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< Ordenstaat
Revision as of 08:46, 15 April 2009 by Vecchioratto (talk | contribs) (Day 48:)

Ordenstaat has been established as a Colony of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa by four brave knights:

Ordenstaat's history began on the first day of Spring of the fifth year of Dwilight, with the taking over of Rettleville. Here some note about the epic foundation of Ordnestaat. The second region, Rettlewood, was added soon but with high casualties. The beginnings were tough. To name just a few of the problems the realm faced:

  • hordes of Monsters in Rettlewood, leading to losing the region for some time
  • hunger and low production problems
  • lost TO unit

The brave founders, joined by a priest of the Order, Zanaras Tian and nobles Francis Kinsey, Osmund Wentwood and Dioklecian Argentum, withstood the difficulties and made the realm grow. The chronicles of the early period mention that Ordenstaat received help from Madina and Terran. Both realms sold Ordenstaat food at a critical moment and helped them to fight against rogues. Ordenstaat kept peace with their neighbours, keeping in mind their main goal - to tame the Daimon invasion that looms from the west.

Attempting the Takeover of Celtiberia the unit of the Grand Master was decimated in a furious battle against huge monsters. The Inferi Hunter infantry, weakened by a month of corvee and full of young, inexperienced soldiers fail to prevail against three large packs of Monsters. A new noble arrived in Ordenstaat. Maeotis is under control and assigned to Brother Justicar Eddard Oakheart. Rettlewood was attacked by various parties of creatures. Attempting to free the region, Ordenstaat's small Army lead by Brother Bellator Arden Fury was crippled. At other times the monsters showed sharp tactics, catching the Inferi Hunters in an ambush.

Fortunes turned on day 32 of the realm. Madina's Border Patrol Army arrived to eradicate rogues plaguing Ordenstaat. At the same time a number of new Knights joined Ordenstaat. A new period of growth was thus started.

Day 36: "Life was moving along across the land, this day much as any other. Yet as the sun was climbing in the sky with promises of a stifling summer day animals across the land suddenly became skittish.

With much cursing and laughing over the entire issue, the humans of the land were soon to discover what had caused such troubles. A faint tremor through the ground cut the puzzlement short. The shaking knocking down thatch and dust, the occasional ladder. Halting their work to look around bewildered there was suddenly a great belch of dust and soot to the west. The billowing cloud of white ash grew quickly along the horizon, rising into the heavens until it blotted out the sun. Mingling with the clouds the blanket covered the sky even as the ground continued to quake and grumble.

Yet as quickly as it had began, the plume of ash fell to the earth as a still hot rain, sizzling against the flesh of those outdoors, and causing plants to smolder. By mid afternoon there was nearly no sign of the strange event, save the damage to crops, men, and wilds."

The event shock the Brotherhood, a dark sign of the dreadful creatures who lie in the northwest.

Day 42: Many new knights arrive in Ordenstaat, some new knights even emerge from the local noble families. Finally the Banner of The Inferi Hunters is raised. It will be the first Army of Ordenstaat. New Brotherhood initiations conducted after the liberation of Rettlewood thanks to the help of Madina's Border Patrol Army. After The Inferi Hunters move in to Celtiberia, Brother Arden Fury starts a Friendy Takeover of the region. Brother Loricatus takes the Second in Command position of the army after receiving the Green Lion Badge of the Brotherhood.

Day 46: New region - Celtiberia is added to the realm. Brother Loricatus becomes the local Lord. At the same time the Brotherhood welcomes a new member - Sir Zeromus Abaron.

Day 48: First battle of The Inferi Huntersin Rettlewood, in the morning the rain of arrow defeat the force of dreadfull beast and undead corpse.


1. Milmice Vecchio Ratto


1. Eddard Oakheart


1. Arden Fury


1. Reynevan Silesian


The Census Bureau of Ordenstaat keeps records on nobles of the realm.


Scribes from Census Bureau keep track of Ordenstaat history in numbers.