The Face of Fronen/Edition:1

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Price: Free, though donations are greatly accepted ----- Printed In Fronepu ----- Editor: Alexius DeSyrr and LouisJoesph Chénier ----- November and December '06

Political Catastrophe in Plergoth: Secession, and Rebellion in a democratically elected regime

This just in today, rebellion has broken out in Plergoth. Valhalla has revolted against the government of VonGarrett. We in Fronen do not know the details of this revolt, however one prominent Marshal in Fronen suspects rivalries between Pro-Enweilean and Anti-Enweilean factions within Plergoth. According to him, new nobles of Enweilean descent voted in mass quantities for the new regime. The older nobles voted against VonGarrett. Because of this influx of new nobles Valhalla rebelled to revert Plergoth to its old government. The Face of Fronen has no contact with Valhalla and thus all that is printed here is speculation.

In other news, a Plergoth noble is seceding the city of Reeds from Plergoth and forming a monarchy. Just as King Distorted of Alluran did in Eno (see The Special Report), Duke and King-to-be Zechigo is planning to form a monarchy called Vlaanderen in Reeds. The new realm is not yet created but probably will have seceded by tomorrow. Luckily for us, Zechigo upon our request, Zechigo has explained the situation in Plergoth. Here is his letter:

" If I have not forgotten, I think I have sent a letter to your ruler. Well, I guess you heard about the rebellion. The cease fire with Enweil was only the act of Vongerrett, it was not announced to the realm at all. Now with the terms to its, many people did not agree to it. Well, some of the sensitive terms for the cease fire was sent to your king. If you have not known, Vongerrett was the general for the last month and you can see, we lost all the battles he designed to weaken the military power of Plergoth."

This is an astonishing development. We should see major changes in Plergoth tomorrow.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on December 6


Election resaults are in, and indeed, as expected by most both incumbent runners have been re-elected. Sir Enzeru, unchalenged, has gained an easy victory as grand justiciar of Fronen. Cedric, with un-expected crushing resaults, defeated Beowolf and remained Prime Minister. With the sucess of the troops down south, and the improving efficiency of homeland security, Fronen has bright days ahead of it.

Written by Louis-Joseph Chénier on December 2

Fronen Forces down south

Today the bulk of Fronen's army has reached Riombaran or Luz de Bian territory. What is surprising at the front is the utter lack of Luz de Bian forces. Scattered This seems to be a testament to the success of the Irombrozian defense and the Riombaran surpise attack. Now with Riombaran forces taking over Glongin and East Coast Alliance forces still occupying(though not looting) a weakened Grehk. What few Luz de Bian mobile forces are left are scattered hither and thither in Grehk, Glongin, and Rueffilo.

Furthermore, there have been rumors circulating that Luz de Bia pans to retreat and move their capital away from Grehk, most likely to Jidington. While these rumors are unconfirmed, such an action would almost assuredly result in Luz de Bia losing control over Grehk. For Fronen and the East Coast Alliance things are looking bright.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 29

Riombaran Forces invade Grehk

Less than a few hours ago we've received news that Riombaran troops had invaded the city of Grehk. Actually we knew of this attack before it was launched, however we at the Face of Fronen are required to keep secret military operations secret, our apologies. Luz de Bia underestimated Riombara's ability to act independently. Luzian troops were busy fighting off Irombrozian forces to the south when Riombara launched a surprise attack in Luz's northern capital. If the assault on Grehk is successful, Luz will be at a major disadvantage. Their capital would have to be moved away from the Northern front and recapturing the city will be difficult.

As of now Riombara is occupying the city. With any luck they can take it over befroe Luz is able to return and halt their takeover attempts. Meanwhile, Fronen's forces move ever closer to aid Riombara.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 25

The next wave begins

Fronen is beginning to send forces southwards yet again. Fronen's Lightning has already begun to mobilize. Soon the Main army will move as well. In the last campaign Fronen stood side by side with Riombara against Luz de Bia. With our help Riombara gained four regions on the Great Southern subcontinent. We hope that this next campaign will deliver a decisive blow. Perhaps after this campaign peace will be a possibility.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 22

Interesting Happenings in Avalon

Recently, Grim-Reaper has resigned from the position of Avalonian Chancellor. Right before his resignation Avalon eclared neutrality with most other realms. Fronen was a notable exception to this. Anti-Avalonian Sentiment in Fronen is high right now. Avalon has broken the Avalon and Fronen Peace Treaty four times since it was signed. Four times they've increased the size of their military over the specified maximum. Some in Fronen believe Avalon has chosen to remain at peace with Fronen because our treaty protects them frm Fronen's wrath and at the same time does not stop them from performing military operations. This has yet to be verified.

Also, Avalon lower relations with Enweil. They most likely intended to lower relations to neutral with Enweil however Enweil was a federation member with Avalon. Federation members cannot sever their ties with one another without declaring outright war. It is believed that neither Avalon, nor Enweil really wants war with eachother. Certainly Enweil has enough on its hands already.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 22

The Face of Fronen is up and Running

Today the Beluaterran continent will see the addition of two new papers. The Face of Fronen is here to bring you new about what goes on inside and outside of Fronen. The Fronen Commentator is here to make critical and non-critical comments about the three other major newspapers of Beluaterra. As of right now, Fronen is not fighting any wars of its own. However the military of Fronen is performing operations in the south aiding our ally Riombara. Fronen has as of now played a major role in Riombara's war and has helped the allied forces reach a major turning point in the war. Fronen is prospering now and the Face of Fronen pledges to document this.

Written by Alexius DeSyrr on November 16