Lamonte Family
Lamonte Family | |
Family Crest | |
Fame | 17 |
Wealth | 1200 |
Home Region | Alebad |
Home World | Colonies |
Boen Lamonte
- Journal and Storybook - Last updated 26.08.12
- [Battlemaster Family Page]
Current Position and Allegiance
Boen is the Duke of Wetham.
Upon his rise to nobility in Minas Thalion, Boen was a knight of Valdrix Hendrix, Duke of Alebad. After being appointed Banker, Boen gained much experience in long distance trading during the war with Oritolon. After Minas Thalion met an uphappy destruction, Boen joined the realm of Lukon and became a knight of Lord Data Thirdlight in the region of Asker.