Talk:The Rampant Lion

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Old comments removed... --Indirik 20:36, 17 July 2006 (CEST)

Kalmar Election

Well with a choice El Cid vs Lalakis which would you choose? meh, I still wish BBB ran. --Alex 23:30, 23 May 2006 (CEST)(Legatus DeSyrr)

I feel your pain. This is one case where you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. I might have just spent all my votes on someone else. Honestly, with all the ex-Avamar people you have in the islands, and the fact that the supposedly disowned El Cid himself is still there and apparently in the running for a position of power, the KI will never shake off their reputation as Avamar Jr. At least three of the largest realms on the island are just waiting for the chance to clean out the Islands at their first opportunity. You guys really need to do some house-cleaning, kick off all the former Avamarrian trappings, and really distinguish yourself somehow as a separate entity. It will be an uphill battle, as the realm was founded in a violent uprising by foreign immigrants that ousted the original government, intending to turn it into a new Avamar. I honestly don't see how it can happen. --Indirik 23:56, 23 May 2006 (CEST)
To be honest, the new Kalmar Islands is doing quite well, better than the old. It is jsut the pitiful foreign relations we have now. Thats what comes with all the Avamarians. We recently voted to try to make peace with OR, Perdan, Ibladesh, Itorunt, and LoF.
It doesnt matter to me, I like the new democracy I do nto like how it was created. I am hoping we can get the estimable Sir Prometheus and the old Kalmarians back, but keep the democracy. It really is an enjoyable government system.
--Alex 02:13, 24 May 2006 (CEST) (Legatus DeSyrr)

Eh, thanks for cleaning up my mistakes Balkeese - Atticus

It wasn't me. Revan got to it before I saw it. --Indirik 18:52, 18 July 2006 (CEST)
And I still got it wrong. Didn't realise it was the 18th today hehe - Revan

Bah, sometimes I get {{{article}}} above what I wrote - daym thats annoying

Not the be a gripe or anything, but I'm pretty sure the specific terms of the ceasefire were originally printed by the RSC not the II...--Aeillien 00:53, 28 July 2006 (CEST)

Good for the RSC, I read it in the II first. - Atticus

Heh. Don't worry Aeillien, I quite like to hear from fans of my wrork in Perdan as well <grins>.

By the way, for conveniece, II is a redirect for the Itorunt Informer. --The1exile 19:34, 29 July 2006 (CEST)

Alex, I advertised the itorunt informer in perdan to no end. The troops need some humour from time to time :P - Atticus

Moving capital (OOC)

Moving the Capital for strategic reasons is against the rules laid out by Tom. To have a valuid reason Perdan City would have to be at the centre of Perdan (it's not) or Partora would have to have been TO'd. Also, moving capital costs a lot and morale and control drop across the board. --The1exile 17:40, 2 August 2006 (CEST)

There are many reasons you could move your capital. Recentering it in your kingdom is the most obvious, but by no means the only one. If, for example, we were worried that Ibladesh might sack Partora, then moving the capital to Perdan city, away from the front lines with Ibladesh, would be a perfectly IC reason. There are many other IC reasons that would justify a capital, such as Perdan city being the historic capital of Perdan, or in preparation for a trading of Partora to another realm. The recentering your capital is not really any type of restriction on moving a capital. Light of Fountain could, for example, move their capital to Akesh Temple as the center of their religious faith, and it is by no means the geographic center of their realm. Indeed, it is about as far from it as you can get. The restrictions on capital moves are that they cannot be done for OOC reasons. The most common restriction being the circumvention of the OOC recruiting restrictions. There are easily half a dozen reasons Perdan could use to move the capital from Partora to Perdan city, if we wanted to do it. --Indirik 18:04, 2 August 2006 (CEST)

Tonwsland /= Capital

OOC: There's a response to your article in the RSC now. Hope we can keep this intellgent and civil the way we have so far.  :) Also, my inquiries lead me to believe that townslands can no longer function as capitals. This was a mechanical aspect changed by Tom sometime back, so your propoal for them to be situated in Tokat wouldn't work. --Aeillien 22:51, 3 August 2006 (CEST)

No townsland capitals? Huh... That's not a change I had heard of, but it's not a situation that comes up very often, I bet. Well, that does change some things, now doesn't it. I suppose I'll have to do some rethinking of the proposals then. --Indirik 03:33, 4 August 2006 (CEST)

Signing Peace

Suggest you include that in you commentary:

Diplomatic News (2 days, 1 hour ago) The realms of Perdan and Itorunt have signed a peace treaty.

Currently you only have notification of the CF. --The1exile 04:01, 4 August 2006 (CEST)

Old Rancagua

As far as I can tell, it's a lack of leadership on OR's part combined with crafty leadership on KI's part. Alois Hynes 00:35, 12 September 2006 (CEST)


8) Ibladesh, Fontan and Sirion will agree to sell Perdan food for a reasonable price (10 gold/per 100 bushels) if either is in need of food. If Ibladesh, Fontan, and Sirion are unable to fulfill the food needs of Perdan, then Ibladesh agrees to return Montabaun back to Perdan, or Fontan agrees to return Troyes to Perdan. The food need not come from the three realms, they are free to make arrangements with other realms to provide the food to Perdan. Some nobles cannot read, or what? -- Atticus

Apparently. There is also much speculation that the treaty offers from the other realms are not honest offers, but merely delaying tactics, distractions, and attempts to make it seem as if it is Perdan's fault that there is no peace. Hence the extremely harsh terms for ending a war that Ibladesh started in order to take Ubent's land. --Indirik 00:00, 21 September 2006 (CEST)

Delaying tactics? That would be a dandy for perdan. Build up a boat load of militia in Bescanon and along the southern border. -- Atticus

10 gold per 100 Bushels is ridiculous...there is a reason why Rurals make more food than gold, and why most other region types make more gold than that fine gap, is where the 'adjustment' takes place. If Perdan is left needing food, it means she has too many rich-gold producing regions...and should shed another one if needed. If not, then she needs to pay the 'proper' amount of gold per 100 bushels, perhaps not to exceed the earnins of that said region--ie 300 gold a week for "x" bushles, etc. Doc

When Perdan accepted the surrender of Fontan, they sold food to Fontan at 8 gold per hundred. In return for that generosity, we are provided the opporunity to "shed" more gold producing regions? In such a suggestion, you give lie to the idea that what you really want is peace. You show that you want nothing more than for Perdan to become yet another of you "casualties of diplomacy". If Perdan is left needing food it is because of the greed of Ibladesh, who started this whole war because they coveted the lands that belonged to someone else, and the honor of Perdan, who let Fontan live so they could defend their ally Ubent against your lapdogs. Go spew your propaganda elsewhere. It will never find seed among those who are warned against your poisonous tongue. --Indirik 04:28, 21 September 2006 (CEST)

OR Ibladesh could choose which they want, The gold or the regions, so that we can either AFFORD to buy food at the reasonable price or buy less food.

You seem to forget, though, that after Perdan nearly defeated Fontan they sold Fontan food at 8 gold per one hundred bushels. Hynes 02:15, 21 September 2006 (CEST)

Yes and you seem to forget that the cost of food has gone up in EVERY Island since then, by a significant margin. Sirion used to sell 100 bushels of food to her allies for 1 gold when we produced a huge surplus. That price went up, as costs went up--not to mention Tom made all the regions wealthier too--associated with food. Ibladesh should be given the choice of taking the gold, or the food at a higher cost...Perdan having to bear the burden of being paid more for food, or paying more for food...what a 'terrible' burden. You have been warned of nothing more than a wise man, call wisdom what it is not, and you only prove your ignorance--and that of those you take advice from. Doc
When you start to show wisdom, then we will start to listen. Perhaps you should tell your Ibladesh friends, who are always complaining that they need more food, that they have too many "rich gold producing regions", and that they should "shed" a few. I agree that Ibladesh shouldmake a choice of taking the food, or the gold. Unfortunately, their greed, backed by your troops, encourages them to demand the food-rich regions, a ridiculously large gold payment, and an outrageous price for food. Sirion, Fontan, and Ibladesh obviously do not want peace. You want nothing less than a humiliating defeat for Perdan. How did you get to be such a bitter old man, that you have nothing more to look for than kicking a beaten foe? Queen Clarissa has accepted your peace treaty, and now you balk at living up to the terms you and your allies set. You don't want peace, and the whole island knows it. Your words here are nothing more than posturing for posterity's sake. --Indirik 03:56, 22 September 2006 (CEST)

Thirty gold per one hundred bushels is outrageous, especially when you ask that we paid thousands of gold for a war we didn't start.

You also have proven yourself a hypocrite. In your very own paper you say we should learn the meaning of the term "negotiate", yet here you are refusing to negotiate.

You are a model of the perfect bastard, Puppet Master Primus. Hynes 00:52, 22 September 2006 (CEST)

You guys are truely moronic, or slightly retarded. I did not write a SINGLE piece of this treaty, nor did I argue for or against it. For starters...secondly, you say that Ibladesh should make the decision, and then you say they do not because of Sirion/ ridiculous. Then you say that Perdan accepted the treaty, and blame me for whatever reasons it has not been enacted? Further idiocy. Now as for paying 30 gold per 100...ASI in Atamara pays 30 gold per 100 bushels of food...and has often paid more or less, but on average, at least 30 gold per 100. Abington in Atamara used to pay 50 gold per 100 bushels. So before you go running your mouth about "market fluctuations" I suggest you do your homework, and not look like you were dropped on your head one too many times as a child. Doc
Comparing Atamara prices to EC is a exercise in futility. It has long been known that EC is a good place for traders to buy cheap food, whereas Atamara has long been a rip off (cheapest Gorch told me about was 24, in Talerium, ages away, and 25 in Eston, even though they only gave out 300-600 a week). Fontan sells for 15 gold per hundred right now and Ibladesh, the realm in need of it the most, buys off them for 17 or 18 per hundred. I think Perdan should be forced to eck out its own trade deals rather than them being decided as a matter of ending the war, for there are other sources that will not extort the realm (much, anyway), such as Yssaria and Itorunt. For i believe that each member of the council should be left to their own deals, the genreal can manage who to fight, when and how long, the ruler can do the tweaking of diplomtatics, but let the chief embezzlers bankers deal in food and gold. Widfara Exiled
Who cares what ASI pays for food? In case you hadn't noticed, this is the East Island, not Atamara. The treaty agreed to by Perdan is essentially identical to the treaty proposed by the Sirion/Fontan/Ibladesh alliance. Yet when Queen Clarissa agreed to it, these three realms immediately started backpedaling and questioning the terms. To bicker over the price of food specified in the treaty, when Perdan has agreed to hand over five regions and pay 12,000 gold in penalties is asinine. How much will that difference in price for food come to? A whole 50 gold a week? Perdan is losing five regions and paying 12,000 gold gold in penalties, and you're quibbling over 50 gold a week?! Just admit that your alliance doesn't want peace with Perdan, and be done with it. You're posturing and propaganda is pathetically transparent. --Indirik 22:01, 22 September 2006 (CEST)


Sirion/Fontan is what is keeping this war going. Ibladesh knows we can't touch them while with us slaughtering you in the north. You just keep us too busy hacking your guys up for us to go down and hack their guys up with any sort of regularity, and when we do find the time they run away like cowards and hide in their cities. So they will not make peace unless they get what they want, which is absurd. They can't take it, so they are relying on the "threat" of Sirion/Fontan to get it.

Not much of a threat, I must say. . . .

Anyways, as long as Sirion/Fontan are in the war then Ibladesh will continue pushing for us to lose half of our lands for no other reason than the simple fact we are greater warriors than they could ever dream of being.

Which also happens to be the reason Sirion/Fontan wants us dead.Hynes 23:05, 22 September 2006 (CEST)

Perdan is indeed a mighty realm, which is precisely why she has to be weakened...being the root of not one continental war, but three. However, I find it amusing that you say Sirion/Fontan want Perdan destroyed..if Fontan/Sirion wanted Perdan dead, you'd already be dead. You have never faced the entire Sirion army, only half of it...we have rotations going so we always have fresh troops at the front to help Fontan hold the line (with the obvious risk that if we keep our full army at the front...when we go to resupply, Fontan would be alone for 2 weeks against Perdan). Now we could simply wait in Oligarch a WEEK for our entire army to mass up, and then you'd see what happens when Sirion wants a realm'd see a Colony TO in Perdan, and it would succeed because Sirion's mobile army would be about 25k, Fontan's would be about 20k and Perdan cannot dream to disrupt such an army...Sirion has wanted very few realms dead, and those that Sirion publicly declared would cease to exist for their numerous crimes against Humanity, are no longer with watch your tongue before you anger the voices in Sirion in favor of keeping Perdan around and giving them a another chance. For some odd reason, people assume that because they have 'traditionaly' been pardoned for the same mistake in the past, it is their right for another pardon. That thinking is what gets problematic realms out of the present, and into the past. Doc
50,000 CS army? Seems to me that you already tried that. What's with this god complex you've got going? "If we want someone dead, we kill them!" You've been trying for a few months now, and haven't managed to make it anywhere. The only thing that keeps this war going is that you refuse to let it go. You've been spewing your hatred of Perdan for so long it's driven you mad. Why can't you wrap your head around the fact that there are only about 5 people left on the island who care about those ancient wars? Get over it. Let it go. --Indirik 18:40, 23 September 2006 (CEST)


Doc, not only have we MET an army that size, but we've utterly destroyed . Hell, we destoryed one of your 24k armies with an 13k army. One of your armies is about half of ours!

Also, you can't crush us without opening up your own lines while you make for refit. You've discovered that already. That's why you're trying to get LoF into the war, to do what Sirion, Fontan AND Ibladesh can not do. Destroy us. Just like you couldn't destroy either Avamar or Oligarch without Old Rancagua. Also, I refuse to argue with you about who started the war. You're strength is propaganda. You've convinced YOURSELF that we started three wars. You back it up not with history, or facts, but with lies. I know who started the wars. Hynes 07:06, 23 September 2006 (CEST)

What? This is defunct now? That really sucks Uh, I guess not. -- Atticus

Just FYI...that quote was from John Stuart Mill in 1862. He was in England trying to bolster support for the Union troops in America's Civil's one of Mike Cantrell's (char: Mikolas) favorite quotes of all time. -- Uceek 05:11, 24 November 2006 (CET)