Arylon Family/Galen

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Galen Arylon was born of Mannix Arylon in the region of Nardil in the Cagilan Empire on the continent of Atamara. He traveled with his father to the Colonies, where he was eventually captured with his mother and brother Jaden. Jaden was able to escape, but Galen remained and grew up under the care of Kaendall Istar, stripped of nobility. When he matured into adulthood, faced with no claim of nobility, Galen set off for the continent of Beluaterra to attempt to earn his nobility back in a life of adventure. After several years of difficult work slaying monsters, undead and serving Belluateran lords - Galen was again recognized as being of noble blood. Upon gaining his new status, he boarded a ship to Atamara to return to the continent of his ancestors, and rebuild a noble life. He is currently fighting under the standard of Minas Ithil in the north.

Galen Arylon
Status: Alive
Continent: Atamara
Realm: Minas Ithil
Titles Held: None
Class: Knight
Honor: 35
Prestige: 13
Age: 27
Height: 6'3"
Weight: Roughly 225 lbs
Eyes: Steel Blue
Hair: Brown and Curly


Early in his life, Galen was much like his brothers - hot headed, impulsive and brash. He, like them, had a rather arrogant sense of entitlement - being raised and educated as upper class nobles in the Cagilan Empire he had an aristocratic and elitist attitude, and could easily be described as "stuffy". Those who knew him as a boy said he was a pleasant boy, but had a dry and unimaginative sense of humor, and was a rather decadent and substanceless person - a boy who seemed adrift in life with no purpose or direction.

As he grew older, however, circumstances in his life conspired to drastically change him. He would travel to the colonies with his father, see him beaten and presumably killed, face prolonged incarceration, watch his brother Jaden abandon him, be stripped of his nobility and live amongst scum, watch his mother die of a vicious plague and then roam the countryside confronting monsters and seeking glory in a life of adventure. These events stripped away Galen's boyhood elitism and arrogance, and replaced them with practical skills and a cunning creativity. He would never have survived if he had not developed a rather sharp wit, and gained a great deal of guile.

Today, Galen is much more of an "everyman" - he has a commoner's worldview, and as such takes pleasure and sees value in many things nobility looks down on. Even now that he has regained his title and name, Galen has no trouble getting his hands dirty and working hard, mixing it up in a bar fight, or bedding common women. Those who know him today say he has a very ironic (and apparently hysterical) sense of humor, and conversational speaking style. He experiences a far softer range of emotions than his younger brother Fisc, and typically remains on an even temperament regardless of the situation.

He also is far more confident than any of the other Arylon nobles. This deep routed belief in himself was forged from his independent spirit, which allowed him to roam the countryside and fight monsters and regain his nobility and make a name for himself, all with only his own effort to credit. That confidence has lead him to be far less extroverted than his brothers and cousin - he doesn't see the need to make noise or draw attention to himself. He is an accomplished man on his own merit, and sees no reason to annoy the nobles around him with self promotion.

Galen is well liked and uncontroversial. In many ways he is the opposite of his younger brother, Fisc.

Early History

Galen was born in the Nardil region of the Cagilan Empire, receiving a very aristocratic education, much like his three brothers. He learned much of philosophy, art, science, mathematics as well as theology. Galen's early life was much like that of his brothers - especially Jaden, who was only two years his senior. Galen was a very intelligent boy, but did not do well at the Academy - he seemed more interested in spending time pursuing athletics and causing trouble with friends of his than he was sticking his nose in a book. His lack of academic achievement did not stop him from learning what he needed, he was simply less impressive than his brothers Jaden and Taran.

When he reached adolescence, his father Mannix and mother Genesis decided to leave the Cagilan Empire to travel to the recently discovered continent, known only to men of Atamara as "the colonies" - in search of a new life away from the scandal and politicking they faced in the Empire. Since both Taran and Fisc were too young to take part in their father's expedition, they remained in Nardil to continue their education and live with their grandfather - but Jaden and Galen went with Mannix across the sea.

The family came to the colonies before nations had even formed yet, and Mannix immediately began carving out territory for himself and his kin. Unfortunately, he failed to realize that his increasing influence would make him a major target for other nobles looking to expand their own power. Mannix's political rivals in the colonies forged a temporary alliance for the purpose of driving Mannix back. After months of constant pressure applied to all fronts, his armies finally crumbled. Mannix and his family were all captured, and while he was hauled away to one of Istar's prisons, Jaden, Galen, and his mother were taken to a platform and were fitted with nooses to hang with. This was the last time Mannix would see his wife or two eldest sons. Believing they had died, he made no attempt to find them once he secured his release from prison.

But none were actually killed. The warlord leader who captured Galen's father rode by the hanging platform, and saw Mannix's wife. Immediately struck by her beauty, he decided to spare her, and also her sons to curry her favor. He then brought them back to his estate. This marked the end of Galen's innocence.

Life In The Early Colonies

Mannix and his family were all captured, and while he was hauled away to one of Istar's prisons, Jaden, his brother and his mother were taken to a platform and were fitted with nooses to hang with. This was the last time Mannix would see his wife or two eldest sons. Believing they had died, he made no attempt to find them once he secured his release from prison. Both Jaden and Galen were unwanted by Istar, they were only spared because of Genesis, their mother. Istar wished to take her as his mate, and was willing to do whatever was necessary to do so. Jaden felt that he was old enough to defend himself if he was discovered escaping and revealed his plan to Genesis and Galen. He left that night, expecting to see his kin follow behind him. They did not. Genesis refused to go, and Galen felt that he would be abandoning his mother if he left. Galen also grew very angry with Jaden for his escape, and to this day has never forgiven him. Jaden leaves. Galen stays to protect his mother. Galen hates Jaden for leaving. Remains with the captor and is basically raised by him. This causes loss of nobility.

After the Capture

Taken with mother Genesis, and brother Jaden as his father Mannix was taken away.

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Choice to Remain

Jaden leaves. Galen stays to protect his mother. Galen hates Jaden for leaving. Remains with the captor and is basically raised by him. This causes loss of nobility.

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Life of Adventure

Striking out to become an adventurer. The second lost brother - the twins know nothing of him.

Joined - The High Father's Valentic Order of Knights dedicated to the Highfather, Komar, and the freedom of all Souls

The Knights of The Valentic Order are the best trained and disciplined fighters in the world. They are famous and easily recognized, usually wearing a distinct golden cape, with a red crown emblazoned above the heart or on the chest, to signify their devotion to Komar. Joining this Order requires piety, obedience, and above all, courage. For the warriors of The Valentic Order, there is a cardinal rule of never surrendering, with the understanding that if they were to die in battle, their entry into the Vale of the Highfather is assured. This fearless uncompromising nature, along with excellent training, make them a feared and elite fighting force. Their goal is to free all Souls from the influences of the Betrayers, and restore the World to the way the Highfather wished. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words. Filler words.


Earning Nobility

Return to Atamara

Came to CE, found Arylon family was no longer based in Nardil - had no claim or base... decided to "start his own patriarchal clan" in another realm. Minas Ithil was at war, he wanted to fight, so he went there.

Discovering Living Kin

Finding Taran alive and well, Lord Marshal of Suville. Delivered news about Jaden being alive (last he knew), what happened to their mother, etc. Taran told Fisc, and word even reached their cousin Roddick.

Arylon Family Archive

Arylon Family | Arylon Family History | Arylon Family Tree | Arylon Family Timeline | Arylon Mentor Handbook | Arylon Marshal Handbook