigith are the ones scaring the children. Jordfan on the other hand is not evil. He is the creator of everything, but has lost many of his worshippers since he decided to not get involved in the conflict between Sigund and Brigith on the one hand and Darka, Sigrid and Lodril on the other hand. His followers are of course fully tolerated, but there are much less of them. Easy, High Priest of Darka, God of Ashes.
Native Religion
DA WAY ---- (Guiding spirit of mischief, represented by a goat)
- Da Way was founded to honor Da Great Goat and spread his teachings, to all inhabitants of the world. We accept all nobles wishing to discover Da Way and devote their lives to it. Members initiated into our religion are given a set of specific tasks designed by Da Goat to teach them about Da Way so that when their training is completed, they may in turn teach it to others."
Native religion based on the East Continent belief of a Great Dragon.
HÖRGR OF MAKAR ---(Native name for Karibash)
- Beliefs
- We live the life of a true viking and preach to the masses the life of a viking warrior and how it pleases the gods.
- We instruct that true pleasures are with the gods in the after-life.
- We strive to be heroes and champions of battle.
- We teach drinking the mead of the gods and punishing of the heretics!
- We adhere to sacrificing the bodies of the heretic’s horses and to feast on their meat!
- We are instructed to steal the gold of the heretics, to pillage their fields and to roost with their women.
- We shall go forth and build temples to the gods and name them Hörgr of Makar, for this will please the gods and find us favor in their eyes.
- Following the Hörgr of Makar will find you favor and building a temple will find you more favor.
- Such is the will of the gods!
Native Religion.
EVGENISM --- (Misguided)
Not much is known besides worship of one creator. Person claiming to be the chosen of the gods, which is false.
MAGNA SERPAENSISM --- (Native name for Scha)
Magna Serpaensism is the organized, and concerted effort of Ash Sea Island nobility to formally construct a church based upon worship of the Great Serpaent Magnus, who in ancient times created the nobility of the realm and charged them with the defense of the Ash Sea, and its Isles from those unholy and barbarous peoples who would threaten to sanctity of the waters.
Native Religion.
THE PANTHEIST PATH --- (Similar beliefs, native touches)
The Pantheist Path is a tolerant faith, expansive and open-minded in its search not only for the truth, but all means by which it may be arrived at. Thus, it is widely believed that there are indeed many gods, most worthy of worship, and most of whom faith and understanding in will bring one closer to one of the roads to the truth. Of the many gods, we venerate eight above all others, those whose purity of purpose and power, determines and defines the Eight Ways, the following of which will bring one to True Enlightenment and Understanding of the Universe around us.
Believe in the East Continent belief of a Great Dragon.
THE ORDER --- (Native opposal to East Continent importation of the Great Dragon.)
There was a beginning, and in the beginning there was nothing and the nothing was good, for it was in order. Then from the nothing came light, for it was more complex than nothing, but still in order, and so it was good. From complex order all things rejoiced, so more light was created and gathered into the sun. The sun was more complex than light, but still in order, so it was good. Many suns and celestial bodies were created, they were more complex than the sun, but still in order, and so they were good as well.
Native Religion
VENERISM --- (Native opposal to East Continent importation of the Great Dragon.)
THE VENERABLE ORDER OF THE CITADEL.. An Eston noble by the name of Marouane rose to great power. Though Marouane had shortcomings as a man, as a warrior he was unmatched. The gods used Marouane's spirit to fight the Great Dragon. Marouane defeated the Great Dragon's spirit thus allowing the gods to smite the dragon. Without the Great Dragon's intervention, the gods can now contact their creation. The contact cannot be direct, for no mortal can stand in the presence of a god and survive, but the gods can speak to men through departed spirits. The gods wish now to undo the damage which was caused by the false noble lines and reestablish Eston as the true noble line.
Native Religion
WAY OF THE WARRIOR SAINTS --- (Worship of Karibash and Es)
- The Way of the Warrior Saints teaches that The Father of Earth and Stone made the world and all in it. He created a wealth of animals, trying to build one that would rule the others, and maintain order. As he made the animals of the world, he gave life to the creatures, and sent them into the wild. At long last, he settled on a form that could dominate all the lesser forms he had made before, and then removed himself unto the bowels of a great mountain on the far side of the world. This last animal was Man. He gave Men courage and strength, and put in place a Holy Order of Kings, and then He was done with Man, and heard no prayers.
Native Religion
There is not much one can use to show they are a follower. There is no outward signs for the religious. It is through deeds that followers are known. In battle, you can wear a small religious sigil upon your shield or a pendant upon a chain. Some of the more devout wear a war-skirt comprised of a large piece of folded leather, though nothing else. For that reason, wearing a war-skirt is unpopular with other more civilized tribes. Some colors are also symbolically used.... Purple is the main colour used in ritual vestments and garbs, yellow is the royal colour and used during the most holy or sacred of occasions, and red is the colour of strife, not only physical but spiritual as well, showing a purpose of steadfast resolve and will. The Lay priests are usually seen wearing White robes for regular duties excepting for their appropriate colored robes when they are preforming their religious services. It is also common for priests to wear dreadlocks, and full beards "The blade is for flesh, not the hair of the head nor the face. It is the unfaithful that bring blade to anything but the flesh." The Kargnchha wears robes displaying all three colors in various combinations whilst the Kargnch wears a robe of red and purple.
There are actually few ranks in The Word compared to other religions. They are fluid, owing to the fact that they are merely different tasks. In order of importance:
The Kargnchha is the highest priest in The Word, though he needn't preach. He has complete control over The Word, and most peasants revere him as a god on earth. The current Kargnchha, Torsaan, finds this amusing.
The Kargnch is the second highest priest in The Word, he needn't preach. He has control over everyone except the Kargnchha. He is considered by peasants a demi-god, capable of miracles and such. The current Kargnch is Jyotis.
Superior Advisor
This rank is now defunct, abolished as unnecessary. This person advises the Kargnchha on matters, his opinion superceding that of the Inferior Advisor. It was formerly the position held by the Kargnchha's second. This would apply to Kartet, Torsaan's son, if it were still in use. The Superior Advisor is regarded as a prophet, an enlightened individual by peasants.
Inferior Advisor
Another defunct rank, the advisor of the Kargnch. Held by the Kargnch's second. This would apply to ???. The Inferior Advisor is also regarded as a prophet by peasants.
The highest priest of a region, the Gnchha is a highly prestigious rank. The peasants view them as saints and that they can heal people and divine the future.
Literally, the lord, this rank is a council of people the Kargnch and Kargnchha find useful. The peasants view them as disciples of the gods, a level of holiness that most wish to attain.
Speakers of The Word
These are the priests. They preach. Peasants view them as wise individuals, trusting them to a slighty strange extent.
Meaning fighting people, these are the fighters of the Kargnchha. They are charged with defending Hab-b anywhere, and the temples. They are highly skilled warriors, or at least should be. We won't lie and claim these aren't the most phenomenal warriors in the world. But they aren't shabby. Peasants trust them even more than Speakers of The Word.
Individuals who help spread The Word. Not always a priest.
The average follower. Pay a small amount to help upkeep the temples.
Those who have heard the calling, and wish to listen.
Aspects and Guiding Spirits
There are thousands of Aspects of the God. These are the names we use for their aspects, they are arranged in a heirarchy. At the top are the Higher Guiding Spirits or Hab'ha. They are Xanio, Kaora, and Fuarchostn. They are the Spirit of End, The Spirit of Beginning, and the Entity of Time respectively. The next order are the Greater Spirits or Habztaninaasktesaiyn. They are Scha, Wentarkl, Torsaan, and Esaneon. They are the Spirits of Good/Happiness, the Spirits of Evil/Sadness, Entity of Balance, and the Entity of the Elements respectively. Karibash is the most prominent of the lesser Spirits as he is the Personification of War. It is common for a follower to prefer a Guiding Spirit to God. As it is an easier path to understand. There are different priests who maintain shrines to one Spirit, but they still acknowledge the others. They have a 'favourite' Aspect, but recognize its place within the hierarchy. Many of the most devout view deification of one Aspect over others is heretic as All aspects are part of the greater God and no part of God is more holy than another. Outside the heirarchy, and outside of God lies Anstorkoc. While God is that which is and that which is known, Anstorkoc is that which is not and that which is unknown.
In short:
- Kaora (KAY-o-ra) Goddess of Beginning. She begins everything. Her preferred physical form is a lizard. To worship Kaora one must give an offering that "begins" such as planting a seed in her name.
- Xanio (ZAH-ni-o) God of End. He ends everything. His preferred physical form is an eagle. His preferred form of worship is a sacrifice, usually an animal and very rarely a human.
- Fuarchostn (fwar-SHOS-ten) Entity of Time. It controls and bends time. Its preferred physical form is the moon. Fuarchostn is content with mortals and requires no worship.
- Scha (SHAW) Goddess of Happiness. She rules a domain of happiness. She has no physical form, merely a white fog. Is at constant war with Wentarkl. Can be prayed to and be given offerings for moral strength.
- Wentarkl (when-TAR-kil) God of Sadness. He rules a domain of sadness. He has no physical form prefering a black fog. He wars with Scha for eternity. Can be prayed to and be given offerings in hopes of repentance for sin.
- Torsaan (tor-SAHN) Entity of Balance. Strives to keep balance. Contains Scha and Wentarkl in their eternal war. Takes the form of a floating glass sphere which shows the balance of an individual. You cannot worship Torsaan through offerings, only by correcting imbalances and living in balance.
- Anstorkoc (an-STOR-kos) Entity of the Forgotten. Rules all that is forgotten, keeping it in existence. Takes the form of sand. There is no way to worship Anstorkoc.
- Esaneon (es-A-neon) Entity of the Elements. Is all physical elements. Takes no form out of choice.
- Es, earth
- A, Fire
- Ne, Air
- On, Water
- Karibash (kar-i-BASH) God of Chaos, Destruction, and War. He is the god of war, and is asked for help whenever one enters battle. Take the form of a tall man dressed in whatever the person seeing him feels a warrior would have. His worship is characterized by destroying, such as sacrifices or looting.
Scha, Torsaan and Wentarkl
There is difficulty describing these three gods. When they enter the afterlife Scha is the Goddess who rules those who serve, those who sacrifice, the people who suffer in any way. Wentarkl rules those who lived in happiness, but not necessarily gluttony and sin, though he does rule those people as well. In the afterlife, debts are repaid. Those who lived in servitude and strife enter the Kingdom of Scha and live in happiness until their debts are repaid. Those who lived in happiness enter the Kingdom of Wentarkl where they live in pain and suffering until their debts are repaid. Those who lived in balance can await the second coming in Torsaan's kingdom, or travel.
These are the beliefs of the habib, also called the followers (devotees of the word).
Life and Death
One is responsible for one's life. You have one chance at life, then you repay any debts. You should not mourn death, for that was their choice. Vengeance is pointless, all debts are repaid after death. The afterlife is a great plain of short grass. It is a flat plain of immeasurable size sitting in a sea of forgotten. The plain is ruled by Fuarchostn. The forgotten is ruled by Anstorkoc. In the top corner lies Xanio's kingdom of end, where the dead arrive. it is a small field enclosed by great walls of stone. In the centre lies a small building where Xanio rules. It is a hall which leads to a door engraved with the Kargnchha's predicted death. The room within is where Xanio's throne lies. To the North east lies Kaora's kingdom, where souls await their life, and the dead await the second coming. South of Xanio's kingdom is Scha's kingdom, an unimaginable paradise where one can enjoy anything, even murder. Near the centre of the plains lies Wentarkl's kingdom. the area around is dry, resembling drought. The kingdom is on top of a mountain of black stone surrounded by black pillars of marble. A single staircase winds up the mountain where unimaginable torture and suffering lies. To the far south is Torsaan's kingdom, a small realm with walls where the Kargnchha is waiting to train.
When all souls have had their one chance at life, then the gods will create the Second Coming and all will start new. All Kargnch and Kargnchha will become gods.
War and Peace
They are vital to life. If one's realm happens to throw things out of balance, there is little one can do, for balance will be restored. The only thing you can hope is you are not hit in the backlash. Unless you were an instigating factor, then you have it coming. When one is forced to follow an imbalance, they may keep loyalty with their realm, or seek sanctuary wherever a temple lies. There, they may stay until their troubles are solved. If it happens that you are banned from your realm for this, then you obviously were not meant to be there. Friends are sacred, and should never be betrayed. A realm counts as a friend, but if they betray you, then you should have no more dealings with them.
There is no true "honour". Honour is for those individuals who believe that they should strive to suffer so they will be blessed in the afterlife. They are bound for suffering for their gluttony. Of course, this does not mean you can betray. This will land you in suffering as well. It means that you sould not feel restrained by fanciful notions of how one should act. Act as you wish, you will have your debts repaid. All actions are part of a cycle. Do not for what others will think of you, but what you will think of yourself.
Ceremonies usually involve burning incense and saying prayers. These are done within the confines of purple curtains. In the older days, ceremonies involving cannabilism and sacrafice were common, but they have disappeared from most of the religion, surviving on the few who cling to the old traditions.
- There is no ceremony for births. The child is blessed by the priest.
- There is a ceremony for coming of age. At this time, you are now considered to be in control of your actions, and your fate. Prayers are said, incense burned, and you must choose your true name. It must forever be kept secret until death. You are only allowed to share it with one priest, the one who will reside over your funeral. It is the parents choice for when the child has come of age, but it is usually around 14 years old. The ceremony is also held for new inductees to the faith.
- There is no such thing as a wedding. A couple may be blessed by a priest, but monogamy is in the hands of the person. Should the husband have 1 wife, but the wife have 15 husbands, then that is her wish.
- Death is not held to be evil, but very necessary. There is a viewing at the wish of the family. At the funeral, the body is presented wrapped in purple cloth. Prayers are said, incense burned, and the deceased's true name is called out for the first time by the priest. Afterwards, the dead should be refered to by their true name. If the true name is never known, then they are blessed to have a good travel for their soul will now be stuck until the body decomposes. The burial rites consist of prayers and a blessing of herbs. The body then has the cloth removed and is left in the desert, mountains, or dumped into the sea, for it is nothing but a shell and should be treated as such.
- If one feels they need to appease a god, there is a ceremony. It consists of prayers, incense, fasting, and offerings over a period of 3 moons. Human sacrafices were common but are not anymore. Typical offerings are food or valubles. It may be done in groups or alone but must always be done in the confines of purple curtains.
- After battle or a duel, there is a very rarely used ceremony, one of the few to involve sacrafice and cannabilism. It is used to forsake a person you've killed to 1000 deaths. It is a ceremony of pure hate and anger, known only by a few. It was largely dropped from use after The Word began to spread.
The Kargnchha and Kargnch
They are the highest priests, their names Translate to Holy Leader/Warlord and Leader/Warlord respectively. They names hearken back to the Ideal of the Tribal Shaman leader whom both defended the tribe and was its spiritual center. They lead the order, and determine where we spread. The two positions are separate. Unless related to the Kargnchha, a Kargnch can never be the Kargnchha, but the Kargnchha can be Kargnch. They must each choose one successor and have a successor at all times. If the Kargnchha is ever incapacitated, then the Kargnch takes control. If he is incapacitated permenantly, the successor rises up to the position. They are considered Speaker of the "WORD" of god, and should be treated as such. Their subjects bow to their word. Upon death, they rise to the afterlife to live with God, and are never reincarnated in the Second Coming.
The Three Selfs (Aito-Aito-Aito/I&I&I)
It is believed that God exists in three selves. The first is god as the all encompassing spirit, CREATOR of all. The second is god as the aspects, different parts of the same ONE god, which RULES all. The third is god in yourself, for we are ALL of god and god is of us. This is referred to as I&I&I.
Relationship of Nature and God
We believe in the interconnectedness of all things. The nature of the world follows the nature of God. God exists as everything in three selves, the Creator, the Ruler, and the Self. Likewise, Nature exists in three selves: air, earth and water. Opposite to God is that which is not God: Anstorkoc. Opposite to Nature is that which destroys Nature: fire.
The Musings of Gnch Enri
The Visions of Torsaan
In the beginning, there was only That-Which-is-Not. In this era, there were many great and powerful gods. Of the utmost importance, however, was the Creator. He was powerful, both three and one. The Creator did not enjoy That-Which-is-Not. As was His nature and His power, He wished more than the nothing that was. And so He banished and binded That-Which-is-Not and created Existence. For He is three and one, mighty and complex, He became the three Great Aspects, one of Beginning, one of End, and one of Time. With the great and endless power of the Creator, the three Great Aspects weaved a tale of Existence. The one of Time began with a deep and slow melody. With her beautiful voice, the one of Beginning sang what should be. With his beautiful voice, the one of End sang of what would not continue. Upon this, using the one of Time as a frame, they created the first High Aspect, the one of All. And so they sang of the world.
The one of All, born from their song listened to their Word and began to draw what they sang. And so the one of All became the Lesser Aspects. And so the Lesser Aspects were many. And they created the world, oceans and mountains, rivers and deserts, plants and animals. But this did not please the Creator. He desired more, something closer to Him. And the one of Beginning and the one of End changed their song, calling forth sparks of life. The one of All heard this and Man was created. All was good, but massive, so the Creator once more bid the the one of Beginning and the one of End to change their song. And they created aspects to help rule the world. Two more High Aspects were born, a brother and sister. They had conflicting views of how the world should exist. The Sister believed in thought. She thought that suffering was bliss, to selflessly sacrifice for others being the greatest thing one could do. She sang out to Man and bid they do so. The Brother believed in passion, that personal joys were the goal of existence. He sang out to Man and bid they do so. As the ripple of their songs spread through All, more Lesser Aspects were created.
Man was confused. When Man listened to the Sister, Man was unhappy. Man worked and worked for no reward and died for another, emaciated and weak. When Man listened to the Brother, evils abounded. Men fought and feasted and raped, living and dying in an orgy of delight and violence. Torn between the two, Man fought. The Brother and Sister, each accusing the other of misleading Man, then fought in a great war of violence and terror nearly rending the world in two. The one of Beginning and the one of End alarmed by what their children had wrought created another. The Third cried out with a great and booming voice. The Brother and Sister stopped, fearful for what the one of Beginning and the one of End created. The Third then sang a harmony that beckoned the Brother and Sister join. So Man gained a choice. Man did not listen solely to the Brother or Sister, but to their harmony. This pleased the Creator but He grew tired. Content with All, he slept. Away from His watchful eye, the Brother and Sister ageed that when Man died, Man who followed the song of the Sister would live in joy, appeasing the Brother while Man who followed the song of the Brother would live in agony, appeasing the Sister. Beneath this all, the one of Time sang a deep and slow melody. All would not last. Eventually, the one of Time shall take a breath, the song will end, and they will create all anew.
Various quotes, when facing issues.
- It is the way that is, for all must die and to die is to let the unliving live. To not die is to deprive and betray your unliving brothers -- Karibash
- War is the way. War cleanses, like water. And as we need water, we need war. -- Xanio
- It is what we must do. It is your duty to die. To not die is to strike the balance of life. And to unbalance is to let yourself fall to sin. -- Xanio
- Death... bah! 'Tis nothing, I see it everyday. Every battle. I myself face death one day, I fear it not for to fear death is to fear life... and why would you fear life? -- Xanio Kargnchha I
- We all feel that life is sometimes out of balance... but honestly, it is for a reason... no? Perhaps you were enjoying something, or will enjoy something. Don't fret, life is life. You chose this, and when you die, you'll see the genius of what you chose. -- Torsaan the Great
- The depressed are forgotten. The forgotten are depressed. Only those with will, can escape. -- Anstorkoc
- Betray not your brother, lest they betray you. To betray your brother is to betray yourself, for you were but lying to yourself when you lie to him. -- Kaora
- To be betrayed is a great sin. Those who take power, take trust, and squander it will be sent to pay off their debts. -- Wentarkl
- There is no spouse, for we must never restrict ourselves. To blind ourselves with love for one person blinds us to the love of others. -- Scha
- The blade is for flesh, not the hair of the head nor the face. It is the unfaithful that bring blade to anything but the flesh. -- Xanio
- The women of pleasure and men of pleasure are great people. They give themselves, for the pleasure of someone else. They are not paid in love, but still sacrifice everyday... do not shame them. -- Scha
- You shall eat that which is of the earth. All fish of the sea are forbidden, as are the two legged creatures of land and air. Those that feed upon the creatures who feed off the earth are not to be eaten, for they are as you are, a hunter of those that feed off the earth. Those that are creatures of burden are not to be eaten, they already provide for you. That which is cold to the touch is not to be eaten, besides those which have no heat and no legs. -- Kaora
- A man shall not lie with a man or child as a man lies with a woman. That is wrong. -- Scha
History is largely determined, though it does not mean you are bound to do one thing. As long as balance is mostly maintained, history shall go through as planned. Any extreme variations will destroy all.
The Great Prophecy
Not all are ready for the unfettered knowledge of the "Creator", so as a guide to the pagans we break him into parts so that his deeds are easier for the uninitiated to understand. Our Prophecy is as follows...
Before the universe was created naught existed besides the three original gods, Xanio God of End, Kaora Goddess of Beginning, and Fuarchostn the Entity of Time. All three Gods banished the nothingness and created the universe. The nothingness was forgotten and formed Anstorkoc the Entity of Forgotten. To populate the universe Xanio and Kaora made Esaneon, Entity of the Elements, to create all inside. To govern these new things, Kaora and Xanio made Scha, Goddess of Good, and Wentarkl, God of Evil. The universe was then evenly divided until they came upon one planet. Scha and Wentarkl both thought they were superior and fought over the planet. Their war almost destroyed the universe until Xanio and Kaora created Torsaan, Entity of Balance to encase them in their war and rule that one world. Exhausted Xanio and Kaora prophesized that “In the time when the knives of the wind rule, the Kargnchha, symbolically named with a mother not of the time, shall unite the world. Long after the Kargnchha is gone, the era of abuse against Esaneon is over, and the heavens are within reach but never found, the ‘Others’ shall destroy their past. The Kargnchha shall return and lead the armies of the Gods against them after fusing with the one the Kargnchha was named for. The throne shall be reclaimed by the Kargnchha’s descendant and lead the peoples of the empire to prosperity.” They then fell into a deep sleep, only to wake and fight with the Kargnchha.
Read the original text here
The Enlightenment of Gezu'smalantmei
Gezu'smalantmei had been ill. He had been looking to know why there were so many peoples and religions. While looking for the answer, he did not eat. He grew sicker and sicker until he could not search anymore. As he convulsed in death spasms he heard the glorious word of God and Kaora spoke to him.
"Long before the Easterners came to Our Lands people did inhabit here. Before The True Word of God had been returned to His people, all men came from the desert, whose thirst was frequently quenched. These men knew of The Word and worshiped the gods and so they prospered. But things were not to remain for the eternal war of Scha and Wentarkl manifested itself in these men. Differences in worship began to deepen.
Some worshipers of Karibash, not content with the peace, declared Karibash superior and left to the far northeast where the sea and earth die from cold. Their skin was lighter than the rest of the Old People and in this frigid land they too appeared to die for their skin grew even lighter and their noses became smaller and more delicate. This dead land, though, was unforgiving. The people retained their proud and hardworking ways.
Some worshipers of Esaneon, not content with the stability of the earth, left in two groups. One went far north to the great mountain that spews ash. The other went to the northeast where they settled in the plains and formed a great empire. They too, began to look different, their skin lightened. They retained their proud and hardworking ways.
Some worshipers of Fuarchostn, not content with the indifference to the past, left to the east even though Fuarchostn requires no worship. They settled in the great plains between the worshipers of Esaneon and the worshipers of Karibash. This land was beautiful and food was plentiful. They no longer had to work as hard and so their figures became more refined. Their skin became lighter. They only retained the pride of the Old People.
Some worshipers of Scha, not content with the balance, left to the islands far far away to the southeast. There, they became enamored with the oceans. Their skin became fair but they still kept their hardworking ways. Some of them went slightly north to the badlands which were like the Old Lands. Their skin darkened once more.
Most worshipers of Anstorkoc, not content with the universe as it was, left to the great central plains and forests. There, they forged great empires. They became fair skinned as well.
Some of these people moved into the great central lake while other moved into the mountains."
Gezu'smalantmei, contented with this knowledge, slept for 24 days. On the 25th morning, he awoke as healthy as ever. He took up to the cloth and began preaching what he had heard. It is believed that the name used by other tribes for us, "Iptl", comes from "Yb", the Old People.
Y'aito-aito-aito (The Second Coming)
(Untranslated so the nonbelievers cannot learn the truth)
Ke feh'anstob ths'Anstorkoc y'matmulloali "feh'Y'aito-aito-aito m'tanullmatmi. feh'bah'a ths'a m'newtsakanti. ths'on feh'nee m'newtsakanti. Ke ths'sche m'newtsakanti. ths'sche y'newtsakanti, y'aito-aito-aito uh'tanolematmi. m'kuh'newtsakanti ths'Kargnchha feh'Hab. ths'Kargnchha m'kargnchi feh'Gezuguletesansulbinks-Gezuguletesansulbinks ka Hab ka esha. M'uh'xani. feh'aito-aito-aito ths'aito-aito-aito m'xani, ke Aito ka bah'matmulloal m'kuh'anstoi."
The Wenta-yc
There once lived a young man named Kahab-yc ka Karkabasnanawi ka Habb. He lived in a large village at the edge of the desert. The village was close to the Talerians and so it often saw battle. However this village was heavily fortified and had never fallen to the Talerians. Kahab-yc was a pious young man and brought offerings to the temple daily. It was at the temple that he lived as a priest. He showed himself to be the most learned and devout of all the priests and at the young age of 16 was declared the High Priest of the temple.
Over the years, Kahab-yc developed a small group of highly devoted priests. They would meditate at night and then discuss what they saw the following morning. One night, during deep meditation, a dark mist filled Kahab-yc's chamber. Kahab-yc felt his chest tighten and life slowly slip away. When he awoke in the Land of the Dead, he found himself in a black marble room. On the wall was a great black skull, engraved with intricate patterns. Kahab-yc fell to the ground and began to weep. "Why!? Why have I been brought to the top of Wentarkl's great tower? I lived a good life, I have only suffered for others! What have I done to deserve this?" Before him, the skull's eyes began to burn with a glorious fire.
"I am Wentarkl, Hab ka Bah'sc. You have been called here for a great purpose. Your village is unclean. I have sent waves of foreign soldiers against the walls, but they do not breach. They defy God's will. So, I have called the most blessed child of your lands, and I must ask him to do what my soldiers have not been able to. You must cleanse your village of evil."
Kahab-yc did not stand up. "But I musn't kill another of my kind! They are Hab'b, as am I! To kill them would be the worst sin!"
"You are correct, however what must be done must be done. By committing the gravest of sins, you are suffering for the greater good. This is not a matter of my war with Scha, this is a matter of God. Go now, fate awaits you."
Kahab-yc awoke on the floor, his devoted priests around him. He sent them away. For the next 24 days, he did not meditate or attend the reasoning sessions. Instead, he walked about his village, watching the people. Shocked was he to find that many committed grave sins. Children did not sing the praises of the gods, men lied with men and women lied with women, they cut their hair in defiance of God's will and they ate unclean food. On the 25th morning Kahab-yc attended the reasoning session.
"I have spoken with Wentarkl. Our village must be cleansed. At first I did not believe, but now I see the truth. Let my Death Name be known, for I have died and have been reborn a servant of I&I&I. My name is now Hetaishaii."
The priests sat dumbfounded. Finally, one of them spoke. "We too have seen God. He told us in the form of Wentarkl that you were to lead us for His glory. So it is true."
The priests waited for nightfall. They painted pictures of the gods upon themselves and donned swords. They then prayed together for Their favour. They set to work quickly, cleansing the temple of evil. The priests then progressed to the larger village, slaying all. As the sun began to rose, they gathered once more at the temple, their work finished. The priests looked to Kaaishaii, "We have done our duty. By committing sin, we have helped the greater good. We are no more mere men, we are Wenta-yc. We are servants of God."
Fallen Heroes
The unforgotten.
- Xanio Kargnchha I, the Valiant. Died in the Battle of Amdor.
- Horace Gnch, the True. Died in the the Battle of Amdor.
Dynasties of Kargnchhas and Kargnch
Hab Dynasty
- Xanio Kargnchha I, the Valiant
- Torsaan Kargnchha I(current)
- Kartet the Great (heir)
Hab Dynasty
- Ansto-ib the Listener
- Xanio the Communicator
No Kargnch for approx. 300 years
Shikshiena Dynasty
- Bertie Kargnch I
Lious Dynasty
- Rebel Kargnch I
Buonare Dynasty
- Jyotis Kargnch I
Pilgramage Sites
Sites that are considered holy. Multiple sites means that there is some room to discern exact location.
- Atamara/Axzaloc, Kargnchha Xanio's birthplace.
- Atamara/Amdor, Kargnchha Xanio's deathplace.
- Atamara/Nazia, Kargnch Bertie's birthplace.
- Atamara/Mapaxal, first temple.
- Atamara/Metemec, physical embodiment of Torsaan's Kingdom on Atamara.
- Atamara/Tarasac, physical embodiment of Wentarkl's Kingdom on Atamara.
- Atamara/Ser'quea, physical embodiment of Scha's Kingdom on Atamara.
- Atamara/Leohampton, physcial embodiment of Xanio's Kingdom on Atamara.
- Atamara/Icegate, physical embodiment of Kaora's Kingdom on Atamara.
Het hab-yc, Kargnch, ke Kargnchha
| |||||||
Continent | Atamara | ||||||
Kargnchha | Torsaan I | ||||||
Kargnch | Rebel I | ||||||
Holy Temple | Mapaxal | ||||||
Main Temple | Metemec | ||||||
Temples (Total Size) | 14 (32) | ||||||
Followers | 111000 commoners | ||||||
Noble Followers | 16 nobles, 2 freemen | ||||||
Priests | 5 | ||||||
Shrines | 14 |