The Church of Qyrvagg/On Nationalism and State Religion

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  • This Apology (or defense) is written to define exactly how the Church of Qyrvagg views the relationship between Church and State, and to explain exactly why the Nationalism Heresy is, in fact, heresy. It was written by Amekal, and the original copy is held in the Church vaults in Irombro.
1The Church of Qyrvagg views itself as transcending national boundaries and personal preference, to bring truth to all people.
2There are four signifiers of a "state religion" or, more correctly labeled, a "state-controlled religion". The first signifier is priestly involvement, the second signifier is legal preference, the third signifier is financial aid, the fourth signifier is doctrinal control.
3First, there is priestly involvement. It is the unilateral policy of Qyrvaggian priests NOT to aid in ANY kind of offensive action. 4In other words; clerical authority will never be used to aid a takeoever of an enemy region, or damage region stats, or anything of that nature. 5But, Qyrvaggism does permit, nay, even encourage, our priests to defend their own realms. If a realm is friendly to us, we are friendly to it. Our priests are frequently seen helping their host-realm fend off TOs, or maintain region stats, or bring newly-conquered regions under control. 6But if a government utilizes the priests of a religion to further offensive military goals, or if priests are given orders by government authorities, that is UNACCEPTABLE INVOLVEMENT. 7When Priests are used offensively, they have overstepped their bounds. When government officials attempt to order priests around, said officials have overstepped their bounds. Priests primarily owe their loyalty of Qyrvagg and the Church.
8Second, there is legal preference. If a religion is given different legal processes, immunities to laws, or if standard procedure is deviated in favor of a certain religion, that religion is a state-run religion. 9The Church ABHORS this behavior, and believes that the legal process should always be followed. 10If the legal process of a realm is to allow the ruler 100% authority in appointing lordships, then so be it. If the legal process of a realm is to not punish murderers, then so be it (though that law IS corrupt). Qyrvaggians should always abide by their nation's laws. 11Though, if a nation's laws give special preference to a religion, then that religion is a state-run religion, and ought to be abhorred.
12Third, there is financial aid. No religion can survive without financial support from nobles; but that is different from government bankrolling. It is a hard line to draw, and hard to explain, but often easy to recognizing instinctually.
13Fourth, we have doctrinal control. If a government attempts to dictate the doctrine of the religion, then either the government is tyrannical and oppressive, or the religion is state-run. Doctrine ought to be entirely separate, from politics.
14Now then, you may ask, why does this matter? Well, for example, Qyrvaggism will NEVER endorse a Qyrvaggian theocracy. Such a thing is entirely unacceptable, and something of a contradiction in terms. 15Would we fight against it? No. Would we recognize it in any way? No. Would we encourage it? No. Would we give it's nobles any special preference they would not have held anyways? No. In fact, we would likely excommunicate the theocracy itself, institutionally, as a foreign religion (though not its nobles).
16BUT, it is not a wrongdoing for Qyrvaggism to support a realm, as we said before. There is a difference between a religion supporting a King's rule as a good and just and righteous ruler, and supporting a King because he bribes you. We will always do the first, we will never do the second. 17Those who act rightly ought to be encouraged, thos who do not act rightly ought to be discouraged from continuing their wrongdoing.
18Essentially, Qyrvaggism will support a nation, but never become identified with that nation.19 A realm's wars are not our wars; and the internal politics of a nation are not our internal politics. We transcend national boundaries; at times our members will be on opposite sides of the battlefield.
20For example, it would not be wrong for a Qyrvaggian priest, with the proper authority, to bestow the Church's blessings upon a Prime Minister, and support that Prime Minister and his rule. It WOULD be wrong for a Qyrvaggian priest to begin to declare a nation evil simply because it attacked said Prime Minister's realm.
21The basic concept is this: we will NEVER unify Church and State. But, if the two are in allignment of belief and practice anyways, and there is no breach of our moral code or legal practice, and the correct boundaries are observed, there is nothing wrong with supporting said state.