Nabradia Family

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Revision as of 13:28, 23 February 2007 by Ryugunbito (talk | contribs)


An Ancient Family with a noble history, Nabradia Family arose in the time of Shiqi, second son of King Cid, the Dynast-King.

The Luminous Shard, a relic left by King Cid, is passed down from generation to generation within the family, as a symbol of

their unbroken bloodline.

Nabradia Family Emblem.

The Nabradia Kingdom spans the Antelean Peninsula, and, being situated at the meeting point of the continents of Valendia,

Ordalia and Kerwan, thrives as a vital centre of trade. Nabradia enjoys friendly relations with the neighbouring Kingdom of

Prontera, whose rulers also descend from the Dynast-King.

Though Nabradia had remained independent for over three centuries, the threat of Accretia aggression forces Nabradia to enter

into a treaty of mutual protection with Bellato. When Bellato is invaded, Nabradia has no choice but to enter the war, and is

quickly defeated by the overwhelming power of the Accretia Empire.

The King of Nabradia is assassinated shortly before a peace treaty can be signed, and, without a lawful successor to accede

to the throne, the Kingdom falls under the dominion of the Accretia Empire.

It is said that the few remaining members of the Nabradia family fled to the continent of Atamara where the Sterling Family also a descendant of the Dynast-King Fled before the war, and landed on the region of Veshin,

here they started a new life

1st Chapter


Rasler Helios von Nabradia , 17 , only son of the late king and brother to the twins Alodia and Ashley. Hails from Veshin, Currently Where the Nabradia Family is Staying, Ash Sea Islands in the Continent of Atamara.

Started his career serving Count Norel as a Knight of Veshin, but after awhile his Liege stepped down. but his loyalty will remain on the region where his family lives, so he pledged his loyalty to the new count of Veshin,Landesred and now Serves under the Army of the High Serpant Guard.

War Broke out in the continent of Atamara and it was time for ASI to help their allies, Falasan and Minas Ithil, and High Serpant Guard had Orders to Help their Northern Allies , Minas Ithil,


Kurai Sargae von Nabradia , 17 , first born of the twins and half-brother to Rasler , this young adventurous lad was

always the competitive type , always competing with his brother rasler, has set out after bidding his family goodbye and

headed of to the East Continent which landed him on the region of Tabost which

belongs to the realm of Sirion, There he Became a Knight of Tabost and has pledge his allegiance to Baron


A month passed and Kurai received orders to rally to Kazan for Sirion will be helping our Allies against Avamar Selective

which occupies a small island in the northwestern part of Continent. Soon after stormed the beaches of stora till they reach

the Capital City of Kalmar, they fought hard and emerged victorious, but war always has it casualties on both parties, Kurai

lost 16 brave souls in this war, his unit already low on morale and their equipments badly damage they headed home to sirion

to refit and also carry the burden of informing the families of those who died in battle. Upon arriving at the capital, word

of his bravery and honor spread quickly and alot commended them for the victory. Kurai decided to disband his unit and let

him men spend time with their family. Kurai then recruited cavalry units, and also a young captain named Volts, offered his

services to Kurai. After the tax week, Kurai will be rallying back to Kazan and into the heat of battle once more.


Miyuki Sargae von Nabradia , 17 , youngest of the twins , has set out to fulfil her wish of becoming a priestess, so she

has set sail to the continent of Colonies, which landed her in the ports of Lukon, during her stay in Lukon , every

night she would dream of a figure whichs beckons her to the continent of Beluaterra, alas for 14 days she dreamt of it

until she decides to go to the continent hoping to know what are the meaning of this dreams. Arriving at the port of

Alluran there she offered her service the the King. That Time Alluran is in War with Luz de Bia so soon after leaving port Miyuki recruited the finest Soldiers that wish to serve her family in this continent and

started training. Days Follow and soon Miyuki found her self in battle together with the rest of Alluran's Army against a

small skirmishes from Luz de Bia which currently occupies Brovyl, a former region of Alluran.


Alicia Silia von Nabradia, 20 , an uproar in the House of Nabradia when rumors of a Nabradia decent was receive by one of

Miyuki's Scribe in Beluaterra, supposedly a female who bears the crest of Nabradia was found in the lands of Riombara where

it was said that she was fighting of undead and monster over there, but Miyuki could not confirm this neither send one of her

scribes to check it out due to the war that is happening in Beluaterra, alot of questions in whether or not she is a

decendant of the family or just a hoax pretending to be a Nabradia. in time Miyuki will be tasked to confirm her lineage and

hope that Felicia will survive to join her family one more.

(character history in progress)

Family Heirlooms


Nanatsusaya - Nabradian Family Katana, given to the first born sons of the Nabradia Family, Rasler currently yields this


It Was forged by Silverium Nabradia, but now known as Silverium Sterling