Soulja Family

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Soulja Family History

Soulja Crest

Current Family Stats:

Fame ~ 19

Gold ~ 1295

Family Home Region ~ Osslamar

Family Member Stats:

Name Age Continent Realm Honor Prestige
Shady 34 East Island Obsidian Islands 76 28
Cloud 33 Beluaterra Fronen 98 31
Valens 30 South-East Taselak 35 11
Squall 27 Beluaterra Fronen 30 15

True Soulja History

Shady started it all, then came his brothers - Cloud and Valens.

Shady grew up and has spent most of his life on East Continent. What many do not not know about Shady is that he was once part of the lost realm of Oligarch. Shady is now currently part of Old Rancagua. Next is Cloud, who was born on the East Continent, he left a few days before his birthday to become a troop leader on the South East Island, joining Taselak. The youngest, Valens, followed his older brother Cloud as soon as he become old enough. Valens joined Taselak also, hoping to find his brother there, but was disappointed to find out that Cloud had already left. As Valens does not know, Cloud is currently on Beluaterra, in the realm of Fronen. Due to worse and worse feelings in Taselak, Valens decided to leave for Atamara and join Darka. Valens has moved once again, this time going to the Far East and joining the Antoza Commonwealth. He came just in time to take part in a huge battle, which had 50k cs invading, with about 33k cs defending (could be a little off on the cs). He was wounded but the battle was won for the defenders. Shady has also become the King of Obsidian Islands, and is working very hard to not only improve the new realm but better the relations between the realms as well. Not an easy task but he is more then willing to take on this challenge. Finally, Cloud has been very busy fighting, and trying to keep Cori in good standings. Was wounded during his last battle, and considering trying something new for a change.

Fronen Flag.png gondortree.png

Life of Shady

The life of Shady can be a very long and confusing one. He once served very loyally in the once great realm of Oligarch. After he helped Oligarch survive and turn things around, Shady disappeared for quite some time. Nobody hearing or seeing him at all. Then he came back, and joined Old Rancagua, his former enemies. After spending quite some time there, Shady again disppeared from view. It was not long a go that Shady made another appearance and joined Old Rancagua once again. He is enjoying his current life in Old Rancagua, looking forward to what the future may bring. After the wars ended, OR-Perdan sent up a new realm, Obsidian Islands, which Shady has become King of. Everyday Shady works on getting his realm into better shape, keeping the nobles together, and working on stronger relations with other realms. Hopefully everything goes well, and the whole continent can see peace.

Things are the best and worst as the island grows. Already in the early years of OI, there has been a rebellion, another rebellion was being planned and a war with a much stronger realm. On the up side of that, the war isn't a direct conflict, and not a one on one match up. OI is relively safe at this time, as the other realm has little to worry about from OI. The entire continent is still fired up with war, with no end in sight it seems.

Life of Cloud

Cloud's life is also complicated, but does however look very simple compared to Shady's. Cloud was born on the East Continent but left before he came of age to become a troop leader. He soon started his new career in Taselak on the South East Island. Cloud did not stay there long though, as he left to start his new carrer in Fronen on Beluaterra. Cloud left with no warning, explination or anything. Not even his own family knows he has gone there. Cloud enjoys being a way from everyone, and is very happy in his new realm. He has joined the Path of the Great Dragon religion and is currently Baron of Cori. After a very confusing time in Fronen, Cloud is now working to better himself and all of Fronen. Cedric has become PM again, and he is persuing the position of general. Although he has many doubts that he will be elected to the position. Cedric has disappeared, and in his place, adras has been voted into the PM position. As comes to a surprise, Cloud made a little bit of a spark in the last election, holding up 40 of the votes. Still nothing compared to over 100, which adras received, but surprising none the less. Could there be something to this? We will wait and see as the wars on the continent continue to rage on. Cloud fights again and again against his enemies, hoping that someday soon the fighting will end, and he can go back to working on Cori. Cloud still has quite a lot on his mind, and is always trying to think of how he can help his realm become even better every day.

Cloud worked for quite a while as the banker of Fronen, however after becoming ill and losing his position twice now, it might be better for him not to be in a position of power at this time. Now instead Cloud is focusing on his realm and trying to find a way to beat the daimons.

Life of Valens

Valens life is much easier to explain. Valens is very loyal to his family, and realm. He puts his all into both trying to find his brother's location and helping his realm succeed. Although sometimes he feels deeply unappreciated. Valens was born on the East Continent, but like Cloud, left early. He tried to follow his brother, Cloud, and joined Taselak on South East Island. Once he was there though, he found that Cloud had already left. He was last seen boarding a ship, but nobody knew where he had left to. Valens right now is not looking for his brother, but putting in everything he has to help his realm win. Things have now changed for Valens, tired of the way he is being treated in Taselak, he decided to leave. He boarded a ship bound for Atamara, to join the mercenary realm of Darka. After a long waiting period and some monster hunting Valens is looking forward to putting his swords to good use against Darka's enemies. After a not so long stay in Darka, Valens moved on to the Far East continent, and joined the Antoza Commonwealth. He joined, recruited a small unit and helped defend one of the cities against a 50k, 7 realm attack. Although Valens was wounded during the defense, it was successful, and the attackers driven away. Valens did not mind being wounded at all when he found out they had won. Once he could get up and start moving around again, Valens did he best to follow the orders given to him.

Valens moved on to Nighthelm when his liege changed the cities alliegence. This was his first opportunity to become a trader. He worked very hard at his new work, and was moving food around the entire continent. After so long of that though, he caught word of his old realm of Taselak. Not only where they beating Ikalak and driving them back, but they also gained control of Sandalak City and gained a treaty with Toren to work against Ikalak. Valens gathered together all the gold he needed, and boarded the first ship out to the South West Island, and his home. After arriving he was immiediatly remembered by a few, especially his long lost love Mischa. Of course Valens has been gone so long, everything has changed now, and it seems there is someone new in Mischa's life. Perhaps now it is time for Valens to move on as well. He is not quite ready, but he will try his best to be even a better warrior then he was before he left.

Life of Squall

Squall never knew who his father was, as his mother was unfaithful more then once. This caused him to be shunned by Valens, but showed almost the exact charactoristics as Cloud and Shady. This led, atleast those two brothers, to believe they share the same blood. Sometime during a night though, when both Cloud and Shady where away, a dark figured person came and knocked Squall unconcious. When he awoke from this, he was on a ship, headed to Beluaterra as only a commoner. When he arrived, it was in Joppo. Shortly after, Joppo was destroyed by Mesh, which Squall then joined. He moved across the continent, finding more commoners and put a group together. After some searching, Squall found them a home in Riombara, Rines to be exact. His group is now flourishing, and continues to grow in Riombara, keeping the people safe.

After journeying to Sint, Squall was captured and executed by daimons. Well that is what the reports shown anyway. In fact the truth showed that Squall was able to trick the daimons, fake his death and sneak into the daimon's netherworld land. A desolate and evil place it was, one of which Squall wished he never went to. Daimons slaving all over, undead having their small raids from time to time, and the monsters constantly trying to break their way in. It was not the time to fool around, Squall gathered the information he needed and went back to Beluaterra. He dropped in, known as a commoner of the netherworld...a mark he needed to drop asap. He went to Fronen, a place where he knew his brother was. He worked on a few nobles items, sold a few and was able to get the honor/prestiege needed to prove he was of noble birth and join their ranks. After which he has been working non-stop to save humankind, and stop the three-pronged invasion.