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Amidst her, the family name is forgotten, the only female member and the youngest of the three children in the house - she is the most famous member of the family.
Amidst her, the family name is forgotten, the only female member and the youngest of the three children in the house - she is the most famous member of the family.

From her childhood, she wanted to be the LEADER of the house, being a girl didnt deter her from this goal.
From her childhood, she wanted to be the LEADER of the house, being a girl didn't deter her from this goal.

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X202, was found as an abandoned a few weeks old baby on the streets of Al Arab by Mikalev. Since, he and Niv had no children at the time they decided to adopt him.  
X202, was found as an abandoned a few weeks old baby on the streets of Al Arab by Mikalev. Since, he and Niv had no children at the time they decided to adopt him.  
Though Niv had christned him Xiso.  which he didn't lke one bit after he was told he was adopted. He changed his name to X202, bcoz XX and OO was inscribed on his either ass cheek - the only thing that was possibly given by his REAL parents.
Though Niv had christened him Xiso.  which he didn't like one bit after he was told he was adopted. He changed his name to X202, because XX and OO was inscribed on his either ass cheek - the only thing that was possibly given by his REAL parents.

His stubborness led him to leave the house at an early age and travel the lands of Ibladesh. He was mentored in martial arts by a teacher in [[East Continent/Dayr az Zawr|Dayr az Zawr]]. Hence he just recruits [[units|Infantry]] and [[units|Special Forcees]].  
His stubbornness led him to leave the house at an early age and travel the lands of Ibladesh. He was mentored in martial arts by a teacher in [[East Continent/Dayr az Zawr|Dayr az Zawr]]. Hence he just recruits [[units|Infantry]] and [[units|Special Forcees]].  

The oldest among the three - wise, aggressive and a person hated by his enemies and loathed by his friends. Continues to serve the realm of [[Ibladesh]] hoping that one day he would be able to find  his REAL parents.  
The oldest among the three - wise, aggressive and a person hated by his enemies and loathed by his friends. Continues to serve the realm of [[Ibladesh]] hoping that one day he would be able to find  his REAL parents.  
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18th June 2004, 1800hrs - the battle when X seriously wounded TK Jones and collected 800 Gold as bounty. thus doing what many infils have died trying.
18th June 2004, 1800hrs - the battle when X seriously wounded TK Jones and collected 800 Gold as bounty. thus doing what many infils have died trying.
A few days before this he was knighted Count of [[East Continent/Itor Boss|Itor Boss]] by Queen Rianna. Its believed that at his residential palace in [[Itor Boss]], he has showcased a pound of flesh which he cutoff TK before the latter fled the battlefield.
A few days before this he was knighted Count of [[East Continent/Itor Boss|Itor Boss]] by Queen Rianna. Its believed that at his residential palace in [[Itor Boss]], he has showcased a pound of flesh which he cutoff TK before the latter fled the battlefield.

Large part of the last year Xiso and Ibladesh fought a war which had no meaning, while some egged on for the purpose of Ramsia (the heart) and some for glory, but soon disenchantment grew within [[Ibladesh]] and many left for far-off lands.
Large part of the last year Xiso and Ibladesh fought a war which had no meaning, while some egged on for the purpose of Ramsia (the heart) and some for glory, but soon disenchantment grew within [[Ibladesh]] and many left for far-off lands.

Ibladesh soon ended its hostilities and [[Itorunt]] was more than happy with the new found peace, soon the realms in the south accepted Ibladesh as their spiritual leader and with this turmoil again came knocking on ibladesh's door in the form of Ubent and then Perdan.  
Ibladesh soon ended its hostilities and [[Itorunt]] was more than happy with the new found peace, soon the realms in the south accepted Ibladesh as their spiritual leader and with this turmoil again came knocking on Ibladesh's door in the form of Ubent and then Perdan.  

His wanderings and his undying faith in the church of ibladesh, has earned him the position of Protector Guardian of Ibladesh, a title bestowed upon him by Lady Sorcha, Pontifex of Sartania.
His wanderings and his undying faith in the church of Ibladesh, has earned him the position of Protector Guardian of Ibladesh, a title bestowed upon him by Lady Sorcha, Pontifex of Sartania.

Recently he was appointed Haruspex maximus of Ibladesh. and on his first day as [[Government Position|Haruspex Maximus]] he let the world know of his arrival by executing an infiltrator who had been doggedly attempting to assassinate our fair queen Sorcha.
Recently he was appointed Haruspex Maximus of Ibladesh. and on his first day as [[Government Position|Haruspex Maximus]] he let the world know of his arrival by executing an infiltrator who had been doggedly attempting to assassinate our fair queen Sorcha.

Xiso had recently been appointed the Count of Itor Boss, and he set in motion, plans to build the [[Temple of the Heart]] which glorifies [[History Of The Heart|The Heart]]
Xiso had recently been appointed the Count of Itor Boss, and he set in motion, plans to build the [[Temple of the Heart]] which glorifies [[History Of The Heart|The Heart]]
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=== Sir Yeller ===
=== Sir Yeller ===

A soft-spoken bureocrat - started out in [[Falasan]], Atamara. So that he could send home some gold and make the family proud (ahem! rich). A beer chugging - pot belly man. Presently serving the monarch in [[Old Grehk]]. He arrived their to fight the monsters (because the family insisted that he go there and save the poor people from the wretched scum from below the surface). The wise buerocrat timed it such that he arrived once the invasion and the rebuilding in NW was almost over. He loves horses - not because he can ride well but because he cant carry his weight around. He was a frequent at the tourneys in Atamara, and was once the sole reason behind a small war between [[Falasan]] and [[Barony of Makar|BoM]].
A soft-spoken bureaucrat - started out in [[Falasan]], Atamara. So that he could send home some gold and make the family proud (ahem! rich). A beer chugging - pot belly man. Presently serving the monarch in [[Old Grehk]]. He arrived their to fight the monsters (because the family insisted that he go there and save the poor people from the wretched scum from below the surface). The wise bureaucrat timed it such that he arrived once the invasion and the rebuilding in NW was almost over. He loves horses - not because he can ride well but because he cant carry his weight around. He was a frequent at the tourneys in Atamara, and was once the sole reason behind a small war between [[Falasan]] and [[Barony of Makar|BoM]].
His swordfighting skills are at abt 45% and jousting at 25%. the best he has come in the tournament is a losing quaterfinalist in a tourney which boasted of over 100 tl;s in Minas Ithil. No contribution to fame other than the ones originating from gold, i.e nearly sent 800 gold home which took the family over 2000 gold. Now that he is in NW, his contribution to the wealth has been zero. thus he is able to keep a lot of gold on him making the richest Patel.  
His swordfighting skills are at about 45% and jousting at 25%. the best he has come in the tournament is a losing quaterfinalist in a tourney which boasted of over 100 TLs in Minas Ithil. No contribution to fame other than the ones originating from gold, i.e nearly sent 800 gold home which took the family over 2000 gold. Now that he is in NW, his contribution to the wealth has been zero. thus he is able to keep a lot of gold on him making the richest Patel.  

This maniacal buerocrat has now faced the wrath of monsters and undeads, making up for his cowardly act of disappearing during the last invasion. He was the last to leave the crumbling fortress of [[Gethesmene]] and has until recently served OG as its General and Arch Priest.  The war against the Undead's is now coming to an end, but things are yet to settle down.
This maniacal bureaucrat has now faced the wrath of monsters and undeads, making up for his cowardly act of disappearing during the last invasion. He was the last to leave the crumbling fortress of [[Beluaterra/Gethsemene|Gethsemene] and has until recently served OG as its General and Arch Priest.  The war against the Undead's is now coming to an end, but things are yet to settle down.

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=== Lady Gheros ===
=== Lady Gheros ===

The youngest of the three siblings, started her career in [[Minas Ithil]]. MI was the best place she had been, in MI she learnt abt honour, respect and loyality. Under the guidance of the king of MI, Dead Anget3 she was able to learn quite a few things. She joined the realm when it was at war with 3 of its neighbours ([[Southasland]], Norland, Tuchanon II). Soon after i joined Lothruin fell and Falasan took it over. With only 3 regions left (Lyton, Shanandoah, Crahandan) MI sought peace with SH. now the war was 2 vs 1. to turn the tide, MI's old ally Eston joined in and wrecked havoc in Norland lands. Soon enough with the support MI took back many regions. Cheltenborne and Nemeha fell in quick succession. meanwhile Gheros lost her new friend Raziel (in Lyton to crazy Falasan trader), though his son soon joined and was her companion until later. Winwich was the last to fall to MI. Norland being plundered in their own regions soon accepted defeat and sought peace. Buttholio the general of Norland didnt accept defeat and suceeded the city of york to form a new realm called Vikland in York and Dunstoke. Norland was angered by this and lowered relations with it. T2 too accepted defeat and decided to turn into a theocracy. MI exchanged the region of Winham with Nemeha... (or rather just gave away Nemeha).  A new bond of friendship was formed between Norland-Falasan and MI, because Norland owed Falasan some gold/food because of York (its food consumption is very high). Norlan was ready to pay a part of it but reasoned that the debt was for York and Vikland shd pay a part of it. which buttholio refused. Thus, [[Norland]]-[[Falasan]]-[[Minas Ithil]] waged a 30 day war with Vikland and the starving City fell to MI without a hiccup. With no enemies to fight, Gheros was happy to lead a placid life for a while but soon boredom caught up with her and the tournaments werent as exciting as they used to be... so she decided to move to a newly found colonies. she left behind her most trusted friend Ethaska of the Rathore family to keep a watch for her while she was away.
The youngest of the three siblings, started her career in [[Minas Ithil]]. MI was the best place she had been, in MI she learned about honour, respect and loyalty. Under the guidance of the king of MI, Dead Anget3 she was able to learn quite a few things. She joined the realm when it was at war with 3 of its neighbours ([[Southasland]], Norland, Tuchanon II). Soon after i joined Lothruin fell and Falasan took it over. With only 3 regions left (Lyton, Shanandoah, Crahandan) MI sought peace with SH. now the war was 2 vs 1. to turn the tide, MI's old ally Eston joined in and wreaked havoc in Norland lands. Soon enough with the support MI took back many regions. Cheltenborne and Nemeha fell in quick succession. meanwhile Gheros lost her new friend Raziel (in Lyton to crazy Falasan trader), though his son soon joined and was her companion until later. Winwich was the last to fall to MI. Norland being plundered in their own regions soon accepted defeat and sought peace. Buttholio the general of Norland didnt accept defeat and seceded the city of York to form a new realm called Vikland in York and Dunstoke. Norland was angered by this and lowered relations with it. T2 too accepted defeat and decided to turn into a theocracy. MI exchanged the region of Winham with Nemeha... (or rather just gave away Nemeha).  A new bond of friendship was formed between Norland-Falasan and MI, because Norland owed Falasan some gold/food because of York (its food consumption is very high). Norlan was ready to pay a part of it but reasoned that the debt was for York and Vikland shd pay a part of it. which buttholio refused. Thus, [[Norland]]-[[Falasan]]-[[Minas Ithil]] waged a 30 day war with Vikland and the starving City fell to MI without a hiccup. With no enemies to fight, Gheros was happy to lead a placid life for a while but soon boredom caught up with her and the tournaments weren't as exciting as they used to be... so she decided to move to a newly found colonies. she left behind her most trusted friend Ethaska of the Rathore family to keep a watch for her while she was away.

In the colonies, another of her friend awaited her, psycho of the bates family (who was the banker at the time). Gheros joined [[Giblot]], a quintessential realm in the north palgued by treacherous people. she was made countess of Ammersfield a few days after her arrival.  Greyswandir and Canelot Junior were the PM and Judge respectively, Gheros didnt like the MOU (Memoranda of Understanding) that Giblot had with Outer Tilog (OT) as he felt Rollsovar was an strategic part of Giblot. This created a havoc in the realm and greys lost his election to Aethbert, and Gheros became the judge with a slender margin of 1 vote. and 2 votes over CJ. Greys left (for Atamara) as he felt he was unable to contribute to the realm. CJ continued until he felt the war with OT was inevitable.
In the colonies, another of her friend awaited her, psycho of the bates family (who was the banker at the time). Gheros joined [[Giblot]], a quintessential realm in the north plagued by treacherous people. she was made countess of Ammersfield a few days after her arrival.  Greyswandir and Canelot Junior were the PM and Judge respectively, Gheros didnt like the MOU (Memoranda of Understanding) that Giblot had with Outer Tilog (OT) as he felt Rollsovar was an strategic part of Giblot. This created a havoc in the realm and greys lost his election to Aethbert, and Gheros became the judge with a slender margin of 1 vote. and 2 votes over CJ. Greys left (for Atamara) as he felt he was unable to contribute to the realm. CJ continued until he felt the war with OT was inevitable.
Gheros served Giblot as the grand justiciar until he suddenly dissappeared for a while, on her return the war with OT had begun, even the PM had changed from Aethbert to Estevan. Mitch the Judge at the time had done well and picking up the reins again were not a problem the following month. Meanwhile she was made the banker so that she could reamin on the council. Estevan soon left and Gildon became the PM. under Gildon Giblot got a new direction and Giblot was on a path of recovery not because we had a stable council but a lot more vetrans had joined the realm.  
Gheros served Giblot as the grand justiciar until he suddenly disappeared for a while, on her return the war with OT had begun, even the PM had changed from Aethbert to Estevan. Mitch the Judge at the time had done well and picking up the reins again were not a problem the following month. Meanwhile she was made the banker so that she could remain on the council. Estevan soon left and Gildon became the PM. under Gildon Giblot got a new direction and Giblot was on a path of recovery not because we had a stable council but a lot more veterans had joined the realm.  
Gheros served as the Duke of Giblot and then stepped down as judge and became the general, as Valion the former general had too many things to do. she soon stepped down as Duke, so that Valion could be retained in the council.
Gheros served as the Duke of Giblot and then stepped down as judge and became the general, as Valion the former general had too many things to do. she soon stepped down as Duke, so that Valion could be retained in the council.
She served as the minister of Defense of Giblot for 6 months, after which she found that the war had lost its meaning and soon she emmigrated to [[Sartania]].
She served as the minister of Defense of Giblot for 6 months, after which she found that the war had lost its meaning and soon she emigrated to [[Sartania]].

She's been elected [[Government Position|Pontifex]] of a [[Government System|Theocracy]] called [[Sartania]] for the past year and has rebuilt the realm from its ashes.  
She's been elected [[Government Position|Pontifex]] of a [[Government System|Theocracy]] called [[Sartania]] for the past year and has rebuilt the realm from its ashes.  
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With dreams and ambition Qazel embarks on his maiden journey into the life of nobility, honour and maybe notoriety.
With dreams and ambition Qazel embarks on his maiden journey into the life of nobility, honour and maybe notoriety.

In [[Ikalak]] (SEI), Qazel spent a restlesss time and was continually getting into the hair of the council - however shying away from responsibility - he believed he still needed to learn and see more of the world. Soon his uneasiness caught up with him and he was soon seen boarding a ship to the SWI, more specifically to Toren to seek out the wise monk - that was last seen in the hills of [[Toren]]. He now is the Arch Priest and Marquis of Toren.
In [[Ikalak]] (SEI), Qazel spent a restless time and was continually getting into the hair of the council - however shying away from responsibility - he believed he still needed to learn and see more of the world. Soon his uneasiness caught up with him and he was soon seen boarding a ship to the SWI, more specifically to Toren to seek out the wise monk - that was last seen in the hills of [[Toren]]. He now is the Arch Priest and Marquis of Toren.

=== Sir Zes ===
=== Sir Zes ===

Latest revision as of 01:33, 7 May 2008

House of Patels

The House

Well its empty! everyone is fighting their own battles

Amidst her, the family name is forgotten, the only female member and the youngest of the three children in the house - she is the most famous member of the family.

From her childhood, she wanted to be the LEADER of the house, being a girl didn't deter her from this goal.

The untimely death of her parents was a rude awakening for the entire family.

Soon enough the children of the Patel house were fighting their own battles.

Sir Xiso

X202, was found as an abandoned a few weeks old baby on the streets of Al Arab by Mikalev. Since, he and Niv had no children at the time they decided to adopt him. Though Niv had christened him Xiso. which he didn't like one bit after he was told he was adopted. He changed his name to X202, because XX and OO was inscribed on his either ass cheek - the only thing that was possibly given by his REAL parents.

His stubbornness led him to leave the house at an early age and travel the lands of Ibladesh. He was mentored in martial arts by a teacher in Dayr az Zawr. Hence he just recruits Infantry and Special Forcees.

The oldest among the three - wise, aggressive and a person hated by his enemies and loathed by his friends. Continues to serve the realm of Ibladesh hoping that one day he would be able to find his REAL parents.

A Hero to the core and one of the oldest Heroes in the realm, has never been to a tourney (Just wishes he can attend one before he dies - has the maximum chance to actually win one). Only fame he has contributed to is, which originates from prestige. He fears boredom.

18th June 2004, 1800hrs - the battle when X seriously wounded TK Jones and collected 800 Gold as bounty. thus doing what many infils have died trying. A few days before this he was knighted Count of Itor Boss by Queen Rianna. Its believed that at his residential palace in Itor Boss, he has showcased a pound of flesh which he cutoff TK before the latter fled the battlefield.

Large part of the last year Xiso and Ibladesh fought a war which had no meaning, while some egged on for the purpose of Ramsia (the heart) and some for glory, but soon disenchantment grew within Ibladesh and many left for far-off lands.

Ibladesh soon ended its hostilities and Itorunt was more than happy with the new found peace, soon the realms in the south accepted Ibladesh as their spiritual leader and with this turmoil again came knocking on Ibladesh's door in the form of Ubent and then Perdan.

His wanderings and his undying faith in the church of Ibladesh, has earned him the position of Protector Guardian of Ibladesh, a title bestowed upon him by Lady Sorcha, Pontifex of Sartania.

Recently he was appointed Haruspex Maximus of Ibladesh. and on his first day as Haruspex Maximus he let the world know of his arrival by executing an infiltrator who had been doggedly attempting to assassinate our fair queen Sorcha.

Xiso had recently been appointed the Count of Itor Boss, and he set in motion, plans to build the Temple of the Heart which glorifies The Heart

Sir Yeller

A soft-spoken bureaucrat - started out in Falasan, Atamara. So that he could send home some gold and make the family proud (ahem! rich). A beer chugging - pot belly man. Presently serving the monarch in Old Grehk. He arrived their to fight the monsters (because the family insisted that he go there and save the poor people from the wretched scum from below the surface). The wise bureaucrat timed it such that he arrived once the invasion and the rebuilding in NW was almost over. He loves horses - not because he can ride well but because he cant carry his weight around. He was a frequent at the tourneys in Atamara, and was once the sole reason behind a small war between Falasan and BoM. His swordfighting skills are at about 45% and jousting at 25%. the best he has come in the tournament is a losing quaterfinalist in a tourney which boasted of over 100 TLs in Minas Ithil. No contribution to fame other than the ones originating from gold, i.e nearly sent 800 gold home which took the family over 2000 gold. Now that he is in NW, his contribution to the wealth has been zero. thus he is able to keep a lot of gold on him making the richest Patel.

This maniacal bureaucrat has now faced the wrath of monsters and undeads, making up for his cowardly act of disappearing during the last invasion. He was the last to leave the crumbling fortress of [[Beluaterra/Gethsemene|Gethsemene] and has until recently served OG as its General and Arch Priest. The war against the Undead's is now coming to an end, but things are yet to settle down.

Lady Gheros

The youngest of the three siblings, started her career in Minas Ithil. MI was the best place she had been, in MI she learned about honour, respect and loyalty. Under the guidance of the king of MI, Dead Anget3 she was able to learn quite a few things. She joined the realm when it was at war with 3 of its neighbours (Southasland, Norland, Tuchanon II). Soon after i joined Lothruin fell and Falasan took it over. With only 3 regions left (Lyton, Shanandoah, Crahandan) MI sought peace with SH. now the war was 2 vs 1. to turn the tide, MI's old ally Eston joined in and wreaked havoc in Norland lands. Soon enough with the support MI took back many regions. Cheltenborne and Nemeha fell in quick succession. meanwhile Gheros lost her new friend Raziel (in Lyton to crazy Falasan trader), though his son soon joined and was her companion until later. Winwich was the last to fall to MI. Norland being plundered in their own regions soon accepted defeat and sought peace. Buttholio the general of Norland didnt accept defeat and seceded the city of York to form a new realm called Vikland in York and Dunstoke. Norland was angered by this and lowered relations with it. T2 too accepted defeat and decided to turn into a theocracy. MI exchanged the region of Winham with Nemeha... (or rather just gave away Nemeha). A new bond of friendship was formed between Norland-Falasan and MI, because Norland owed Falasan some gold/food because of York (its food consumption is very high). Norlan was ready to pay a part of it but reasoned that the debt was for York and Vikland shd pay a part of it. which buttholio refused. Thus, Norland-Falasan-Minas Ithil waged a 30 day war with Vikland and the starving City fell to MI without a hiccup. With no enemies to fight, Gheros was happy to lead a placid life for a while but soon boredom caught up with her and the tournaments weren't as exciting as they used to be... so she decided to move to a newly found colonies. she left behind her most trusted friend Ethaska of the Rathore family to keep a watch for her while she was away.

In the colonies, another of her friend awaited her, psycho of the bates family (who was the banker at the time). Gheros joined Giblot, a quintessential realm in the north plagued by treacherous people. she was made countess of Ammersfield a few days after her arrival. Greyswandir and Canelot Junior were the PM and Judge respectively, Gheros didnt like the MOU (Memoranda of Understanding) that Giblot had with Outer Tilog (OT) as he felt Rollsovar was an strategic part of Giblot. This created a havoc in the realm and greys lost his election to Aethbert, and Gheros became the judge with a slender margin of 1 vote. and 2 votes over CJ. Greys left (for Atamara) as he felt he was unable to contribute to the realm. CJ continued until he felt the war with OT was inevitable. Gheros served Giblot as the grand justiciar until he suddenly disappeared for a while, on her return the war with OT had begun, even the PM had changed from Aethbert to Estevan. Mitch the Judge at the time had done well and picking up the reins again were not a problem the following month. Meanwhile she was made the banker so that she could remain on the council. Estevan soon left and Gildon became the PM. under Gildon Giblot got a new direction and Giblot was on a path of recovery not because we had a stable council but a lot more veterans had joined the realm. Gheros served as the Duke of Giblot and then stepped down as judge and became the general, as Valion the former general had too many things to do. she soon stepped down as Duke, so that Valion could be retained in the council. She served as the minister of Defense of Giblot for 6 months, after which she found that the war had lost its meaning and soon she emigrated to Sartania.

She's been elected Pontifex of a Theocracy called Sartania for the past year and has rebuilt the realm from its ashes.

//most of her recent life can be followed on the rpg list

Sir Qazel

Family Mansion, Ibladesh, East Continet

Qazel and his young uncle, Xiso are discussing his future. Xiso suggests that Qazel follow his path of knighthood and heroism, while Qazel aspires for fame from notoriety.

Xiso Qazel Feud

What follows is a heated argument between the two and in a fit of anger Qazel leaves the mansion and embarks on his journey with the small amount of gold his mother slipped into his pocket before leaving.

On the docks of Ibladesh harbour he has many choices to make - he can start his career in lands where his family have no influence and thus he's relatively unknown. Choosing the South East Island, and Ikalak more specifically Ikalak, Qazel sets forth for it.

With dreams and ambition Qazel embarks on his maiden journey into the life of nobility, honour and maybe notoriety.

In Ikalak (SEI), Qazel spent a restless time and was continually getting into the hair of the council - however shying away from responsibility - he believed he still needed to learn and see more of the world. Soon his uneasiness caught up with him and he was soon seen boarding a ship to the SWI, more specifically to Toren to seek out the wise monk - that was last seen in the hills of Toren. He now is the Arch Priest and Marquis of Toren.

Sir Zes

Greatly influenced by his father's life he seek's to walk his father's laid out path, however a bit accelerated.

Family Friends

The Rathore family - Ethaska, Hestromastica, Riestansi, Vile, Eglender.

The bates family - psycho, deadmama, norman

The Wolfe family

The Leroy family - Woefix, SoP, CJ

The decremer family - Sir Jan, Dopido, Janomash

The Himora - Kayne2, Raziel2, Nobdy
