Evergreen Family

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Revision as of 11:20, 29 April 2008 by MicheleFG (talk | contribs)

The Evergreen Family comes from Wistir, part of the Duchy of Saler and of the great realm of Darka. It currently counts two borthers and a half brother. The family is slowly getting more and more fame and gold but is still a minor house.



A knight borned in Darka. My first character, I learned the way of Darka (and the game basics) under the mentor Cormon. A knight of Siebmar since the very first day. Formely member of the Home Guard army, Silverwing is now part of the expedition army. Twice in mission to RedSpan and now for the second time against ASI



An adventurer and a freeman in the republic of Melhed. Now in posses of a large collection of items (more than 2/3 of the known list). Lately he has got 2 recommendation:

  • from Fey Twix, Senator of Bil Havil (for repairing the Black Girdle of Enchanting).
  • from Aldo Unti, Consul of Melhed (for helping making a scroll of Teleportation together with the freeman Fafhrd).



Started his carrer in the war island under the flag of Ikalak. He become an Hero. When the island sinked, he moved to Madina. Knight of Lord Samuel in Libba and then marshal of the Fissoa Privateers until Fissoa become independent from Madina. Then appointed General by his grace Leon Agenor Grand Duke of Fissoa.