Perdan (Realm)/Wintersgreen Gifts

From BattleMaster Wiki

Throughout the realm, a strange sight was seen by many folk, great and small. A great sleigh traveled the snow, or perhaps there were many of similar construction. Upon them were men of breadth and girth, with ready laugh and ready blade, for not all roads were safe, even in Perdan...And they carried gifts of great worth.

First, to the Queen, as was right and proper:

 These are two silver bottles embellished with the lions of Perdan. One suggests that the true sign of nobility is not the strength of the blade nor unwavering armour, but instead a true gentleness that shows itself in a praying knight on one knee, surrounded by two angels who bless him. The other betrays that in order to show mankind that the way forwards lie with gentleness and humility, that this road is also beset by many dangers and terrors. A true knight should arm himself against that, and emerge victorious, as shown in the masterful display of art of a heroic knight in arms, surrounded by the 7 mortal perils. I believe that these two of Silverhand's pieces should go fine with a true nobleman. Both to remind him of who he truly is, and to turn to in a moment of dire stress, to remind oneself of one's values.

Second, to the Duchess, in her cold winter's tryst:

 You open the small chest to find a deck of cards the four suits are represented with finely painted woodcuts.

 The spades are the Court of Aix with a depiction of Lucius as King, Lorelai as his Queen. They both hold golden masks in their hands, Lucius has a small mirror in his offhand. The Knave is a representation of Jacelyn Goldwater, carrying a blade in one hand and the infant Aurelian behind his shield.

 The hearts are the Court of Letters. You note depictions of Kenneth and Aila, both surrounded by letters. Kenneth holds a globe in his hand while Aila holds a ship in a bottle. The Knave is a fully armoured Lord Oliver sat ahorse his shield has a star with a bleeding heart at its centre.

 The diamonds are the Court of Faith. Prince Nemean's easy smile looks up from a book in his lap, his Queen Delphine has the aspect of a warrior Saint. The Knave is a depiction of Richard de Brey with a large sack of coin in one hand and a Leandran prayerbook in the other.

 The clubs are the grey Court of Mysteries. The suit has two Queens, the first with a larger Q that is crowned, has the golden hair of Alyssa while the second depicts a vibrant image of Isana. The Knave is an image of Isabel ahorse with a cloak topped with large cat ears. She holds an abacus in one hand.

Third, to the Consort, Isana-who-was-soon-to-be:

 It is a large dark brown traveling cloak with a fur lined hood upon first glance looks especially ordinary, but on closer inspection one can find the fine details that make this cloak special. Fine leather sown together with gold and black silk and an almost invisible image of a sparrow embossed on the front. Inside you would see fine furs that will keep you warm even in the coldest of places and many hidden pockets filled with weapons of various designs. This was crafted by Helena and Daughters made to blend into any environment while still enjoying the quality that is befitting of a noble. It also comes with some hidden weapons since one can never be to safe.

Fourth, to the Loyal, House Orobar's Scion:

 A heart-shaped box of delectable dark chocolates of all shapes and sizes; going closer the center the chocolates are more milky and sweet and there is a cut out hole that fits a figurine. Which is a spitting hand-sized wood cut of Lord Oliver Laststar of Nascot assuming a warrior's pose. He stands gallantly, wearing his lop-sided smirk. A miniature painted shield of his House Arms resting at his foot, and a silvery sword is held in his hand, ready to do battle. The Earl is outfitted in armor save for his naked bare chest, carved to extremity with muscle definition. His long hair seems to be set frozen, flowing in the wind. The bottom of the wood carving is etched 'Earl Laststar'.

Fifth, to the Proud, Valiant's Marshal:

 A finely crafted helmet in advance. I have expressed my desire that it should be the best piece of armor available, graceful in its contours, fearsome to keep at bay the fiercest enemy, while at the same time, comfortable to wear.

Sixth, to Ora's Flower, Lorelaindórenan:

 My gift will be a silver hand mirror designed by Alexandros Lysian. The backside will feature Perdan's roaring lion under three sapphire stars. I hope it will bring someone luck and happiness.

Seventh, to the Steward, Isabel of Vorn, a promise of a gift to be hand-delivered by the Ambassador himself.

 Kenneth made his way through the palace in full panoply, though of a rather different sort than us usually wore.  Bright, festive red covered him, with forest green trimming and a white fur lining.  He was nowhere near bulky enough, and had decided against using artificial aids there, so instead he made up for the lack with holly woven through his hair, mistletoe flourishes along his collar, his lips were berry red, and his face slightly mottled, recalling bark.
 As he approached Isabel's office, he gestured, bright white teeth shining in mirth as the low woodwinds of the musicians accompanying him began twining with gentle chimes, recalling a sweet brook babbling beneath the breezy eaves of a forest.  A retainer opened the door, stepping back quickly as Kenneth strode through.  Kenneth smiled, swept a bow that showed the moss dangling from his sleeves, and presented with a flourish an exquisite box of ebony wood, carved with scenes of winter merriment.
 "Lady Isabel, your Wintersgreen gift has arrived!"
 He opened it slowly, drawing out the moment, to reveal within a velvet cushion, upon which was a broad, hammered silver band set with a variety of colours of sapphire. The stones are all tiny faceted spheres, organized by gradation of colour from deepest blue through pale yellow and back, set in a scattered pattern like constellations randomly throughout the wide band.
 "You have done a great deal for Perdan, both city and realm, and I could think of none more deserving, in the end, for this gift.  Merry Wintersgreen, my lady, and may you it bring you joy."

Eighth, to Hendrik, Emperor's Descendant:

 A bottle of Red Langor, with a lineage greater than many noble houses, dating back to doomed Atamara.  Generations have tended the vintage, and of all those generations, it comes to you.

Ninth, to the Sharpest of Speares, who found a new home where least expected:

 A small woven basket lined in silk with a dainty covering. Inside, nestled on a  pillow is a gold bracelet. The band is simple and at it's center is a sizeable charm; A hand painted portrait of a rampant Lion surrounded by gems in the colors of Perdan.  The pendant detaches into a broach if the wearer prefers. On the back of the pendant is the inscription "Á Perdana"

Tenth, to Thunderlight's Rider, Orpheu de Haguns:



 Order #: R066231598965
 Customer: HRM Queen Alyssa Kingsley I
 Claimant: HG Duke Kenneth MacArbin or Representative
 Project Lead:  Lysian, Alex.
 Crafters: M. Paul Wortham, M. Varios Lysian, Md. Denae Karth, A. William Goldsmith
 Expected Completion Date: 7 days from order date - rush
 Materials:  Silver, Silver-Alloy, Gold, Gold-Alloy, Brass Fittings, Perdan Steel
 Labour: ~320 man hours
 Total: See clerk (Accounted in full)
 Description of Order:
 Modification of  Perdan Steel plate barding pieces sized to a particular warhorse, silver and gold plating and detailing across the pieces, particularly around edging. Metal cutting/engraving added.
 Chanfron: Added silver-alloy spiked horn, gilded edges and earplates.  Hinge added to flanges over eyes to remove for ceremonial usage.
 Criniere: Edges of plate segments lined with Gold-Alloy
 Croupier:  Detailed carvings of rampant Perdan Lions etched into each side, plated with gold
 Flanchards: Both side pieces engraved with ornate designing, gilded edging
 Peytral: Chestpiece decorated with lion carvings, steel rivets plated with silver
 Reins: Reinforced with Perdan Steel links, plated silver 
 Return this claim check after the date specified to complete transaction.  Quoted price may differ from actual.  Failure to claim order within 30 days after listed completion will result in auction as provided in Perdan Codex Six, Article 17B.  Failure to deliver payment in full will result in repossession according to Ducal Proclamation ST-146.  No transaction will be completed, and no exchange of goods will take place without this original claim check.  Modification or reproduction of this document in an unlawful manner is subject to the Duchess's justice, or the Queen's.

And a call was heard, from sleighs at the edge of sight:

"Happy Wintersgreen to all, and to all a good night!"