The Church of Qyrvagg/Apologetics

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When reading these works, it is necessary to understand both their purpose, their context, and how they are viewed by the Church. Firstly, the purpose of each document is explained by it individually, but the Triatome and the Epistles are different. The Triatome is irrevocable and completely true. It is infallible. BUT, it may speak metaphorically at times, and it may require interpretation beyond the surface level. The Epistles are wise, but not infallible. The Apologies are also not infallible, but are also considered wise. They are to be regarded as thoughts about the Triatome and the faith in general; advice and elaboration. But, they are not infallible, and they may become invalidated when times change. the Triatome is eternal; epistles are often situational. Both have purposes, both are important, both are different. Next we must explain context. Each document does have a different context, usually explained beside it. It is important to read that, and keep it in mind when reading the various documents. There are absolute truths, but there are also relative truths. Some things are always true, some things are only true in certain contexts. Lastly, we must explain how these documents are viewed by the Church. All believers are greatly encouraged to read them, meditate on them, discuss them and, most importantly, pray about them. They are also encouraged to seek guidance from the Elders on these matters. But, most believers are, unfortunately, not well versed in these documents. Thus it falls to the priesthood primarily and the Elders to know what is taught in them. Elders and Priests are expected to know what is taught in these documents, and teach from them. Acolytes are encouraged to learn them as well, but it is not absolutely necessary. All parts of the Tome of Wars have verse references for ease of referral and citation, developed over the years by the priests in the Grand Temple of Irombro.

The Triatome

The Book of Amekal - An explanation of doctrine, beliefs, and traditions of the Church of Qyrvagg during the time of Amekal.
Chronicles of Amekal - An basic accounting of the early days of the Church of Qyrvagg.
The Book of Guides - Amekal's explanations, vision by vision, of the Visions of the Prophets.

The Epistles

Epistle to Enweil - A letter sent to all of Enweil, believers and non-believers, combating the Warmonger Heresy.
Epistle to Elaine - A letter of encouragement sent to a struggling believer, as well as an explanation of the Virtues of Battle.
Second Epistle to Enweil - A letter sent to the Judge of Enweil in response to his threat to ban Qyrvaggism, due to clashes between Eretzian priests and Qyrvaggian believers. This was an early letter. Insight can still be gained from reading it, but the primary topic of it is now null. Instead, it is recommended, if you wish to see Qyrvaggism's views on foreign religions, see the Epistle regarding other religions.
The Rueffilan Epistle - An evangelistic letter to Luz de Bians and Avalonians, combating some doctrine of the Order of the Druids, as well as elaborating on growth through conflict.
First Draconian Epistle - A letter attempting to reconcile the PGD to the Church of Qyrvagg, explaining why it is that the two religions are seen, by Orthodox Qyrvaggians, as, really, one religion.
Second Draconian Epistle - A second letter, further establishing similarities and shared beliefs between the PotGD and the CoQ.
External Pastoral Teachings - This epistle explains the Church's views on other religions in general, and also aids in understanding various other aspects of the faith.
Epistle to Heen - This epistle was sent to Heen in the hopes of gaining converts, and can provide a good summary of Qyrvaggian doctrine, as well as show how it works out in deed.
Deathbane Declaration - A letter from Amekal, to the Church, declaring Holy War at the start of the Third Invasion.
The Last Testament of Amekal - The last words of Amekal, Third Prophet of Qyrvaggism
First Letter of Sendan - Letter Declaring the rules for claiming a region.
Aurelias' Epistle - Letter to Heenite baron, describing the faith in contemporary times

The Apologies

Apology On War and Combat - The final and complete explanation of the Church of Qyrvagg's view on war. This is the final attack on the Warmonger Heresy, to once and for all put it to rest.
Apology on Nationalism and State Religions - The final and complete explanation of the Church of Qyrvagg's current view on state religions, and the relationship of Church and State.
Apology on the Nature of Human Beings - The final and complete explanation of the Church of Qyrvagg's current view on the exact nature of the human being and the soul thereof.


Book of Sendan Ch1 - Chapter One is the book of Sendan a new look on early Qyrvagg.
The Book of Flames - An ancient text found by Arch Priest Plagueis, which reveals details about an ancient almost Qyrvaggist belief.