The Church of Qyrvagg/Epistle to the Path of the Great Dragon
"1Greetings, members of the Path of the Great Dragon!
How good it is to finally write and send this letter, a thing which I have long awaited. Some of you may know who I am, some may not, so allow me to introduce myself.
2I am Amekal "Amekanun" Vellos, the Third Prophet of Qyrvaggism, and leader of the Church of Qyrvagg.
3For a very long time, Qyrvaggism has been a merely southern religion, but, in recent months, we have expanded into the central plains, and, more relevantly to this letter, the nation of Fronen.
4In Fronen, our believers and Missionaries encountered many believers of the Path of the Great Dragon, and, when I heard of this, I rejoiced. Qyrvaggism holds all religions in the world to be false and heretical... except the PGD, 5which we believe to be a variant of Qyrvaggism, much the same religion in fact. All others are false, but the PGD is true.
6Allow me to explain exactly why. There are three main reasons:
- 1. Anomolies in the Vision of Ascension
- 2. Dragonology
- 3. Philosophy
- 71. Anomolies in the Vision of Ascension
In the first Vision which Qyrvagg ever gave to one of His Prophets, he showed a great battle, a battle of Spirits, in which Sartan was cast down from his Throne of War and Battle, and Qyrvagg ascended to it.
8Yet, in this battle, Qyrvagg had vast hosts of believers to aid him... BEFORE the Church of Qyrvagg was ever founded. Thus, there MUST be people whom Qyrvagg considers His Acolytes, who are not, technically, in the Church of Qyrvagg. 9Who are those people? I believe them to be, in some part, the PGD. 10At the time that the said Vision was given, Drachenwald was fighting for its life on Atamara. Physically speaking, it fell. But I am led to wonder if, perhaps, they won a greater battle. Was not Drachenwald a nation in which the PGD was the primary religion?
- 112. Dragonology
Qyrvaggism teaches that the proper life is led by following the "Path of the Amekanun". The Amekanun could be called the "Spirit of Qyrvagg" but, more accurately, is interpreted the "Child Spirit" or the "Warrior Spirit". Now, you may ask why.
12The reason is simple. In the language of Qyrvagg's Paradisal City, "Amekanun" means "Wild Young Dragon". "Ame" (pronounced "Ah-meh") means "Wild with youth" and "kanun" means "Dragon". Thus, "Amekanun" means "Wild Young Dragon". 13Now, young is an implication that the dragon is younger than Qyrvagg, and Dragons are, as I understand them, typically warlike creatures. 14Also, the Amekanun is the path Qyrvagg delegates, and is a warlike one.
Thus, the "Path of the Amekanun" means the "Path of the Wild Young Dragon". 15Am I the only one seeing similarities? Perhaps Qyrvagg's Path has two aspects: that of the Great Dragon, and that of the Young Dragon. 16Or perhaps they merely reflect the different ages of the same Dragon. Either way, it ends in the same thing.
- 173. Philosophy
Assuming that we do, in fact, worship the same God, all that leaves now is the question of actual doctrines and beliefs. The PGD, again, is very similar to the Church of Qyrvagg in this aspect.
18All six of the teachings of the Dragon are militant terms. "Attack", "Defend". Now, I believe we can agree that sometimes that means with a sword, and sometimes with a word or a thought. 19Qyrvaggism has been wrongly portrayed as a bloodthirsty religion of warmongering on many occasions. We are not. We believe that, through testing oneself, one of two things will happen: 1. One will become greater 2. One will fail, and become less
20The desire to test oneself, to seek to battle through conflict and so better oneself and, by connection, all of humanity, is the Path of the Amekanun.
21Both the PGD and the Church of Qyrvagg seek to better humanity. Your sixth teaching, "Attack those who would harm mankind", is of particular interest to me. To the Church of Qyrvagg, we would say that means not only PEOPLE, but also IDEAS. 22Attack those ideas which cause humanity to regress backwards, and flee from Qyrvagg's Paradisal City.
23I can show more examples, but I believe that is enough for my first adress.
I pray to Qyrvagg that you will show the wisdom I have always respected the Path of the Great Dragon for showing, and understand what I am saying. 24While we may not be one religion, we are certainly alternate aspects of the same being.
-Amekal "Amekanun" Vellos, Third Prophet of Qyrvagg