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Region Details
Continent Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "continent" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Region Type Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set."Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set." is not in the list (City, Townsland, Stronghold, Rural, Mountains, Woodland, Badlands) of allowed values for the "Is regiontype" property.
Geographic Area Error: no local variable "area" has been set.
Population Error: no local variable "population" has been set."Error: no local variable "population" has been set." is not a number.
Economy Error: no local variable "economy" has been set.
Realm Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.Property "Part of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "realm" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

[[Category:Error: no local variable "continent" has been set. Regions]] [[Category:Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.]]

The main port city of Darka. The Royal Library and its endless rows of books are located in there. Great place to study, oftentimes producing documents and maps for the realm. Some ancient documents have been found from there, too. Legendary drink, 7-up, is brewed here. Karskins, the elite infantry force, is being trained here.

Sauna has been recently introduced to citizens who were delighted of this new "hot-house". Also a new factory were built up with the support of Duke to produce a new music instrument, Kantele.


Saler is former capital of North Darka.

Dukes of the Saler had been always somewhat "special". For example Kostaja Kosunen spend part of his life here and rumors tell about huge drinking feasts and orgies in city. Situation got worse when Herumor were Duke and city became a true Sin City.

The city is now being restored to it's former glory after a decade. Shops are rebuilt, the streets are cleaned from filth, houses of pleasures are being torn down and so on. After the Grivoire incident and burning of the Saler castle, life has returned to normal and city once again florish. Today, Saler is considered by many, to be one of the most beautiful cities in Atamara. Smiling faces and happy people doing their daily chores.

There are some sayings like:
"As sure as Winters smiles" -When something will not ever happen.
"Cold like Winters" -Used in common language when expressing lack of feelings.
"Hungry like the horse of the fire brigade" -When someone's really hungry.
"Old like the horse of the fire brigade" -When something's really old.
""Let's see", said the horse of the fire brigade" -When you're about to start doing something.
"A barking horse of the fire brigade won't bite" -When someone's able to of talking the talk, but not walking the walk.
"It's not the horse of the fire brigade that capsizes the boat." -When opting in for some extra to get the job done instead of trying to optimize to minimum that passes.
""Teknik!", said the horse of the fire brigade upon seeing a hinge." -Umm...

Current Duke


Saler Songs

Cottages & Saunas

Attack forward you Saler boy
Show no mercy
Attack without fear through the enemy lines
Attack and let it burn
Here we had built our cottages and saunas
From the swamp we have shovelled our fields
Nobody can take it away from us
Not for free, and that's for sure!

Here we had built our cottages and saunas
From the swamp we have shovelled our fields
Nobody can take it away from us
Not for free, an that's for sure!


We eat iron, we s_h_i_t the chain
We never let them live
Gunfire pounded night after night
Ant then all was quit here
We saw the forest full of bodies
Nobody could escaped
And horses' carcasses among with the bodies
And everywhere there burnt

[Chorus x5]

(Original song copyrights: Korpiklaani - Gottages & Saunas)

Guardians Of Saler

Race with the wind
The night is ending
They will win
when the sun is rising

Stories have been told for years about the rebel man
riding in the lands of unknown
No one has ever seen their furious beings
and their secret remains untold

Their deeds shall be heard
Their legend will live forever
They are the Guardians Of Saler

As they shouted their last battle cries their destiny was to be dead
Their future was in no one's hands like the prophet of the moon had said

Race with the wind
The night is ending
They will win
when the sun is rising

Their deeds shall be heard
Their legend will live forever
They are the Guardians Of Saler

As they shouted their last battle cries their destiny was to be dead
Their future was in no one's hands like the prophet of the moon had said

Those who travelled far away from home, they'll never return
and those who crossed the seas of hope, they all will burn

They are the Guardians Of Saler

Those who travelled far away from home, they'll never return
and those who crossed the seas of hope, they all will burn
[Chorus x2]

(Original song copyrights: Ensiferum - Guardians of Fate)

Battle song: Treacherous Gods

The Land Is Silent... Before The Storm!

On the vast fields of Darka, the wind is blowing strong
With it's freezing cold and relentless touch
it leaves a dead and hollow land of destruction

I have seen through the eyes of a wolf
and felt all its pain and loneliness
The beautiful land opened before my eyes
wild as a beast I ran into the night

The Calling Of The Howling Wind
Is Raging In The Realms Of North
Creations Of Thunder Rising Mighty Into The Skies
And Treacherous Gods Shall Fall

Watching through the dancing thunderbolts
there's no sign of life
The fire has gone out in the whirl of time
Behold the face of thunder
the storm is getting near
When the sky calls my name, I have no fear

They brought us misfortune, but their honor is about to be crushed
My blood flows cold as streams of the North
We'll never let them take our souls
The calling of the howling wind is raging in the North
Creations of Thunder, rising mighty into the skies
and Treacherous Gods shall fall

Time And Time Again
I Witness The Birth Of A New Born Star
I Climb The Highest Mountain
To Find The Essence Of A New Era

(Original song copyrights: Ensiferum - Trencherous Gods)

This region has a temple of Darkanism or has a significant portion of its population following Darkanism.
Duchies and Regions of Darka
Duchy of Azzal

Azzal | Olzesa | Zin | Ixzal | Xutltec | Maycxal

Duchy of Bisquez

Bisquez | Alani | Winser | Mnt. Sinclair

Duchy of Massillion

Massillion | Malor | Tintar | Tolhuar

Duchy of Saler

Saler | Wistir | Rantire | Siebmar | Clintoc | Tertul

Duchy of Siver

Siver | Eurotan | Entire | Bitana