Slasher family

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The Slasher family is one that only recently began to be well known. It has several sons, but no daughters have been discovered of as yet.

Originating from the rural region of Cheltenborne, Minas Ithil, Atamara. They had lived there as powerful nobles for many generations, but suddenly Lancelot, a young and hot-headed knight, took it into his head to set out to seek his fortune.

Family Crest

Familycrest.jpg The Family Crest of the Slashers.


First noble to venture into knighthood. He started out in Cheltenborne, Minas Ithil, Atamara. He was accepted as a knight there by Lady Katherine, and served loyally to the end of his years. Lancelot was a man of few words, not holding many high ambitions of power, but rather to uphold honour and glory in his family. He was one of the most loyal and steadfast nobles in Minas Ithil, betrayal was a thought that never occurred to him throughout his years. After some time, Lancelot declared himself a hero, wanting to devote his remaining years in the service of Minas Ithil. In a battle against Norland, fighting loyally and courageously for his realm, Lancelot gave his life to Minas Ithil, but that battle was won.


Lancelot Arthur

Lancelot's son, started out soon after Lancelot passed away. He joined Minas Ithil too, desiring at that time to follow in his father's footsteps, and continue to bring glory and honour to his family. However, Arthur was more ambitious and restless than his father. Dissatisfied with constant obedience required in Minas Ithil, he boarded a ship to Beluaterra, desiring new adventures and experiences. He alighted at Enweil, and has been there ever since. It seems that Arthur had some of his father's blood after all, as he served with honour as a knight for many months, until his dreams of more power to serve his realm were realized, and he was elected Count of Gorin.



The bastard son of Lancelot. He was set on a boat to the South-East islands to seek his fortune, so that he would not plague the family anymore. Neptune wandered for a while, collecting valuable items and artefacts to eke out a fairly comfortable living. It never crossed his mind to reseek his nobility. One day, he angered the judge of Ikalak, as he had inconvenienced the peasants with his continued snooping. He was banned from the realm. Disheartened and depressed by this second rejection, Neptune boarded a ship away from the islands, and has never been seen alive again.

Neptune Arthur

A faithful son of the Slasher family. He was the younger brother of Lancelot. It is not known exactly how he came to seek his fortune in Fontan, but he has been serving his lord faithfully since then, and was recently rewarded by being appointed of SIC and then Marshal of the Democratic Guard.


Gahideor Ares

Knight of Falasan. He had originally planned to land in Dwilight, the mythical realm filled with mermaids and dragons, but his ship was capsized by a storm. Clinging onto a piece of driftwood, he washed up on the white sands of Falasan, and was accepted as a knight by Duke Willam Tinsley. Barely two weeks into his new life, he has already been wounded twice.

Family Heirlooms

Spectre A longsword. It is made from an unknown, extremely hard blueish-silver metal or stone with silver streaks. A single, brilliant ruby is embedded deeply in its pommel. The hilt is made of polished silver inlaid with gold bands. It is a luxurious yet fearsome sword and is currently used by Neptune Arthur.

Taronx A spear. It is blood red, made from the strongest titanium, with ruby finishings. It is extremely sturdy and does not splnter upon contacting another knight's shield during jousting. Because of its solid built as well as the heavy metal, it weighs in at over 15 kg, but Lancelot Arthur, who uses the sword, is able to lift it as easily as one lifts a feather. Some say that this is because he has spent years training his arms to use this particular spear, or that the spear is of magical origin. Perhaps that would explain the pecular carvings in gold on the body of the spear.

Astroid This bow is jet black, in complete opposites to Astroid. However, it has accomplished many just and great deeds, despite its intimidating name. Gahideor Ares was recently granted usage of it and has vowed to do just to its reputation.

Zeirrock Not much is known about this legendary sword. It has been lost for millenia. However, based on popular legend and a few rumours, the sword is transparent, yet harder than any metal ever discovered, and it is intensely magical. One side of the sword is said to be able to cut through any surface, no matter how hard, while the other side is able to cut through time and heal all wounds. All of the Slashers dream about this sword and the day when it will eventually return to them.