Lankmere Family
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The seat of the Lankmere family is a keep in the woodlands of Ejarr Puutl, in the realm of Itorunt. After a long career as a campaign soldier, Elmond Lankmere was awarded a small holding and title from his king in recognition of his years of service.
About 38 years ago the first son of the current generation was born.
Sons of Elmond Lankmere
===Ragland=== Ragland was always determined to be the shining star. He spent his time in his studies, sparring with the watch and talking to the tradespeople, hoping to sit the big chair in the hall and inherit the family estate.
===Dormondt=== Dormondt, the second born, saw little need for the work involved in running the household. Always a dreamer, he spent time with the clerics of the keep, listening to their stories and learning of their gods (although it is often wondered if his greater interest lie in lightening their purses when they grew drowsey from their mead). He was often seen causing trouble with his stepbrother Trenton
===Talnost=== Lastly, Talnost, who would take particular note of the fact he was mentioned last, was born. Talnost spent the bulk of his time hanging around the barracks, quietly observing the day to day operations of the troops. His goal was to command an army and for once be mentioned ahead of his brothers in the history books as a war chief.
Years passed and eventually the sons were released to prove themselves. It was hoped that when left to their own devices, and away from their siblings, the brothers would learn to work as a team, for the betterment of the family. Ragland stays close to the homestead in hopes of being close should the need arise for a swift return. Dormondt, always quick of fingers and wit, it is rumored to have traveled to Kazakh upon leaving the keep to widen his base of finance. Talnost has ranged far and wide to escape the percieved influence of his older siblings.
Illegitimate Sons of Lankmere
The brothers also had half brothers, whom were born from an affair between Elmond and the brothers' govorness. These boys were slightly younger, and while the brothers were just setting out, Rathan and Trenton were filling in around the keep.
===Rathan=== Rathan was not exceptionally noteworthy, except for the fact that he couldn't really sit still, He left home early and made his passage to Carelia to make a name for himself.
===Trenton=== Trenton was always at Dormondt's side until he left to make his fortune. A year later, Trenton would find his way to Dormondt's Warband-turned-trading-company and was booked passage on the Hippocampus when Dormondt left the continent.
For a while, all was well with the brothers of House Lankmere. Then one by one they were no longer heard from.