Goldwater Family/Jacelyn

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Jacelyn of Aldburg
Status: Killed
Continent: East Continent
Realm: Perdan
Titles Held: Knight of Bisciye, Marshal of the Blackmane Paladins
Class: Warrior/Hero
Honor: 61
Prestige: 26
Age: 27
Height: 6'2
Weight: Athletic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Beyond Dustiria he noted the slim figure of Jacelyn. A man either dumb or truly one of those men that sought death. Nemean thought him too young to have that wish already. Perhaps it was the impetus of youth. A thing he had been intimately familiar with in the past himself.
-Nemean JeVondair Renodin



Jacelyn grew up in his family manor, Foxville, in Bisciye. As a boy growing out of childhood, he spent most of his time hunting smaller game in the forest or catching fish in the nearby river. When sun set and everyone settled for the night, Jacelyn then listened to the tales of old heroes, knights in shining armour, brave and fierce. He secretly wished to become a knight one day, not willing to remain forever in Foxville. As time progressed, Jacelyn secretly learned how to fight, behave himself, write and read.

Early Years in Perdan

When the time came and Jacelyn came of age, he left Foxville against his father's will and travelled to Perdan, eager to become a hero, that will save Perdan from its enemies with one strike of his sword. Alyssa Kingsley, the Imperatrix of Perdan, was the first one to welcome Jacelyn, telling him she also grew up in Bisciye. They unfortunately didn't meet at Riverwatch, her castle, because the siege of Nascot took place, but Jacelyn from now on always viewed Alyssa as one of his kin.

After some time was Jacelyn supposed to start his military education at Sir Nemean JeVondair Renodin, former marshal of the Blackmane paladins. Sir Nemean wanted to test Jacelyn, and so arranged a joust between him and experienced Sir Apollyon. Despite the clear advantage his opponent had over him, Jacelyn didn't waver and rode against Sir Apollyon without any armour. The duel ended after two clashes, with Jacelyn breaking his left arm and establishing himself as fearless, or incredibly foolish.

He was then accepted by Sir Nemean and began to discover the world of military strategy. Over time, the bond between him and his tutor strengthened, making Jacelyn a loyal companion and devout supporter of Sir Nemean.

Knight of Perdan

As a commander of Perdan, Jacelyn fought in many battles all over the country and its neighbours, including the campaign to recapture Nascot and Meuse, the campaign in the Vixan heartlands, the takeover of the Obsidian Isles, invasion of Eponllyn and more. He has been wounded many times, and nearly killed many more. For his service, Jacelyn received the lands around a market town called Aldburg, naming himself after it.

When the Blackstone Legion invaded Perdan and laid siege to the Perdan City, Jacelyn was amongst those encircled in the city and overlooking the city defenses. The siege ended with a duel between Abigail Blackstone and Sir Apollyon Daubeny, but not before Jacelyn led a cavalry attack through the Sally port, protecting retreating Perdanites.

After the war against Nivemus had ended, Jacelyn returned home and focused on developing and governing his lands. During this time, Jacelyn's father had died while hunting and the young Jacelyn became the head of house Goldwater. When His Majesty, King Smiddich disappeared, Jacelyn stood behind Lady Alyssa in the election, as Sir Nemean retired from public life.

Baron of Foxburg and Army Officer

During the coronation of Queen Alyssa of house Kingsley, Jacelyn proposed the idea of constructing a new castle to his liege, Lord Baillivus Benjamin. The idea has been immediately approved and Jacelyn started amassing funds for the construction. As the location has been chosen a steep hill, protected by a cliff, towering above Goldwater river. As the ancient manor of house Goldwater, Foxville, is only a small distance away, the castle has been named Foxburg after it.

When the great changes in the army structure began, became Jacelyn the Vice-Marshal of the Blackmane Paladins under his friend, Dame Lorelai Chamberlain. This status quo however didn't last long, as Jacelyn has been seriously wounded upon returning from Yssrgard. A mutiny happened in his ranks, with the mutineers slaughtering Jacelyn's retinue and leaving him almost dead in Winkamus. It took him many weeks of healing in a local village, before he was able to return home.

Marshal of the Paladins

In life, nothing is stable and eternal. Dame Lorelai has resigned from her post after an argument that broke out between her and the Queen, leaving the Marshal's post empty. After a brief wait, Jacelyn has been appointed to the now vacant position of Marshal of the Paladins, with young Sir Magrus serving as his Vice Marshal.


Jacelyn is mostly very serious, if not coldhearted, showing only necessary emotions. Due to this, he is not a friend of many, as he seems rather unfriendly and unwelcoming towards other people. But if someone manages to get close to him, he will get to know a caring and friendly man, willing to lose his life for his comrades.

He loves his land more than anyone else, making him the most loyal follower to his lord and the crown, trying to secure safe and prosperous future for Perdan and its inhabitants. This also means that he is unforgiving and ruthless towards anyone who threatens his beloved country, without any remorse or mercy for enemy soldiers and nobles. Those, who are captured by his men, can often be seen hanged by the roads as an example to anyone who would want to wage war with Perdan.

Armor of Sir Jacelyn

Non-Player Characters


Will, Squire (Dead)

Jacelyn's first squire and childhood friend, an orphan growing up in Foxville. Murdered in cold blood by a mob of rebellious soldiers during the War against Yssrgard, 1020-11-28

Egreda, Captain (Dead)

Jacelyn's first Captain of the guard, murdered in cold blood by a mob of rebellious soldiers during the War against Yssrgard, 1020-11-28

Duncan of Waerham, Squire

Son of a minor Bisciyan noble, sent to Jacelyn as a ward and squire.

Wolf, Markvart, Adalbert

Bisciyan thanes in Jacelyn's service. His loyal retainers and bodyguards, raised above the ranks of common soldiers. Among their privilleges falls accompanying Jacelyn at hunts or eating at the same table and the same food as their lord.

Foxburg and Aldburg

Garett of Stormfeste, Burgrave of Foxburg

Minor Bisciyan noble, governing and maintaining Foxburg in Jacelyn's stead. Also commands the castle garrison and is responsible for keeping peace.

Dietmar, Chaplain

First living at Aldburg and later at Foxburg.

Jan, Steward of Aldburg

Tasked with maintaining the manor in Aldburg and colecting toll on its bridges.

Henry, Bailiff of Aldburg

Responsible for upholding law and order in the city, collecting city taxes and commanding city guardsmen.
