
From BattleMaster Wiki

Calendar in BattleMaster is a hard topic to pick up, as it has been left on a quite vague ground.

For convenience, we will dub the planet of the BattleMaster world as BattleMasterra, and the star of the planetary system as the Som in the following article.


An hour on BattleMasterra equals an hour on Earth, and every 24 hours on BattleMasterra sees two consecutive somrises (let's spare geek talks like "a sidereal day", "a solar day" in here). As such, we can safely assume the rotation period of BattleMasterra is the same comparing to that of the Earth.


Week is a pure artificial invention with no practical astronomical implications, and a week on BattleMasterra is the same with the one on Earth, consisting of 7 days.


From the views of the middle ages, a month would refer to a full period during which the referred moon has completed exactly one phase cycle. Since there are months on BattleMasterra, we are able to assert that there exists at least one natural satellite around BattleMasterra.

Moreover, the people of BattleMasterra seem to be following exactly after the style of months just like the majority of the residents of Earth nowadays (or the other way around; see below), leading us believing that this natural satellite of BattleMasterra shares roughly or exactly the same orbital period with the Moon of Earth.


Some of the islands in BattleMaster have seasons. The game runs on an accelerated timeframe here, with a season lasting for about 3 weeks.


The planting season, though some early food is harvested as well. Harvests are reduced to 75%. Most rural regions will produce small surplus while some strongholds and townslands will suffer from food deficit.


During the summer, all regions will produce food at 100% efficiency. Damage to the fields during this period will be especially devastating. Rural regions will produce surplus while most strongholds and townslands will produce enough food to feed their own population.


The harvest season. Food production will be doubled and therefore food will be abundant. Cities should stock up and prepare for winter.


Dark and cold, food production will be reduced to 25%, and travel is slowed due to bad road conditions. At the height of winter, soldiers not stationed in a garrison will suffer from cold and starvation. Most regions will not produce enough food and will be dependent on the food produced during Autumn.


This is the major tricky part. There are two type of years used by the people of BattleMasterra - a Gregorian year, and a BattleMasterran year.

Gregorian Year

The Gregorian year is an incorporated part of the dating system in the daily usage by the people of BattleMasterra. It is, however, by its nature an artificially invented time period. Allegedly created by Gregor Relak, one of the eldest known mortal men that still lives his days on BattleMasterra, also a renowned mentor, senior scholar, politician, and much more, he named this dating system after himself and promoted it to every of his apprentices, claiming the benefits it would bring forth are immense and supreme. Gregor did succeed in his attempts, and to this date, Gregorian calendar has become an integral part of the daily life on BattleMasterra.

It has come to our attention at the same moment however, that the identical calendrical system is also widely popular on Earth. A minor opinion has expressed doubts towards the Gregorian system, questioning the calendar was in fact originated from Earth, but Gregor denied every accusation on plagiary and claimed familial enemies to each of those "pitiful dunces".

BattleMasterran Year

A BattleMasterran year describes astronomically a full period BattleMasterra has to take for one full orbit around the Som. Although the usage of BattleMasterran years is no longer commonly seen lately in the mundanity of BattleMasterra, thanks to Gregor Relak, it still dominates many aspects of life. For the most obvious case, seasons are totally dependent on BattleMasterran years, and since the change of seasons has an unneglectable impact to all lives on a planet, BattleMasterran year still comes to be handy when a natural timing unit of proper scale is needed, such as age.

The most bizarre manifestation occurs at here, in which that the length of a BattleMasterran year does not equal to an Earthen year; in fact, it only counts up for 1.5 Earthen month!

Senescence occurs to every character at roughly an average speed of 4 Seasons (84 days, as each season has 21 days) per age. Wounds and especially serious wounds will speed up the aging process dramatically. (For information concerning the old aging system:[1])

A Glance into the Somar System

With sufficient knowledges at hand, we are now able to deal out a rough sketch on the true face of the Somar System as our first step into a greater mystery.

The Somar System


1. On the start of both a BattleMasterran year and a BattleMasterran month.


2. After roughly 4 BattleMasterran weeks, a BattleMasterran month has passed, and it has also been 2/3 over the current BattleMasterran year.


3. Yet another 4 weeks have passed, and it is the beginning of the third BattleMasterran month, roughly 1.3 BattleMasterran year since the starting point.


4. After 3 BattleMasterran months, also 2 BattleMasterran years, the beginning of years and months meet each other again, and a new cycle immediately starts.

The discovery of this relatively peculiar behavior of the Somar System has only led us to more unanswered questions. Why could BattleMasterra maintain such an extremely high orbital speed without being swung away? Is it that the orbital radius of BattleMasterra is extremely close to the Som, or is it that the mass of the Som is abnormally higher than most of the other stars? Why didn't BattleMasterra be baked dry already if it is indeed way too close to the star? What will happen if the Som explodes one day and sucks everything down within it, not even a single piece left? Or perhaps BattleMasterra is by its very own nature of exsomar origin, only be captured by the gravity of the Som in some distant past? All these wild thoughts and possibilities are fairly beyond our current best comprehensions to this great universe, to which we could only look upon with awe and dread.