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An elven captain

In the world of Battlemasterra the only inhabitants are humans. Except for the occasional undead, but they're not really alive. And the small groups of monsters, but they don't really "inhabit" so much as terrorize (other than perhaps in Outer Tilog, where they run the government). And except for the elves.

The race of elves live only in the northern part of the East Continent in a realm called Sirion. A rough estimate puts their number at 240,000 elves.

Important OOC Note

The only elves that exist in BattleMaster are those that were grandfathered in before the Human-Only rule. A character created anywhere but Sirion - or created in Sirion but no longer residing there - is not exempt from this rule.

Update: All player-character elves were turned human during the Good Tidings event of 2020.

Appearance and Physiology

As the Academy of Knowledge mentions, elves tend to be slightly taller and fairer than normal. They also have pointed ears.

It is also known that elves react differently (1) (2) to toxins and diseases than other races.


An elven shield

The explorer Corwn D'Saferate notes in his journal that the elves he met while in Sirion were noble and welcoming. Though he also mentions that overall he found them to be a bit dry and lifeless.

With most of their realm being situated in large maze-like forests, it should come as no surprise that elves as a whole seem to have an appreciation for woodland areas.

When not at war, the elves also love to host tournaments. In fact, the elves of Sirion once held so many tournaments that it angered the gods. A divine entity contacted the the elves and informed them that tournaments weren't meant to be monopolized by one realm, and that anyone defying this would end up in the disfavor of the gods.


Relations with other races have been mixed. The elves of Sirion were allies with the humans of Fontan and Old Rancagua for many years, until Fontan started expanding. It was more than just political alliances however -- the humans of Old Rancagua were welcomed and assimilated into Sirion when the former fell to Fontan.

In the current age, other than the humans of Old Rancagua who dwell in their lands, it can be said that relations with the humans are poor (examples) -- though it's not clear if there is real prejudice or if it's just due to the ongoing wars.

Like the humans, elves have only disdain and outright hostility towards any monsters and undead.

Offshoot Races

The city of Avamar was once home to both dark elves (also known as drow) and humans, and their existence has been documented at length (1) (2) (3) (4). However, when the elves of Sirion conquered the city of Avamar it is said that they put every dark elf they found to the sword. There are no known dark elves in the East Continent anymore.

The Remanent elves, who originally inhabited the Dark Isle (the northern island) of the Far Continent, were also dark elves. They followed the Adgharhin Way (still practiced today), a philosophy, religion, and way of life. However the human realm of Arcaea launched multiple attacks to quell and "tame" the dark elves, and were almost successful until the realm of Arcachon came to their defense and helped to push back the invaders. However the dark elves never recovered, and it is thought that the remaining Remanent elves either died off, inter-mingled with the humans, or have gone into hiding.


The Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove is the primary elven religion of the realm of Sirion, and its constituents worship two elven deities: the elven goddess of nature Elune and the creator of all things good The Holy Father.

The Adgharhin Way was followed by the Remanent elves, and is still practiced today by the denizens of the Dark Isle of the Far East continent.

Notable Elves

Doc Primus
Known all over the continent, Doc Primus is a very old elf that some say dates back to the Dawn of Time. He ruled the realm of Sirion for many years.