Ash Sea Chronicle/Issue 21

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Ash Sea Chronicle
The Voice of the Islands!

Disclaimer: The Chronicle would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Ashlantean Government. For information concerning the official diplomatic stances of the Isles, we suggest speaking to an appointed representative of our illustrious monarch, King Doc's Revenge Primus.
Chief of Staff: Wolfram Gunnar, former Lord Steward of the Royal Household.

Reporter: TBA

Battle Reporter: TBA

Interviewer: TBA

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
February 27, 2008

Tricks played out in the West

Reports of foreign armies roaming on Ashlantean soils have begun to filter down to the Ashlantean armies campaigning tirelessly in Protectorate lands. It seems now a breathtaking number of realms march ever south, to the Ash Sea Islands, in the hope that they can take our lush and rich lands for their own. These realms must think they are here of their own accord, but the reckoning coming has all the hallmarks of Vulpes fine tricks.

This one is of the belief that greater forces than us mere mortals are at work in this strange game. The realms that have come forward as enemies of the Ash Sea Islands grow in number every day, presenting us with the greatest challenge to our strength in all our history. Yet through Vulpes' cunning shepherding we now know the faces of these acolytes of Nymkos. Our vengeance shall taste all the sweeter for it. -Wolfram

February 25, 2008

A New Era in Falasan

Coinciding with this time of sudden and dramatic upheaval within Atamara, Falasan too has been in some degree of upheaval these last days after King Reilwin's health took a dizzying turn for the worst. Although the full details of the King's health troubles remain unknown, it is understood that the severity of his illness prompted King Reilwin's unexpected abdication just two days ago.

Several fine candidates fought in the ensuing contest for the Falasonian succession with Jambo Lamonte, Count of Anfalas eventually emerging as the victor. We at the Chronicle wish good tidings upon the new monarch and hope that his predecessor makes a swift and full recovery from his ails. -Wolfram

Carelian Honour

A face of Carelia previously unseen since Garthon Dunmeric's coronation was revealed today. After a handful of Ashlantean nobles bravely volunteered to travel to Riverholm as a show of our fearless defiance, Carelian forces surprisingly refused to be drawn into the ensuing battle between Suvillian and Ashlantean forces outside the city gates.

Reports say that upon seeing the standards of Sir Kronos Titans, former King of Carelia, in the Ashlantean ranks, the Carelian soldiers outright refused to take up swords against the man who completely transformed that once weak kingdom into an honourable force to be reckoned with. It is a pity that sense of honour died amongst the upper echelons of the Carelian nobility as soon as he was ousted, if not amongst the Carelian soldiers whose actions this day were laudable.

In the aftermath of the battle, Garthon Dumeric, King of Carelia, has since issued a wave of war declarations in what can only be an effort to try and break the back of the challenge to his authority among the troops. The Chronicle thinks it will take a lot more than that to destroy the awe that Carelians clearly still feel for their former monarch. - Wolfram

February 24, 2008

Tara shows her quality

In an act that surprised few in the Ash Sea Islands this morning, Lister O'claude Ve, Dictator of Tara, declared war upon our kingdom. Reports seen by this publication reveal that Tara feels aggrieved over previous words and actions of the Kings and Nobles of the Ash Sea Islands. All these are mere quibbles however, when compared to Taran actions towards the Ash Sea Islands in the recent past.

Although in the end, Tara may have personally involved herself in the fall of RedSpan, just a few months before that Tara had readied itself for war alongside that disreputable kingdom, gathering in Jagla to prepare an assault against the Ash Sea Islands. Only the sheer strength of the Ashlantean response forced their stand down. More likely than aggrievement, we feel Tara is motivated purely by land lust, as ever it has been.

Once again Taran relations have been dictated simply by how much land they believe they can gain with a minimum of fighting - even at the expense of their sworn agreements and alliances. The Ash Sea Islands can count itself lucky that it is now able to confront Taran treachery in the open and no longer have to endure Taran friendship in any way, shape or form. - Wolfram

Return of the Chronicle!

Greetings to you all, and rejoice, for the Chronicle of the Ash Sea Isles has returned once again to grace the lands of Atamara with the true story of the island. Printed in Ash'rily, its offices have been revamped, re-opened and now we shall begin to again bring you the news of the continent as and when we hear of it! - Wolfram

February 27, 2008

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Aja:Carelia, Darka, Talerium, Tara vs. Ash Sea Islands, Falasan

Estimated combat strengths: 35000 CS vs. 19000 CS Attacker Victory!

War: Eston has declared war on the Ash Sea Islands!

A new war is breaking out: Eston has declared war on Protectorate of Magnus.

February 25, 2008

Ruler election in Falasan: The realm of Falasan has elected Jambo Lamonte as its new King. He received 27 % of the valid votes.

War: Suville has declared war on the Ash Sea Islands!

War: Caergoth has declared war on the Ash Sea Islands!

A new war is breaking out: Carelia has declared war on Protectorate of Magnus.

War: Carelia has declared war on the Ash Sea Islands!

February 24, 2008

War: Tara has declared war on the Ash Sea Islands!

February 23, 2008

Region Takeover: Minas Ithil has taken control of Elost (formerly part of Norland)

Rebellion in Eston: The rebellion is over, and according to rumours, it failed.

February 22, 2008

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Riverholm:Caergoth, Carelia, Suville vs. Protectorate of Magnus

Estimated combat strengths: 19000 CS vs. 6000 CS Attacker Victory!

Diplomatic News: King Doc's Revenge Primus has lowered diplomatic relations with Caergoth to Neutral

A new war is breaking out: Suville has declared war on Protectorate of Magnus.

February 21, 2008

A new war is breaking out: Caergoth has declared war on Protectorate of Magnus.

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