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Item NameDiscoveredDiscovererOwnerTypeIslandPrestige
Bizarre Helmet of Spring3 August 2020Vivi TideweaverGheric ArylonArmourDwilight14
Bizarre Lexicon23 March 2018TylerTylerBookDwilight7
Bizarre Rapier18 October 2020ErinErinWeaponDwilight6
Bizarre Ring of Defeat6 July 2022ZnowiiArxex PandoriumRingEast Continent11
Black Aegis of Protection29 August 2011JasithJasithShieldBeluaterra3
Black Amulet of Talerium7 January 2024NykkalNykkalAccessoryAtamara6
Black Armour of the Kings12 March 2011Evelyn DarksunAlanArmourDwilight3
Black Arrow of Bloodletting2010ErrinayaMerkandur CastilloWeaponBeluaterra3
Black Arrow of Daemonslaying2008WeaponAtamara3
Black Axe of Nazgorn3 March 2014FeldonWeaponAtamara6
Black Band16 December 2006TegilBergelmir CrownguardRingBeluaterra3
Black Band of Nazamroth23 July 2011Carla ArnCarla ArnRingAtamara1
Black Book13 January 2008DiarmidBookEast Continent4
Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge28 September 2010Denver JeffreyDenver JeffreyAccessoryBeluaterra1
Black Book of the Damned16 July 2012Mijhail RaskolnikovMijhail RaskolnikovBookBeluaterra5
Black Breastplate of the East Island21 May 2016GrawldarGrawldarArmourColonies6
Black Broadsword29 December 2011IvenDunborWeaponBeluaterra5
Black Buckler16 July 2009Galen FuryDestroyedShieldAtamara1
Black Buckler of the Dragonslayer12 June 2009Gardin FalcoreShieldBeluaterra6
Black Chain Mail of Aram10 May 2017KassKassArmourDwilight6
Black Chain Mail of Kings11 January 2010Clarissa Van HoensbroekClarissa Van HoensbroekArmourDwilight1
Black Chain Mail of the Foolish7 March 2011GalenArmourAtamara4
Black Club from a Previous Age7 January 2020Hippolyta D'AnglosHippolyta D'AnglosWeaponEast Continent4
Black Coat of Life7 January 2007LorenArmour
Black Coat of Pancakes8 August 2018DarriousFrancis De FonsecaArmourEast Continent7
Black Coat of the Vulcano23 October 2012AlacrenzioAlacrenzioArmourEast Continent6
Black Collection4 November 2014OdwellaOdwellaBookDwilight6
Black Compendium20 June 2009Kairne VexilleBookEast Continent1
Black Compendium of Life9 November 2014OdwellaOdwellaBookDwilight7
Black Crown of BetrayalJanuary 2012GlennErica KazanAccessoryAtamara7
Black Flail of Truth16 January 2023LanneaLanneaWeaponEast Continent10
Black Flail of the Dukes3 January 2017Bartimus Von Teaselholm Bec DuBartimus Von Teaselholm Bec DuWeaponEast Continent1
Black Gauntlets of Protection18 December 2012JerryJerryArmourBeluaterra9
Black Gauntlets of the Dragons20 May 2017Billy RayBilly RayArmourBeluaterra5
Black Gauntlets of the Kings3 July 2007BlackavarArmourFar East1
Black Gem10 September 2011Dasha BaranofunknownAccessoryDwilight2
Black Guard of Deception3 September 2011AviannaShieldBeluaterra2
Black Hammer of FlameJune 2009Hiroshi MurakamaWeaponBeluaterra2
Black Helm3 January 2009Illandor CapeloGrego NosferatusArmourBeluaterra4
Black Helm of Blood22 December 2006EscentArmourBeluaterra4
Black Helm of Nothoi1 July 2018Marth KinseyArmourBeluaterra8
Black Helm of Protection26 September 2008TilarisArmourAtamara3
Black Jacket of Blood20 April 2011Godwin HarteGodwinArmourBeluaterra4
Black Jacket of Life11 October 2008Morgan HossenfefferArmourEast Continent
Black Jacket of the Badgers17 September 2018ElyasElyasArmourEast Continent5
Black Lexicon of the End Times25 January 2016JenniferJenniferBookBeluaterra6
Black Longsword of Destruction10 August 2014ChlotharChlotharWeaponBeluaterra5
Black Longsword of Flame5 November 2008Galen FuryCelestial FuryWeaponAtamara9
Black Longsword of WarNovember 2009Denver JeffreyWeaponBeluaterra1
Black Mace of Amdor19 October 2012PalbenPalbenWeaponAtamara1