Red Star Courier

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Sertraline.png The Red Star Courier
Price: One doughnut "All the muse has seen fit to print" June 2007
Printed in Hamadan

The Red Star Courier would like to thank the Old Rancaguan Press and the Rampant Lion for the layouts of their respective papers, from which we have borrowed rather heavily.

Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this paper do not reflect the opinions or views of Yssaria, its leaders, its nobles, or its sheep.

Editor: Blade Donivan


News in Brief

==== The Final call of arms for LOF? ==== --Blade Donivan, 5 June 2007 Editorial

Huge Battle Fought (6 hours ago) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Fontan: Fontan vs. Light of Fountain Estimated combat strengths: 40000 CS vs. 23000 CS Lionel, Count of Commonyr was captured by Light of Fountain forces. Requiem (Noble of Fontan) was captured by Light of Fountain forces. Guis'wa (Noble of Fontan) was captured by Light of Fountain forces. Harald Ericson (Noble of Light of Fountain) was captured by Fontan forces. Basilius, Minister of Defense of Fontan, Count of Morshes was captured by Light of Fountain forces.

Attacker Victory!

With the recent report of a succesful attack by Fontan on Light of Fountain the trumpet sounds of victory for Fontan seems only an earshot away.

Although heavy casualties seems prevailant on the Fontan side with no less than five nobles one of which being Basilius the Minister of Defence being captured this brings one to speculate if the Victory was at too great a cost.

If Fontan has lost their General to the prisons of LOF then who will take charge in his absence and will said person be able to crumble or surpass the walls of Fontan once again.

In the up and coming days we will watch and see if Fontan can hold onto their recent victory or if they will have to trundle home rearm and refit then march back for round two of what seems a never ending seige.

One thing must be said..if LOF can survive this war then it will be a miracle indeed.

==== Tournament in Domus Results ==== --Blade Donivan, 30 may 2007 Editorial

The tournament in Domus is over and the results are in with the semi finals consisting of 4 of the best swordsmen on the Islands and what more of notice 3 of them were Ibladeshian.. the swordsmasters have a reason to be proud as these excelent Nobles upheld their Realms name and with every right too. The following is a copy of my scribes note on the last two rounds.

Semifinal round:

Blood from Ibladesh -beats- Mathew from Ibladesh

Dread from Ibladesh -beats- Guis'wa from Fontan

Final Round:

Dread from Ibladesh -beats- Blood from Ibladesh

Winner: Dread

Unfortunatly my skill at the tournament has been nothing to shout about wether it be all the dougnuts i consumed or the fact i was completely drunk during my rounds in the ring i managed to reach only the second round. Also a big thanks must go to my scribe Mr Nobbin who duly took note of all that was going on considering i was unconcious due to drink lying in the corner of the tavern.

Congratulations to Sir Dread for winning and Sir Blood and Sir Matthew your skills with a sword have set a standard that we all must aim to achieve if we are to keep up with the Ibladeshian swordsmen.

==== Tournament in Domus announced ==== --Blade Donivan, 24 may 2007 Editorial

Prandur, Duke of Domus has announced a tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Domus 7 days from now. There will be a charge of 5 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 400 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 50 gold for the second best.

The following message was sent out to the realm after the announcement of the tournament:

Soon I will be celebrating my 45th birthday. To honour this milestone of ago, I have organized this event. It would bring me great pleasure to see my friends at this tournament. Don't hestitate to enter the competition.

Prandur Duke of Domus

We here at The Red Star Courier wish Sir Prandur the best with the tournament and if time permits we ourselves shall attend in competition and also to bring you our readers the results as and when they happen.

Blade Donivan

==== All is quiet or is it ==== --Blade Donivan, 23 may 2007 Editorial

In the East Islands years ago many wished for only one thing. That thing, that idea was that of a continent in peace. The idea of peace or at least the thought of it tasted sweet to many. Now months after the land has been at peace with the exception of the LOF versus Fontan war many nobles are getting restless. It seems the lack of war and the thought of precious suits of armour and swords rusting isnt as appealing as many once thought.

The main question at this time is who will step out of line first? I personally believe that restlessness, greed or the desire for mass battles will overcome even the most patient of men. We here at the Red Star Courier will keep our eyes and ears open and keep you our beloved readers up to date.

==== Month in Review ==== --by Blade Donivan, 23 May 2007 Feature

This months feature will hopefull be an interview...if possible with Rackir..well i have to ask his permission first but we hope to get a details report of Dunkontology, its views and its goals.


All might seem bare but we will have this page filled shortly.

May 30 2007

Sir Dread of Ibladesh wins tournament in Domus

May 23 2007

Tournament announced in Domus

May 23 2007

The Red Star Courier is back in business...i hope.

August 3rd, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Beziers:
Perdan defeats Ibladesh
Estimated combat strengths:
9000 CS vs. 7000 CS

August 1st, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Partora:

Perdan defeats Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths:

16000 CS vs. 12000 CS

July 31st, 2006

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Partora:

Fontan, Sirion defeat Perdan

Estimated combat strengths:

13000 CS vs. 5000 CS

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Brive:

Perdan defeats Fontan, Sirion

Estimated combat strengths:

18000 CS vs. 4000 CS

Huge Battle Fought

A battle occurs in Partora:

Fontan, Sirion vs. Perdan

Estimated combat strengths:

25000 CS vs. 17000 CS

The battle ends undecisivily.

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