Book of Abundance

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This book, bound in black leather and tooled with peeling gold foil, appears to outline the accounting theories of an ancient moneylender.

Much of the book is illegible, being of an old and abandoned language.


Type Book
Discovered By Triest
Discovery Date 17 December 2006
Discovery Location Atamara
Abilities Prestige +8
Current Owner (unknown)

It was found be a woman by the name of Triest, purportedly of House Lankmere during a battle with a group of Zombies.

It was found again by Yama in December of 2007, an adventurer of Falasan in the region of Picnu. Yama battled a gigantic alpha monster and slayed it after an excruciating battle. In its lair, the book lay under a pile of human bones.

After much discussion, it was obtained by Reilwin Merytis, then Royal Treasurer of Falasan. When he was elected King, he presented it as a gift to Willem Tinsley, the newly appointed Royal Treasurer. Continuing this legacy, it was later handed to Willem's successor, Crip Grindle.

Once again the Book has been passed on the the new Royal Treasurer of Falasan, now to Nom Covenant.

Crip received it in very poor condition, and had it repaired by John Silver, an adventurer in Falasan. After having had it repaired, he found that there was still ample knowledge from the huge book that could be read, and read many passages from it to his troops. He has found it to be rather verbose, and to contain not only accounting theory but also battle tactics, punctuation instruction, and even wise words about undergarments. Pretty much every topic seems to be covered in its many, many pages, and Crip tries his best to pass on its learning to his men and other nobles.

The book was well maintained when Nom received it, but has a tendency to unravel quickly requiring frequent repair. It finally disintegrated due to age on March of 2009.


Type Book
Discovered By (unknown)
Discovery Date 14 February 2008
Discovery Location Beluaterra
Abilities (unknown)
Current Owner (unknown)

A similar book was found on the continent of Beluaterra.

During the siege and razing of Fengen by the Netherworld forces, the book was first lost, then found by the daimon lord Rampaging.


A similar book was found in the South-East Island. Look it up here