The Church of Qyrvagg/Second Epistle to Enweil
1Firstly, Priests are only beaten when they preach in areas overwhelmingly dominated by an opposing religion, thus going AGAINST the will of the people of that region. If they have followers in an area of substantial numbers, they will be protected.
2Secondly, Qyrvaggism has no official stance on any particular religion. We are the one true path, all others are evil. We do not declare certain religions evil: they all are(OOC- okay, technically we do, but its RP).
3Thirdly, we DISCOURAGE our believers from assaulting priests and members of other religions, due to the problems it causes.
4Fourthly, the only way the Qyrvaggian believers may have been riled into such a fury is if the priests of Eretzism displayed particular hostility or directly condemned the Qyrvaggism, something that would be very unwise, even stupid, when preaching to a crowd of Qyrvaggian believers.
5Qyrvaggism is the way, the one true path to the one true heaven ruled by the one true god: Qyrvagg, who better shumanity through growth by way of trials and conflict. 6Those who cannot handle the conflict will necessarily fall.
7It is regretable that those priests were attacked, but there is nothing to be done about it save the complete and total capitulation of foreign religions. Unlike Eretzism, we actually have a strong faith and belief that we have a just cause. 8We are not willing to compromise eternal and absolute truth in the name of legal convenience.
9NOT ONLY THIS, but Qyrvaggian priests have been assaulted by members of religions in Enweil: notably Eretzism, Omniovoism, and the Order of the Druids.
10Religion will necessarily cause conflict. It is an eternal truth. Our believers do not massacre your citizens, your peasents, only oppressive nobles who try and force them to change religions.
11Yes, yes, Eretzism teaches a doctrine of natural spiritualism(possibly pacifism? i am unfamiliar with Eretzism myself). 12But I have seen more oppression among peace-loving religions than conflict-loving ones. They have this ultimate desire to end all conflict, that they must force any righteous differentiation to end. 13Where as we Qyrvaggians, who are glorified in conflict(internal and external) allow both peace and conflict, for in the differentiation and diversity is yet another beautiful paradox of opposites.
14So, again, Qyrvaggism will not lower its stance. We do not seek to harm anyone: merely to show them the truth, and the truth will set them free. Perhaps you will decide to criminalize Qyrvaggism; that would greatly dissapoint me. 15The Church stands together in this; there will be no compromising our beliefs to coexist with a religion that is blatantly false, heretical, and evil.
16I have always had enormous respect for Enweil. It seems to be a place tolerant of religions and religious difference, a place where the government doesnt get entangled in religious affairs. Was I wrong? Please, dont tell me I was.
17The wounded men were priests, who willfully went into areas they should not have, and tried to force citizens to change their religion. I have recieved letters from the Qyrvaggian believers in the areas, from the farmers and peasents, telling of their fears of the Eretzians, how they fear they will come and burn their houses and steal their children in their hate of QYrvaggism.
18And, several times, we have had our members wounded by members of said peaceful religions. Never did we complain, because that is a NATURAL PART OF RELIGIOUS GROWTH. 19There will always be martyrs, there will always be conflict. So, please, again, do not try and delegate what our doctrines should be. 20You will not succeed, and it is a detestable practice anyways. One on the scale of religious oppression and favoritism not even seen in Luz de Bia or Riombara.