Daubeny Family/Apollyon

From BattleMaster Wiki

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Character Description
Error: no local variable "description" has been set.


Apollyon is the youngest legitimate son of Gerald Blackstone Daubeny.

Early Years

Born as Cailin Blackstone Daubeny, son of Lord Gerald Blackstone Daubeny and Lady Lucinda Blackstone Daubeny From his earliest years Cailin always stood out from his two brothers Varian and Duncan.

Where his brothers were calculating and cruel often tormenting their younger brother Cailin who was brash but kind and polite.

He was a timid boy prone to music and reading which he enjoyed with his mother until her death when his brother Duncan pushed their mother from a window on the Blackstone Tower.

After her death he became reclusive causing his grieving and manic father to ruthlessly ridicule and beat the boy. The cruelest torment was when Gerald decided that Cailin's name needed to be change.

"Your mother picked that name, I hate it."

For nearly two months his father locked Cailin in a cell, coming to him irregularly and whipping him and otherwise tormenting the young boy until he accepted a new name.

He was brave in the face of the pain and withstood nearly two months of the torture until yielding to his father and accepting the new name.

He was given the name Apollyon, named for the Great Warrior King of the Blackstone's that ruled the underground kingdom of the House of Moon and Blackstone until his death in a battle against the House of Sunstone.

Career in the Legion

Apollyon would formally be indoctrinated into the Legion on his 10th Birthday.

He would train in martial arms and be taught in tactics at the Blackstone Academy near the volcano of Shadow Temple.

He would quickly prove himself an apt commander, leading small contingents of Legionnaires in various battles.

Succeeding where his brother's failed and with the death of his eldest brother Varian, Apollyon was named heir of the House of Moon and Blackstone, despite his older brother Duncan still being alive.

His most notable accomplishments in the Legion was the Attack on Shadow Temple where after the region fell to rouge Warlords and would be Petty Kings the Legion sallied out of their stronghold academy and established their own petty rule of the region.

He would be a commander in the Siege of Sunstone Keep though Apollyon claims to have little memory of the battle.

Deployment to Perleone

Apollyon was sent with the 9th Cohort of Blackstone Legionnaires to Perdan to be used as a pawn by his father to infiltrate Perdan and betray them at a critical moment.

In a surprising act of defiance Apollyon helped Perdan fight for many months as he continued to disobey his father's orders.

Hewould send his cousin Michael towards Dwilight to inform the House of Sunstone of his father's plan to gather strength and conquer the Isle of Stone.

Though unknown to Apollyon, Michael's ship would be set upon by the Blackstone Legion's Assassins, The Seekers.

The attack put Michael in a coma for the rest of the voyage and without leadership the acting captain of the vessel changed course to Beluaterra where the ship would land in Wudenkin Michael would still send a letter to Dwilight letting the family know what Gerald was planning.

With word sent to the House of Stone Apollyon grew tired of the war between North and South. Wishing a more peaceful life away from the war he left to the south hoping to find the peaceful life he desires in Perleone.

Although he didn't find the peace he was searching for he did find brothers and sisters in arms who made him feel welcomed, he would become Lord of Zamor.

He would spend his time in Zamor, seeing that his people were well and happy.

Despite being weary of warfare when Perleone joined the North vs South war Apollyon would ride hard and fast for Partora.

He would be late to the battle by 2 days as he had to turn around halfway through his journey to repair the damage his equipment received on the road.

After the campaign in Patora he would continue to serve in the Perleone army for the duration of his time in the realm, rising to lead various regions, though in the end he would be to neglect his lordship for military duties.

Return to Perdan

Apollyon eventually felt a great desire to return to Perdan, feeling as if he had unfinished business there, he would reach the City and bring with him a gift from the Empire.

A chest of no less then 20,000 gold that he gave personally to King Kay Peregrine, afterwards he would become Knight of the Greenstone Tower, taking up the estate around the tower.

He would find a new life in Perdan along with new friends, Apollyon would even meet his first ever love, Lorelai Chamberlain, despite the budding romance and his friendships, the youngest Blackstone would quickly find himself facing off against his past.

The Blackstone Legion.

Dark Tides

Apollyon's past came back to haunt him as the Great North vs South war came to a close.

His half sister Abigail took control of the Legion's diminished forces and sailed east towards Perdan with the goal of killing Apollyon and seizing control of the City.

Apollyon would see the fleet from his watch from Chaos Temple and rose fast south towards the Capital, arriving a night before the Legion.

Apollyon would spend most this night with Lorelai.

On the following Morning, Apollyon challenged Abigail to a duel for the right to lead the Legion due to his claim on it from being both Heir and a Son of Gerald.

Apollyon spent the day training and on the day of the duel he bested Abigail's champion, Leona though he would not kill his half sister, prompting Abigail to murder Leona by having a Seeker fire and crossbow from the battlements of Perdan City.

Blaming Apollyon and Perdan, Abigail shot Apollyon with her own crossbow, her bolt tipped in basilisk poison.

Lorelai stepped in just before Abigail finished Apollyon, defending him and declaring her own claim over the Legion due to being informally engaged to Apollyon.

The duel ended in Abigail's death.

Redemption and Exile

To be continued
