Merytis Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

Scions of House Merytis (MERRY-tiss)

see also House Merytis

Lasten (LAST-en)

  • Location: Falasan, Atamara
  • Description:
A large, red-headed man who was interested since childhood in stories of honour and loyalty. He is devoted to the lord of Nazgorn and Falasan. He is a leader of soldiers, and outside of war spends his time exhorting his men to greater efforts in their training regime. He is the elder by 43 seconds.
  • History:

Serving as a knight of Lord Yavuz, Baron of Nazgorn, Lasten was a member of the Black Army, and was eventually appointed its marshal. He oversaw the operations of the Black Army during the last months of the Eston Ambush, leading deep raids into Eston territory. After the conclusion of the war, however, he became disenchanted with the paperwork involved and asked Duke Fatih to replace him, preferring to concentrate on the training and organization of his unit.

Reilwin (RAIL-win)

  • Location: Old Grehk, Beluaterra
  • Description:
He is Lasten's twin, yet appears quite different. With red hair so dark it is almost black, he is of slim build. Highly intelligent and analytical, he alone remained to listen to the tutors while Lasten left early to play "Soldiers and Monsters". He is a perfectionist, and enjoys travelling to tourneys to exhibit his swordsmanship and learn new techniques. Unlike Lasten, his loyalties are not as firmly set in stone. He follows those whom he respects, and will reject those whom he finds to be fools.
  • History:

Reilwin is the founder and was the Head-Editor of the Falasan Inquirer. After Lord Abraham's imprisonment and subsequent illness, Gucky eventually appointed him as Falasan's new Royal Treasurer. This drew upon him duties such that he withdrew from active contribution to the Falasan Inquirer and asked Rathkanouros Kalantis to occupy himself fully with that task.

High Marshal Eduardo chose him as his Second-in-Command, and after Lord Eduardo's mysterious disappearance, for some weeks Reilwin was left with many of a general's duties, while the newly appointed High Marshal Yavuz was still familiarizing himself with the state of affairs of Falasan's armies. It was during this period that Reilwin was appointed Baron of Chato.

After the conclusion of the Eston Ambush, King Gucky stepped down, as he promised when he stepped up as a candidate during the beginning of the war. Reilwin announced himself a candidate and was successfully elected, winning as many votes as the other two main candidates combined. Reilwin then began a campaign to rebuild from the devastation of the war and strengthen Falasan's defenses against the onslaught of a future war to come. Given the tone of voice used by Prime Minister Vengence of the Cagilan Empire during the end stages of the Eston Ambush, he strongly suspected that the Cagilan Empire would become a future opponent, with a strong likelihood of such a war becoming a monumental war of West versus East, and set up plans to ensure that Falasan would be as prepared as possible.

Unfortunately, some months after his election to the throne, he was stricken by a dire illness, and even now the healers fear that he lies on his deathbed. Time will tell if he will recover. However, his belief bore fruit--soon after he fell ill, the Southern War erupted. Although Falasan attempted to aid ASI, their attention was diverted after the Cagilan Empire assaulted Falasan with little warning.

Note to self: write about Reilwin's illness, recovery and subsequent emigration to Old Grehk, Beluaterra.

Proslyn (prahz-LIN)

  • Location: Pian en Luries, Dwilight
  • Description:
He is a cousin of Lasten and Reilwin's, from their father's side of the family. Being a youngest son with little chance of inheritance, he was always more interested in travelling abroad, and finally settled on the South-East Island and swore allegiance to Taselak, where he is learning the elements of war from the skilled strategists and tacticians of Taselak.
  • History:

He was a member of the Heavy Strike Group Tax Collectors (H.S.G.) of Taselak, South-East Island. When openings became available in Taselak's ruling council, the Realm High Council (RHC), Proslyn proposed himself and was accepted, fulfilling his ambition to learn more on the aspects of war.

With the former Lord of Falens missing, Proslyn was appointed in Dennis' place, as well as the marshal of the Shield of Falens. However, with the crumbling resolution of Toren's leaders, Ikalak ventured out to conquer several more regions and took Falens. The Shield of Falens was dissolved, and Proslyn rejoined the H.S.G.

After Aeneas, the Lord of Eledrir, expressed his dissatisfaction with certain decisions of the RHC, he resigned from it and stepped down as Baron of Eledrir. Proslyn was subsequently appointed.

Proslyn spent some time as the Marshal of the H.S.G., but spent the final months of the South-East Island as it's Second-in-Command. With the imminent sinking of the South-East Island, he was able to pay passage to the newly discovered continent of Dwilight--settling in Pian en Luries, where he hopes to live a quiet life, far from the bloody ravages of the conflicts on the South-East Island. He now serves as a knight of the Lord of Askileon Purlieus, Marquis Ludovico.

Retainers of House Merytis

Rathkanouros Kalantis (WRATH-ka-NOO-rose ka-LAHN-tiss)

  • Location: Falasan, Atamara
  • Description:

Rathkanouros is of House Kalantis, whose members long ago swore fealty to House Merytis. Being too poor to do more than equip the family's warriors with armor and weapons, House Kalantis compensated by training its members to be the most capable captains possible for the units led by the members of House Merytis.

Rathkanouros is a grizzled veteran of many of Falasan's wars, and has come out of them with a cynical outlook on other realms. More than cynical, in fact, he often interprets their actions in the most negative way possible. When he finished his term of service, he stayed on as House Merytis' armsmaster, training the recruits of the household's guard...of whose lackwittedness, laziness and feebleness he is constantly lamenting, in spite of his every effort to whip them into shape.

He was quite close to Lasten during Lasten's infancy, teaching him the rudiments of strategy and tactics; his main interaction with Reilwin was in the sparring ring.

  • History:

While starting up the Falasan Inquirer, Reilwin approached him to act as a contributing writer, which he accepted, lending the weight of his years and experience. When Reilwin stepped back from active writing due to his appointment as Falasan's Royal Treasurer, Rathkanouros came to the fore as its new Head-Editor.

Fame of House Merytis


House Merytis

FB Banker.png
FB Lord.png
FB Duke.png
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 0th Day
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 10th Day

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
(Lasten et al.)
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
(Proslyn et al.)
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000

FB Guild & Religion.png
New Guild & Religion

Path of the Sword
FB Army Sponsor.png
Army Sponsor

Silver Shield of Askileon
FB Trader.png
Feed the Starving

FB Legendary Hero.png
Legendary Hero

FB Skill.png
Swordfighting Skill
(Keratin; 2007.06.02;
see note #1)
FB Skill.png
Adventuring Skill
(Keratin; 2007.06.02;
see note #1)

FB Unknown.png
(See note #2 below;
spotted 2007.07.21)
FB Unknown.png
(See note #3 below;
spotted 2007.10.15)
FB Unknown.png
(See note #4 below;
spotted 2008.01.15)

Total: 27 points


  1. Concerning the first 2 unknown fame points, noticed the 2nd of May, 2007.
    1. Unfortunately, I can't be sure when the fame points were gained, it could be up to a period of a week since they had been attained. Also didn't notice a gradual rise from 6 to 7 to 8, just suddenly noticed it at 8. Whether it was 2 from a single action, 2 from separate but simultaneous actions or 2 from separate and non-simultaenous actions, I have no idea.
    2. I suspect one may be from an exceptional skill, although I'll need to check that at an academy. Other than that, there seems little exceptional. One character participated in a big battle about a week ago, got imprisoned and has been rotting there since. Another character's been tending to his region as region lord. The other was appointed a (non-duke) region lord, dropped his unit, recruited and marshaled 2 skirmishes (with no increase in his skills). edit 2007.07.03: checked later, no skill was above 40%.
    3. Family wealth, prestige, titles, deaths and events are all out of there. No tournaments, army sponsoring, publications and whatnot have occurred. The banker's realm has been starving, but I doubt that's a first...
    4. I've got the feeling two the missing points are now accounted for by Keratin's skills. Unfortunately, I have no idea which.
  2. Concerning the third unknown fame point, noticed the 21st of June, 2007.
    1. Can't really see where this one came from...Reilwin's been pretty quiet, hasn't done much except for managing his unit. Lasten had been picking up volunteers left and right a couple days before, and seems to have started doing so again. Proslyn's been rotting in jail.
  3. Concerning the fourth unknown fame point, noticed the 15th of October, 2007.
    1. Lasten just went through a battle (more of a skirmish) with a few Estonite & BoM attackers in Nazamroth. Reilwin's been staying in Tucha. Proslyn was still in Abykal. Haven't really considered my advy before, but maybe Keratin got an exceptional skill (or maybe more, judging from the above unknown fame points)
  4. Concerning the fifth unknown fame point, noticed the 15th of January, 2008.
    1. Lasten was at the tournament in Darka, he got to third round in sword and lost 1st round in joust, he managed to increase his skill a few times, but nothing I'd call exceptional. The sword skill fame should already have been collected by Keratin anyway.
    2. Reilwin was just sitting in Nazia, not really doing anything. He's only been ruler for 40 days.
    3. Proslyn has been sitting in Sandalak City, waiting for the island to sink.
    4. No armies have been founded, nor guilds, nor religions, nor palaces built/moved, family wealth is at 1205 or so, no individual prestige is above 34, no other positions gained, no dukeship, no deaths...