Ash Sea Chronicle/1st June 2007

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Ash Sea Chronicle
The Voice of the Islands!

The Ash Sea Chronicle would like to thank the Editors of the Rampant Lion, the Old Rancaguan Press and the Red Star Courier for their excellent work concerning the layouts of their papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :).

Disclaimer: Furthermore, the Chronicle would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Ashlantean Government. For information concerning the official diplomatic stances of the Isles I would suggest you speak to our illustrious King Malice.

Chief of Staff: Arkantos Dell, Knight of Wor'ight, 2IC Marshal of the Guardians of Magna Serpaensism

Reporter: Gustav Donkeyvich, Knight of Tichi Battle Reporter: TBA

Interviewer: TBA

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
June 10, 2007 -

Ashlantean army arrives in the north

In recent months, the war in the north has led to stalemate following the on-going tactical victories over the armies of the Isles and Falasan at the hands of Eston and its affliates who have hitherto been unable to achieve resounding victory, or even truly maintain their gains. However, through careful planning and well co-ordinated travel arrangements, the Ashlantean armies have arrived on schedule and now prepare to take the fight back to Eston and relieve the heavy pressure that our Falasani allies have been under these past months.

With over twenty-five thousand CS in troop numbers, and the armies of Eston and Darka nowhere to be seen, perhaps this time when the Serpant banner flies over the battlefield it shall herald the turn of the tide. Duke Doc's Revenge, we tip our hats to you so far! - Arkantos

June 4, 2007 -

More foul beasts!

The Ash Sea Isles seem to be awash with small bands of roving monsters, as no sooner had the brave Ashlantean troops destroyed the threats in Jauchu and Inxi, more of these foul beasts appear in Barnlure, Mapo and most recently, Lerss. However, word has reached the Chronicle of further strange events in the far lands of Beluaterra as letters proclaim the arrival of a strange cult in the southlands. It seems as though the armies of darkness have once more replenished themselves and come again to challenge the right of man to rule the island. Tough times lie ahead it seems.... - Arkantos

Invasion! Monsters and Undead....

Though normally the appearance of the undead and the monsters is merely a token showing, this time however we now have evidence of a great lair that exists in the craggy foothills of Jauchu. These revelations as news has reached the Ashlantean nobility of a recent incursion into the lands on the northern borders of the capital of Ser'quea. As nearly one hundred undead and monsters ravage the countryside, scouts reporting their strength to be somewhere in the essence of 2250 CS. A truly disturbing sight, monsters and undead teaming together to wreak havoc as one.

However, action was quickly taken as the High Serpent Guard marches forth to dispatch these foul beasts with flame and steel. We wish them luck! - Arkantos

Duke Doc's Revenge takes the lead

In the light of recent developments in realm concerning the discussion of planning for the upcoming campaign against Eston, and the relative absence of our Lady Harlequin, Duke Doc's Revenge has taken the role of leading the upcoming campaign against the enemy. Little is known concerning his plans outside the Council of Marshals due to a want for the security of such military secrets. However in the upcoming weeks the Ashlantean Nobility can look forward to a time when perhaps we shall see a break in the stalemate which has ensued from this bloody conflict, should Doc's Revenge campaign be concluded successfully. - Arkantos

June 1, 2007 -

The Army regroups as Eston ravages the countryside

In recent days since the ending of the first tournament in several months, the Ashlantean armies have been returning to the Capital of Ser'quea in an attempt to rearm and refit quickly, with the intent of returning north and continuing to aid our valiant Falasani allies. Though the battles in the past weeks have gone ill in the most part, and despite the overwhelming numbers of the assailants massed against us, the combined armies of Falasan and the Isles have fought our Estonite enemies and their affliates to a standstill with only the region of Belegmon lost to the enemy. Though other regions have been temporarily occupied by Estonite forces, none have chosen to follow their oppressors who seem to delight in destruction rather than victory.

Thus it has been in light of this stalemate, that Estonite armies have now sunk to the level of the barbarous tactics of simply flooding the lands of Falasan with raiding parties, burning and looting the lands dry, then flooding them with the blood of the raped and murdered inhabitants. Furthermore, they have now desecrated the shrines and Temples to Magnus, causing personal affront to the largest religion on the continent with their blatant propaganda reflected in the most recent correspondance from the Estonite High Marshal Basil. The letter can be viewed here.

But, though this war turns uglier by the day, the valiant armies of Falasan and the Isles shall fight on, and in their righteous might shall win to absolute victory against the destroyers who come to take what does not belong to them. - Arkantos

Return of the Chronicle!

Greetings to you all, and rejoice, for the Chronicle of the Ash Sea Isles has returned to grace the lands of Atamara from the true story of the island. Printed in Ash'rily, its offices have been re-opened and we will continue to bring you the news of the continent when we hear of it! - Arkantos

June 10, 2007 -

Region Takeover: Norland has taken control of Dunstoke (formerly part of Minas Ithil)

June 9, 2007 -

Ruler election in Abington: The realm of Abington has elected Gauihu as its new King.

June 6, 2007 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Elost:Minas Ithil vs. Norland

Estimated combat strengths: 3000 CS vs. 6000 CS Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Elost:Minas Ithil vs. Norland

Estimated combat strengths: 9000 CS vs. 7000 CS Defender Victory!

June 6, 2007 -

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Elost:Minas Ithil vs. Norland

Estimated combat strengths: 11000 CS vs. 10000 CS Defender Victory!

June 5, 2007 -

Region Takeover: Norland has taken control of Winwich (formerly part of Minas Ithil)

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Belegmon:Barony of Makar, Darka, Eston vs. Falasan

Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 9000 CS Defender Victory!

June 1, 2007 -

Ruler election in Norland: The realm of Norland has reconfirmed Krypton the Bold as its Prime Minister.

Ruler election in Cagilan Empire: The realm of Cagilan Empire has elected Vengence as its new Prime Minister.

Ruler election in Talerium: The realm of Talerium has reconfirmed Captain as its Prime Minister.

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